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export const initTweak = <T>(name: string, tweakMain: (() => T)|{
install: () => T;
uninstall: () => void;
}, force = false): T => {
if (!force && window.GlosSITweaks[name]) {
throw new Error(`Tweak ${name} is already installed!`);
if (typeof tweakMain === 'object') {
window.GlosSITweaks[name] = { install: tweakMain.install, uninstall: () => {
try {
} catch (e) {
GlosSIApi.SteamTarget.log('error', e);
delete window.GlosSITweaks[name];
} };
} else {
window.GlosSITweaks[name] = { install: tweakMain };
try {
return window.GlosSITweaks[name].install() as T;
} catch (e) {
GlosSIApi.SteamTarget.log('error', e);
throw e;