from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function ## SOURCE = import os import sys import readline import glob from six.moves import input class tabCompleter(object): """ A tab completer that can either complete from the filesystem or from a list. Partially taken from: """ def pathCompleter(self, text, state): """ This is the tab completer for systems paths. Only tested on *nix systems """ line = readline.get_line_buffer().split() # replace ~ with the user's home dir. See if '~' in text: text = os.path.expanduser('~') # autocomplete directories with having a trailing slash if os.path.isdir(text): text += '/' return [x for x in glob.glob(text + '*')][state] def createListCompleter(self,ll): """ This is a closure that creates a method that autocompletes from the given list. Since the autocomplete function can't be given a list to complete from a closure is used to create the listCompleter function with a list to complete from. """ def listCompleter(text,state): line = readline.get_line_buffer() if not line: return [c + " " for c in ll][state] else: return [c + " " for c in ll if c.startswith(line)][state] self.listCompleter = listCompleter if __name__=="__main__": t = tabCompleter() t.createListCompleter(["ab","aa","bcd","bdf"]) readline.set_completer_delims('\t') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) ans = input("Complete from list ") print(ans) readline.set_completer(t.pathCompleter) ans = input("What file do you want? ") print(ans)