# MangoHud A modification of the Mesa Vulkan overlay. Including GUI improvements, temperature reporting, and logging capabilities. #### Comparison (outdated) ![](assets/overlay_comparison.gif) # Installation First, clone this repository and cd into it: `git clone https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud.git; cd MangoHud` Then simply run the following command: `./build.sh install` This will build and copy `libMangoHud.so` & `libMangoHud32.so` to `$HOME/.local/share/MangoHud`, as well as copying the required Vulkan layer configuration files. # Normal usage To enable the MangoHud Vulkan overlay layer, run : `MANGOHUD=1 /path/to/my_vulkan_app` Or alternatively, add `MANGOHUD=1` to your shell profile. ## MANGOHUD_CONFIG parameters You can customize the hud by using the MANGOHUD_CONFIG environment variable while separating different options with a comma. - `cpu_temp` : Displays current CPU temperature - `gpu_temp` : Displays current GPU temperature - `core_load` : Displays current CPU load per core - `font_size` : Changes the default font size (default is 24) - `width` : Set custom hud width - `height` : Set custom hud height - `position=x`: Available values for `x` include `top-left`, `top-right`, `bottom-left`, and `bottom-right` Note: Width and Height are set automatically based on the font_size, but can be overridden. Example: `MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,gpu_temp,position=top-right,height=500,font_size=32` ## Environment Variables - `MANGOHUD_OUTPUT` : Define name and location of the output file (Required for logging) - `MANGOHUD_FONT`: Change default font (set location to .TTF/.OTF file ) ## Keybindings - `F2` : Toggle Logging - `F12`: Toggle Hud ## MangoHud FPS logging When you toggle logging (using the keybind `F2`), a file is created with your chosen name (using `MANGOHUD_OUTPUT`) plus a date & timestamp. This file can be uploaded to [Flightlessmango.com](https://flightlessmango.com/games/user_benchmarks) to create graphs automatically. you can share the created page with others, just link it. #### Multiple log files It's possible to upload multiple files when using [Flightlessmango.com](https://flightlessmango.com/games/user_benchmarks). You can rename them to your preferred names and upload them in a batch. These filenames will be used as the legend in the graph. #### Log uploading walkthrough ![](assets/log_upload_example.gif) # Notable changes - Removed hud decoration [90a2212](https://github.com/flightlessmango/mesa/commit/90a2212055a8047d46d0220d5fdc30a76900aaed) - Changed frametime graph to Lines instead of Histogram [e40533b](https://github.com/flightlessmango/mesa/commit/e40533b7f46858e5b9f08829e789277b2364d5d1) - Set static min/max ms on frametime graph to act like Afterburners graph [df5238f](https://github.com/flightlessmango/mesa/commit/df5238f990218f5d6e698d572b05ddd19e52b108) - Added CPU/GPU usage (Only Nvidia and AMD) - Changed font to UbuntuMono-Bold [73f0aa9](https://github.com/flightlessmango/mesa/commit/73f0aa94d382365205a4a4128d82208315b0b190) - Increased hud font size [b7d238b](https://github.com/flightlessmango/mesa/commit/b7d238b07eb82153f272d34bf7d1353b701f32e0)