package com.ahmedjazzar.rosetta; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; /** * This fragment is responsible for displaying the supported locales and performing any necessary * action that allows user to select, cancel, and commit changes. * * Created by ahmedjazzar on 1/19/16. */ public class LanguagesListDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { private final int DIALOG_TITLE_ID = R.string.language; private final int DIALOG_POSITIVE_ID = R.string.ok; private final int DIALOG_NEGATIVE_ID = R.string.cancel; private int mSelectedLanguage = -1; private final Logger mLogger; public LanguagesListDialogFragment() { String TAG = LanguagesListDialogFragment.class.getName(); this.mLogger = new Logger(TAG); } /** * @return a Dialog fragment */ @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { final MaterialAlertDialogBuilder builder = new MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(requireActivity()); mLogger.debug("Building DialogFragment."); builder.setTitle(getString(DIALOG_TITLE_ID)) .setSingleChoiceItems( getLanguages(), getCurrentLocaleIndex(), (dialogInterface, which) -> onLanguageSelectedLocalized(which)) .setPositiveButton( getString(DIALOG_POSITIVE_ID).toUpperCase(), (dialogInterface, which) -> onPositiveClick()) .setNegativeButton( getString(DIALOG_NEGATIVE_ID).toUpperCase(), (dialogInterface, which) -> onNegativeClick()); mLogger.verbose("DialogFragment built."); return builder.create(); } /** * @param which the position of the selected locale */ protected void onLanguageSelected(int which) { // just update the selected locale mSelectedLanguage = which; } /** * Localizing the dialog buttons and title * @param which the position of the selected locale */ protected void onLanguageSelectedLocalized(int which) { // update the selected locale mSelectedLanguage = which; AlertDialog dialog = (AlertDialog) getDialog(); mLogger.debug("Displaying dialog main strings in the selected " + "locale"); onLanguageSelectedLocalized( which, null, dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE), dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE)); } /** * the position of the selected locale given the ids * @param which the position of the selected locale * @param titleView dialog's title text view * @param positiveButton positive button * @param negativeButton negative button */ protected void onLanguageSelectedLocalized(int which, TextView titleView, Button positiveButton, Button negativeButton) { // update the selected locale mSelectedLanguage = which; Locale locale = LocalesUtils.getLocaleFromIndex(mSelectedLanguage); AlertDialog dialog = (AlertDialog) getDialog(); FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); mLogger.debug("Displaying dialog main strings in the selected " + "locale"); assert activity != null; String LocalizedTitle = LocalesUtils.getInSpecificLocale(activity, locale, DIALOG_TITLE_ID); if(titleView == null) { // Display dialog title in the selected locale assert dialog != null; dialog.setTitle(LocalizedTitle); } else { titleView.setText(LocalizedTitle); } // Display positive button text in the selected locale positiveButton.setText(LocalesUtils.getInSpecificLocale( activity, locale, DIALOG_POSITIVE_ID)); // Display negative button text in the selected locale negativeButton.setText(LocalesUtils.getInSpecificLocale( activity, locale, DIALOG_NEGATIVE_ID)); } /** * called when the user approved changing locale */ protected void onPositiveClick() { // if the user did not select the same locale go ahead, else ignore if (mSelectedLanguage != -1 && mSelectedLanguage != LocalesUtils.getCurrentLocaleIndex()) { // Try changing the locale if (LocalesUtils.setAppLocale( getActivity(), mSelectedLanguage)) {"App locale changed successfully."); LocalesUtils.refreshApplication(requireActivity()); } else { mLogger.error("Unsuccessful trial to change the App locale."); // TODO: notify the user that his request not placed } } else { dismiss(); } } /** * called when the user discarded changing locale */ protected void onNegativeClick() { mLogger.verbose("User discarded changing language."); mLogger.debug("Return to the original locale."); this.onLanguageSelectedLocalized(this.getCurrentLocaleIndex()); } /** * * @return available languages */ protected String[] getLanguages() { ArrayList languages = LocalesUtils.getLocalesWithDisplayName(); return languages.toArray(new String[languages.size()]); } /** * * @return the index of the locale that app is using now */ protected int getCurrentLocaleIndex() { return LocalesUtils.getCurrentLocaleIndex(); } }