#include "device.h" #include #include #include #include namespace fs = ghc::filesystem; using namespace std; std::mutex device_lock; std::vector device_data; std::vector list; bool device_found = false; bool check_gamepad = false; bool check_mouse = false; int device_count = 0; int xbox_count = 0; int ds4_count = 0; int ds5_count = 0; int switch_count = 0; int bitdo_count = 0; int logi_count = 0; //Logitech devices, mice & keyboards etc. std::string xbox_paths [2]{"gip","xpadneo"}; static bool operator<(const device_batt& a, const device_batt& b) { return a.name < b.name; } void device_update(const struct overlay_params& params){ std::unique_lock l(device_lock); fs::path path("/sys/class/power_supply"); list.clear(); xbox_count = 0; ds4_count = 0; ds5_count = 0; switch_count = 0; bitdo_count = 0; for (auto &p : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { string fileName = p.path().filename(); //Gamepads if (std::find(params.device_battery.begin(), params.device_battery.end(), "gamepad") != params.device_battery.end()){ check_gamepad = true; //CHECK XONE AND XPADNEO DEVICES for (string n : xbox_paths ) { if (fileName.find(n) != std::string::npos) { list.push_back(p.path()); device_found = true; xbox_count += 1; } } //CHECK FOR DUAL SHOCK 4 DEVICES if (fileName.find("sony_controller") != std::string::npos) { list.push_back(p.path()); device_found = true; ds4_count +=1 ; } if (fileName.find("ps-controller") != std::string::npos) { list.push_back(p.path()); device_found = true; ds5_count +=1 ; } //CHECK FOR NINTENDO SWITCH DEVICES if (fileName.find("nintendo_switch_controller") != std::string::npos) { list.push_back(p.path()); device_found = true; switch_count += 1; } //CHECK * BITDO DEVICES if (fileName.find("hid-e4") != std::string::npos) { list.push_back(p.path()); device_found = true; bitdo_count += 1; } } // Mice and Keyboards //CHECK LOGITECH DEVICES if (std::find(params.device_battery.begin(), params.device_battery.end(), "mouse") != params.device_battery.end()) { check_mouse = true; if (fileName.find("hidpp_battery") != std::string::npos) { list.push_back(p.path()); device_found = true; } } } } void device_info () { std::unique_lock l(device_lock); device_count = 0; device_data.clear(); //gamepad counters int xbox_counter = 0; int ds4_counter = 0; int ds5_counter = 0; int switch_counter = 0; int bitdo_counter = 0; for (auto &path : list ) { //Set devices paths std::string capacity = path + "/capacity"; std::string capacity_level = path + "/capacity_level"; std::string status = path + "/status"; std::string model = path + "/model_name"; std::ifstream input_capacity(capacity); std::ifstream input_capacity_level(capacity_level); std::ifstream input_status(status); std::ifstream device_name(model); std::string line; device_data.push_back(device_batt()); // GAMEPADS //Xone and xpadneo devices if (check_gamepad == true) { if (path.find("gip") != std::string::npos || path.find("xpadneo") != std::string::npos) { if (xbox_count == 1 ) device_data[device_count].name = "XBOX PAD"; else device_data[device_count].name = "XBOX PAD-" + to_string(xbox_counter + 1); xbox_counter++; } //DualShock 4 devices if (path.find("sony_controller") != std::string::npos) { if (ds4_count == 1) device_data[device_count].name = "DS4 PAD"; else device_data[device_count].name = "DS4 PAD-" + to_string(ds4_counter + 1); ds4_counter++; } //DualSense 5 devices //Dual Shock 4 added to hid-playstation in Linux 6.2 if (path.find("ps-controller") != std::string::npos) { if (ds5_count == 1) device_data[device_count].name = "DS4/5 PAD"; else device_data[device_count].name = "DS4/5 PAD-" + to_string(ds5_counter + 1); ds5_counter++; } //Nintendo Switch devices if (path.find("nintendo_switch_controller") != std::string::npos) { if (switch_count == 1) device_data[device_count].name = "SWITCH PAD"; else device_data[device_count].name = "SWITCH PAD-" + to_string(switch_counter + 1); switch_counter++; } //8bitdo devices if (path.find("hid-e4") != std::string::npos) { if (bitdo_count == 1) device_data[device_count].name = "8BITDO PAD"; else device_data[device_count].name = "8BITDO PAD-" + to_string(bitdo_counter + 1); bitdo_counter++; } } // MICE AND KEYBOARDS //Logitech Devices if (check_mouse == true) { if (path.find("hidpp_battery") != std::string::npos) { // Find a good way truncate name or retreive device type before using this // if (std::getline(device_name, line)) { // device_data[device_count].name = line; // } device_data[device_count].name = "LOGI MOUSE/KB"; } } //Get device charging status if (std::getline(input_status, line)) { if (line == "Charging" || line == "Full") device_data[device_count].is_charging = true; } //Get device Battery if (fs::exists(capacity)) { if (std::getline(input_capacity, line)) { device_data[device_count].battery_percent = line; device_data[device_count].report_percent = true; switch(std::stoi(line)) { case 0 ... 25: device_data[device_count].battery = "Low"; break; case 26 ... 49: device_data[device_count].battery = "Normal"; break; case 50 ... 74: device_data[device_count].battery = "High"; break; case 75 ... 100: device_data[device_count].battery = "Full"; break; } } } else { if (std::getline(input_capacity_level, line)) { device_data[device_count].battery = line; } } std::sort(device_data.begin(), device_data.end()); device_count += 1; } }