# Fox's Magisk Module Manager The official Magisk is dropping support to download online modules... So I made my own app to do that! :3 **This app is not officially supported by Magisk or it's developers** ## Requirements Minimum: - Android 5.0+ - Magisk 19.0+ Recommended: - Android 6.0+ - Magisk 21.2+ ## For users Related commits: - [`Remove online section in modules fragment`](https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/commit/f5c982355a2e3380b2b64af4b0caa8f4f7cf9157) - [`Cleanup unused code`](https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/commit/8d59caf635591eb23813d75601039bb138f5716b) Note: These changes didn't hit beta, or release yet, but are already live on canary builds. The app currently use these two repo as it's module sources, with it's benefits and drawback: [https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo](https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo) - Accepting new modules [here](https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo/submission) - Less restrictive than the original repo - Officially supported by Fox's mmm [https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo](https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo) - No longer accept new modules - May be shut down at any moment - Official app dropped support for it - Officially supported by Fox's mmm As the main repo may shutting down due to the main app no longer supporting it, and also stopped accepting new modules, it is recommended to submit your modules [here](https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo/submission) If a module is in both repo, the manager will just pick the most up to date version of the module, allowing developers to switch repo at their own pace if they want to. ## For developers The manager can read new meta keys to allow modules to customize their own entry It also use `minApi`, `maxApi` and `minMagisk` in the `module.prop` to detect compatibility And support the `support` and `donate` properties to allow them to add their own support links (Note: the manager use fallback values for some modules, see developer documentation for more info) It also add new ways to control the installer ui via a new `#!` command system It allow module developers to have a more customizable install experience For more information please check the [developer documentation](DEVELOPERS.md) ## Screenshots Main activity: [](screenshot.jpg)