You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package com.ahmedjazzar.rosetta;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* This class is a helper class that connects all library classes activities together and make it
* easier for every class in the library to use and look at the shared info without a need to
* initialize a new object from the desired class
* Created by ahmedjazzar on 1/19/16.
final class LocalesUtils {
private static LocalesDetector sDetector;
private static LocalesPreferenceManager sLocalesPreferenceManager;
private static HashSet<Locale> sLocales;
private static final Locale[] PSEUDO_LOCALES = {
new Locale("en", "XA"),
new Locale("ar", "XB")
private static final String TAG = LocalesDetector.class.getName();
private static Logger sLogger = new Logger(TAG);
* @param detector just a setter because I don't want to declare any constructors in this class
static void setDetector(@NonNull LocalesDetector detector) {
LocalesUtils.sDetector = detector;
* @param localesPreferenceManager just a setter because I don't want to declare any
* constructors in this class
static void setLocalesPreferenceManager(
@NonNull LocalesPreferenceManager localesPreferenceManager) {
LocalesUtils.sLocalesPreferenceManager = localesPreferenceManager;
* @param stringId a string to start discovering sLocales in
* @return a HashSet of discovered sLocales
static HashSet<Locale> fetchAvailableLocales(int stringId) {
return sDetector.fetchAvailableLocales(stringId);
* @param localesSet sLocales user wanna use
static void setSupportedLocales(HashSet<Locale> localesSet) {
LocalesUtils.sLocales = sDetector.validateLocales(localesSet);
sLogger.debug("Locales have been changed");
* @return a HashSet of the available sLocales discovered in the application
static HashSet<Locale> getLocales() {
return LocalesUtils.sLocales;
* @return a list of locales for displaying on the layout purposes
static ArrayList<String> getLocalesWithDisplayName() {
ArrayList<String> stringLocales = new ArrayList<>();
for (Locale loc: LocalesUtils.getLocales()) {
String langDisplay = loc.getDisplayName(loc);
stringLocales.add(langDisplay.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + langDisplay.substring(1).toLowerCase());
return stringLocales;
* @return the index of the current app locale
static int getCurrentLocaleIndex() {
Locale locale = LocalesUtils.getCurrentLocale();
int index = -1;
int itr = 0;
for (Locale l : sLocales) {
if(locale.equals(l)) {
index = itr;
if (index == -1) {
//TODO: change the index to the most closer available locale
sLogger.warn("Current device locale '" + locale.toString() +
"' does not appear in your given supported locales");
index = sDetector.detectMostClosestLocale(locale);
if(index == -1) {
index = 0;
sLogger.warn("Current locale index changed to 0 as the current locale '" +
locale +
"' not supported."
return index;
* @see <a href="">Pseudolocalization</a> for
* more information about pseudo localization
* @return pseudo locales list
static List<Locale> getPseudoLocales() {
return Arrays.asList(LocalesUtils.PSEUDO_LOCALES);
* @return the locale at the given index
static Locale getLocaleFromIndex(int index) {
return LocalesUtils.sLocales.toArray(new Locale[LocalesUtils.sLocales.size()])[index];
* @param context
* @param index the selected locale position
* @return true if the application locale changed
static boolean setAppLocale(Context context, int index) {
return setAppLocale(context, getLocaleFromIndex(index));
* @return true if the application locale changed
static boolean setAppLocale(Context context, Locale newLocale) {
Resources resources = context.getResources();
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = resources.getDisplayMetrics();
Configuration configuration = resources.getConfiguration();
Locale oldLocale = new Locale(configuration.locale.getLanguage(), configuration.locale.getCountry());
configuration.locale = newLocale;
// Sets the layout direction from the Locale
sLogger.debug("Setting the layout direction");
resources.updateConfiguration(configuration, displayMetrics);
if(oldLocale.equals(newLocale)) {
return false;
if (LocalesUtils.updatePreferredLocale(newLocale)) {"Locale preferences updated to: " + newLocale);
} else {
sLogger.error("Failed to update locale preferences.");
return true;
* @return application's base locale
static Locale getBaseLocale() {
return LocalesUtils.sLocalesPreferenceManager.getPreferredLocale(LocalesPreferenceManager.BASE_LOCALE);
* @param stringId the target string
* @return a localized string
static String getInSpecificLocale(FragmentActivity activity, Locale locale, int stringId) {
Configuration conf = activity.getResources().getConfiguration();
Locale old = conf.locale;
conf.locale = locale;
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
Resources resources = new Resources(activity.getAssets(), metrics, conf);
conf.locale = old;
return resources.getString(stringId);
* Refreshing the application so no weired results occurred after changing the locale.
static void refreshApplication(Activity activity) {
Intent app = activity.getBaseContext().getPackageManager()
Intent current = new Intent(activity, activity.getClass());
sLogger.debug("Refreshing the application: " +
sLogger.debug("Finishing current activity.");
sLogger.debug("Start the application");
sLogger.debug("Application refreshed");
* @return the first launch locale
static Locale getLaunchLocale() {
return sLocalesPreferenceManager.getPreferredLocale(LocalesPreferenceManager.LAUNCH_LOCALE);
* Setting the application locale manually
* @param newLocale the desired locale
* @param activity the current activity in order to refresh the app
* @return true if the operation succeed, false otherwise
static boolean setLocale(Locale newLocale, Activity activity) {
if (newLocale == null || !getLocales().contains(newLocale)) {
return false;
if (LocalesUtils.setAppLocale(activity.getApplicationContext(), newLocale)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param context application base context
* @return the current locale
public static Locale getCurrentLocale(Context context) {
Resources resources = context.getResources();
Configuration configuration = resources.getConfiguration();
return new Locale(configuration.locale.getLanguage(), configuration.locale.getCountry());
* @param locale the new preferred locale
* @return true if the preferred locale updated
private static boolean updatePreferredLocale(Locale locale) {
return LocalesUtils.sLocalesPreferenceManager
.setPreferredLocale(LocalesPreferenceManager.USER_PREFERRED_LOCALE, locale);
* @return current application locale
private static Locale getCurrentLocale() {
return sDetector.getCurrentLocale();