You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
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//go:build go1.11
// +build go1.11
package main
import (
log ""
var version string
func main() {
FullTimestamp: true,
// Should be to listen to a proxy client on this machine
var localHost string
// port used by proxy clients to communicate with cloak client
var localPort string
// The ip of the proxy server
var remoteHost string
// The proxy port,should be 443
var remotePort string
var proxyMethod string
var udp bool
var config string
var b64AdminUID string
var vpnMode bool
var tcpFastOpen bool
ssPluginMode := os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_HOST") != ""
verbosity := flag.String("verbosity", "info", "verbosity level")
if ssPluginMode {
config = os.Getenv("SS_PLUGIN_OPTIONS")
flag.BoolVar(&vpnMode, "V", false, "ignored.")
flag.BoolVar(&tcpFastOpen, "fast-open", false, "ignored.")
flag.Parse() // for verbosity only
} else {
flag.StringVar(&localHost, "i", "", "localHost: Cloak listens to proxy clients on this ip")
flag.StringVar(&localPort, "l", "1984", "localPort: Cloak listens to proxy clients on this port")
flag.StringVar(&remoteHost, "s", "", "remoteHost: IP of your proxy server")
flag.StringVar(&remotePort, "p", "443", "remotePort: proxy port, should be 443")
flag.BoolVar(&udp, "u", false, "udp: set this flag if the underlying proxy is using UDP protocol")
flag.StringVar(&config, "c", "ckclient.json", "config: path to the configuration file or options separated with semicolons")
flag.StringVar(&proxyMethod, "proxy", "", "proxy: the proxy method's name. It must match exactly with the corresponding entry in server's ProxyBook")
flag.StringVar(&b64AdminUID, "a", "", "adminUID: enter the adminUID to serve the admin api")
askVersion := flag.Bool("v", false, "Print the version number")
printUsage := flag.Bool("h", false, "Print this message")
// commandline arguments overrides json
if *askVersion {
fmt.Printf("ck-client %s", version)
if *printUsage {
log.Info("Starting standalone mode")
lvl, err := log.ParseLevel(*verbosity)
if err != nil {
rawConfig, err := cli_client.ParseConfig(config)
if err != nil {
if ssPluginMode {
if rawConfig.ProxyMethod == "" {
rawConfig.ProxyMethod = "shadowsocks"
// json takes precedence over environment variables
// i.e. if json field isn't empty, use that
if rawConfig.RemoteHost == "" {
rawConfig.RemoteHost = os.Getenv("SS_REMOTE_HOST")
if rawConfig.RemotePort == "" {
rawConfig.RemotePort = os.Getenv("SS_REMOTE_PORT")
if rawConfig.LocalHost == "" {
rawConfig.LocalHost = os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_HOST")
if rawConfig.LocalPort == "" {
rawConfig.LocalPort = os.Getenv("SS_LOCAL_PORT")
} else {
// commandline argument takes precedence over json
// if commandline argument is set, use commandline
flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
// manually set ones
switch f.Name {
case "i":
rawConfig.LocalHost = localHost
case "l":
rawConfig.LocalPort = localPort
case "s":
rawConfig.RemoteHost = remoteHost
case "p":
rawConfig.RemotePort = remotePort
case "u":
rawConfig.UDP = udp
case "proxy":
rawConfig.ProxyMethod = proxyMethod
// ones with default values
if rawConfig.LocalHost == "" {
rawConfig.LocalHost = localHost
if rawConfig.LocalPort == "" {
rawConfig.LocalPort = localPort
if rawConfig.RemotePort == "" {
rawConfig.RemotePort = remotePort
localConfig, remoteConfig, authInfo, err := rawConfig.ProcessCLIConfig(common.RealWorldState)
if err != nil {
var adminUID []byte
if b64AdminUID != "" {
adminUID, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(b64AdminUID)
if err != nil {
var seshMaker func() *client.CloakClient
d := &net.Dialer{Control: protector, KeepAlive: remoteConfig.KeepAlive}
if adminUID != nil {
log.Infof("API base is %v", localConfig.LocalAddr)
authInfo.UID = adminUID
authInfo.SessionId = 0
remoteConfig.NumConn = 1
seshMaker = func() *client.CloakClient {
return client.NewCloakClient(remoteConfig, authInfo, d)
} else {
var network string
if authInfo.Unordered {
network = "UDP"
} else {
network = "TCP"
log.Infof("Listening on %v %v for %v client", network, localConfig.LocalAddr, authInfo.ProxyMethod)
seshMaker = func() *client.CloakClient {
authInfo := authInfo // copy the struct because we are overwriting SessionId
randByte := make([]byte, 1)
common.RandRead(authInfo.WorldState.Rand, randByte)
authInfo.MockDomain = localConfig.MockDomainList[int(randByte[0])%len(localConfig.MockDomainList)]
// sessionID is usergenerated. There shouldn't be a security concern because the scope of
// sessionID is limited to its UID.
quad := make([]byte, 4)
common.RandRead(authInfo.WorldState.Rand, quad)
authInfo.SessionId = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(quad)
return client.NewCloakClient(remoteConfig, authInfo, d)
if authInfo.Unordered {
acceptor := func() (*net.UDPConn, error) {
udpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", localConfig.LocalAddr)
return net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr)
cli_client.RouteUDP(acceptor, localConfig.Timeout, localConfig.Singleplex, seshMaker)
} else {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", localConfig.LocalAddr)
if err != nil {
cli_client.RouteTCP(listener, localConfig.Timeout, localConfig.Singleplex, seshMaker)