Integrate keygen util into ck-server

Qian Wang 6 years ago
parent 79a349f5c6
commit 6fbd39ea10

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
default: all
version=$(shell ver=$$(git log -n 1 --pretty=oneline --format=%D | awk -F, '{print $$1}' | awk '{print $$3}'); \
if [ "$$ver" = "master" ] ; then \
ver="master($$(git log -n 1 --pretty=oneline --format=%h))" ; \
fi ; \
echo $$ver)
go build -ldflags "-X main.version=${version}" -o ./build/ck-client ./cmd/ck-client
go build -ldflags "-X main.version=${version}" -o ./build/ck-server ./cmd/ck-server
mv build/ck-* /usr/local/bin
all: client server
rm -rf ./build/ck-*

@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ Besides, Cloak allows multiple users to use one server **on a single port**. QoS
## Setup Instructions for the administrator of the server
0. [Install and configure shadowsocks-libev on your server](
1. Clone this repo onto your server
2. Build and run cmd/keygen -k. The base64 string before the comma is the public key, the one after the comma is the private key
3. Run cmd/keygen -u. This will be used as the AdminUID
2. Build and run cmd/ck-server -k. The base64 string before the comma is the public key, the one after the comma is the private key
3. Run cmd/ck-server -u. This will be used as the AdminUID
4. Put the private key and the AdminUID you obtained previously into config/ckserver.json
5. Edit the configuration file of shadowsocks-libev (default location is /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json). Let `server_port` be `443`, `plugin` be the full path to the ck-server binary and `plugin_opts` be the full path to ckserver.json. If the fields `plugin` and `plugin_opts` were not present originally, add these fields to the config file.
6. Run ss-server as root (because we are binding to TCP port 443)
### If you want to add more users
1. Run cmd/keygen -u to generate a new UID
1. Run cmd/ck-server -u to generate a new UID
2. On your client, run `ck-client -a -c <path-to-ckclient.json>` to enter admin mode
3. Input as prompted, that is your ip:port of the server and your AdminUID. Enter 4 to create a new user.
4. Enter the UID in your ckclient.json as the prompted UID, enter SessionsCap (maximum amount of concurrent sessions a user can have), UpRate and DownRate (in bytes/s), UpCredit and DownCredit (in bytes) and ExpiryTime (as a unix epoch)

@ -204,17 +204,29 @@ func main() {
flag.StringVar(&pluginOpts, "c", "server.json", "pluginOpts: path to server.json or options seperated by semicolons")
askVersion := flag.Bool("v", false, "Print the version number")
printUsage := flag.Bool("h", false, "Print this message")
genUID := flag.Bool("u", false, "Generate a UID")
genKeyPair := flag.Bool("k", false, "Generate a pair of public and private key, output in the format of pubkey,pvkey")
if *askVersion {
fmt.Printf("ck-server %s\n", version)
if *printUsage {
if *genUID {
if *genKeyPair {
pub, pv := generateKeyPair()
fmt.Printf("%v,%v", pub, pv)
if *localAddr == "" {
log.Fatal("Must specify localAddr")

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package main
import (
ecdh ""
var b64 = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString
func generateUID() string {
UID := make([]byte, 32)
return b64(UID)
func generateKeyPair() (string, string) {
ec := ecdh.NewCurve25519ECDH()
staticPv, staticPub, _ := ec.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
marshPub := ec.Marshal(staticPub)
marshPv := staticPv.(*[32]byte)[:]
return b64(marshPub), b64(marshPv)

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
ecdh ""
var b64 = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString
func main() {
var isUID *bool
var isKeypair *bool
isUID = flag.Bool("u", false, "Generate UID")
isKeypair = flag.Bool("k", false, "Generate a key pair")
if *isUID {
UID := make([]byte, 32)
} else if *isKeypair {
ec := ecdh.NewCurve25519ECDH()
staticPv, staticPub, _ := ec.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
marshPub := ec.Marshal(staticPub)
marshPv := staticPv.(*[32]byte)[:]
fmt.Printf("%v,%v", b64(marshPub), b64(marshPv))

@ -57,11 +57,10 @@ func InitState(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort string, nowFunc func
// semi-colon separated value. This is for Android plugin options
func ssvToJson(ssv string) (ret []byte) {
// FIXME: base64 encoded data has =. How to escape?
unescape := func(s string) string {
r := strings.Replace(s, "\\\\", "\\", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "\\=", "=", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "\\;", ";", -1)
r := strings.Replace(s, `\\`, `\`, -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, `\=`, `=`, -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, `\;`, `;`, -1)
return r
lines := strings.Split(unescape(ssv), ";")
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@ func ssvToJson(ssv string) (ret []byte) {
// JSON doesn't like quotation marks around int
// Yes this is extremely ugly but it's still better than writing a tokeniser
if key == "TicketTimeHint" || key == "NumConn" {
ret = append(ret, []byte("\""+key+"\":"+value+",")...)
ret = append(ret, []byte(`"`+key+`":`+value+`,`)...)
} else {
ret = append(ret, []byte("\""+key+"\":\""+value+"\",")...)
ret = append(ret, []byte(`"`+key+`":"`+value+`",`)...)
ret = ret[:len(ret)-1] // remove the last comma

@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ func InitState(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort string, nowFunc func
// semi-colon separated value.
func ssvToJson(ssv string) (ret []byte) {
unescape := func(s string) string {
r := strings.Replace(s, "\\\\", "\\", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "\\=", "=", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "\\;", ";", -1)
r := strings.Replace(s, `\\`, `\`, -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, `\=`, `=`, -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, `\;`, `;`, -1)
return r
lines := strings.Split(unescape(ssv), ";")
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func ssvToJson(ssv string) (ret []byte) {
sp := strings.SplitN(ln, "=", 2)
key := sp[0]
value := sp[1]
ret = append(ret, []byte("\""+key+"\":\""+value+"\",")...)
ret = append(ret, []byte(`"`+key+`":"`+value+`",`)...)
ret = ret[:len(ret)-1] // remove the last comma
