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# SQLite Merge Script #
# #
# @author Charles Duso #
# @description Merges databases that have the same tables and schema. #
# @date June 29th, 2016 #
############################# Import Libraries #################################
import sqlite3
import time
import sys
from time import gmtime, strftime
############################ Global Variables ##################################
dbCount = 0 # Variable to count the number of databases
listDB = [] # Variable to store the names of the databases
listTable = [] # Variable to store table names
############################ Function Definitions ##############################
# Attaches a database to the currently connected database
# @param dbName the name of the database file (i.e. "example.db")
# @return none
def attachDatabase( dbName ):
global dbCount
global listDB
print(("Attaching database: %s") % dbName)
curs.execute("ATTACH DATABASE ? as ? ;", (dbName, 'db' + str(dbCount)))
listDB.append('db' + str(dbCount))
dbCount += 1
# Closes the current database connection
# @return none
def closeConnection():
# Gets the table names of a database
# @param dbName the name of the database file (i.e. "example.db")
# @return a string array of the table names
def getTableNames():
curs.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
temp = curs.fetchall()
tables = []
for i in range(0, len(temp)):
return tables
8 years ago
# Gets the column names of a table
# @param dbName the name of the database file (i.e. "example.db")
# @return a string array of the column names - strips primary ids column
def getColumnNames( tableName ):
curs.execute("PRAGMA table_info(%s);" % str(tableName))
temp = curs.fetchall()
columns = []
for i in range(0, len(temp)):
if ((("id" in temp[i][1]) | ("ID" in temp[i][1])) & ( \
"INTEGER" in temp[i][2])):
return columns
# Compares two lists to see if they have identical data
# @param list1 the first list parameter for comparison
# @param list2 the second list parameter for comparison
# @return will return a boolean (0 lists !=, 1 lists ==)
def compareLists( list1, list2 ):
if len(list1) != len(list2):
return 0
for i in range(0, len(list1)):
if list1[i] != list2[i]:
return 0
return 1
# Converts a list of string objects to a string of comma separated items.
# @param listObj the list to convert
# @return a string containing the list items - separated
# by commas.
def listToString( listObj ):
listString = ""
for i in range(0, len(listObj)):
if (i == (len(listObj) - 1)):
listString = listString + listObj[i]
listString = listString + listObj[i] + ", "
return listString
# Merges a table from an attached database to the source table
# @param tableName the name of the table to merge
# @param columnNames the names of the columns to include in the merge
# @param dbNameTableName the name of the attached database and the table
# i.e. "databaseName.tableName"
# @return none
def mergeTable( tableName, columnNames, dbName ):
dbNameTableName = dbName + "." + tableName
curs.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s) SELECT %s FROM %s;" %
(tableName, columnNames, columnNames, dbNameTableName))
############################## Input Parameters ################################
mainDB = 'testDB_1.db' # This is where the main database is
# referenced. Where all items will be
# merged to.
otherDBs = ['testDB_2.db'] # This is the list of the other databases.
if (len(otherDBs) == 0):
print("ERROR: No databases have been added for merging.")
############################## Merge Script ####################################
# Initialize Connection and get main list of tables
conn = sqlite3.connect(mainDB) # Connect to the main database
curs = conn.cursor() # Connect a cursor
listTable = getTableNames() # Get the table names
# Compare databases
startTime = time.time()
print("Comparing databases. Started at: " + strftime("%H:%M", gmtime()))
for i in range(0, len(otherDBs)):
conn = sqlite3.connect(otherDBs[i])
curs = conn.cursor()
temp = getTableNames() # Get the current list of tables
if (len(listTable) > len(temp)):
print("Table is missing from non-primary database: %s" % otherDBs[i])
print("Database will NOT BE MERGED with the main database.")
otherDBs.remove(otherDBs[i]) # Remove the table to avoid errors
if (len(listTable) < len(temp)):
print("Extra table(s) in non-primary database: %s" % otherDBs[i])
print("TABLES that are NOT in main database will NOT be added.")
if (listTable != temp):
print("Tables do not match in non-primary database: %s" % otherDBs[i])
print("The database will NOT BE MERGED with the main database.")
otherDBs.remove(otherDBs[i]) # Remove the table to avoid errors
if (len(otherDBs) == 0):
print("ERROR: No databases to merge. Databases were either removed due to \
inconsistencies, or databases were not added properly.")
print("Finished comparing databases. Time elapsed: %.3f" % (time.time() -
# Attach databases
startTime = time.time()
print("Merging databases. Started at: " + strftime("%H:%M", gmtime()))
conn = sqlite3.connect(mainDB) # Attach main database
curs = conn.cursor() # Attach cursor
for i in range(0, len(otherDBs)):
attachDatabase(otherDBs[i]) # Attach other databases
# Merge databases
#for i in range(0, len(listDB)):
conn.commit() # Commit changes
closeConnection() # Close connection
print("Databases finished merging. Time elapsed: %.3f" % (time.time() -