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#version 450 core
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fColor;
layout(set=0, binding=0) uniform sampler2D sTexture;
layout(location = 0) in struct{
vec4 Color;
vec2 UV;
} In;
layout(push_constant) uniform uPushConstant{
vec2 uScale;
vec2 uTranslate;
/*layout (offset = 16) */int uMode;
float params[2]; //mode 1 - uSmoothing, uOutline
} pc;
//const float smoothing = 4.0/16.0; // depends on font scale and SDF "spread"
//const float outlineWidth = 3.0/16.0;
//const float outerEdgeCenter = 0.5 - outlineWidth;
const vec4 u_outlineColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
const float shadowSmoothing = 0.25; // Between 0 and 0.5
const vec4 shadowColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
const vec2 shadowOffset = vec2(2.0/512.0, 2.0/256.0); // Between 0 and spread / textureSize
const float dist = 1.f/512.f;
const vec2 conv[5] = {
vec2(0, 0),
vec2(-dist, 0),
vec2(0, -dist),
vec2(dist, 0),
vec2(0, dist),
void main()
float dist = texture(sTexture,;
if (pc.uMode == 1) {
float n = clamp(dist / pc.params[1], 0.0, 1.0);
float outerEdgeCenter = 0.5 - pc.params[1];
float alpha = smoothstep(outerEdgeCenter - pc.params[0], outerEdgeCenter + pc.params[0], dist);
float border = smoothstep(0.5 - pc.params[0], 0.5 + pc.params[0], dist);
vec4 color = mix(u_outlineColor, In.Color, border);
fColor = vec4(color.rgb, color.a * alpha);
// float shadowDistance = texture(sTexture, - shadowOffset).r;
// float shadowAlpha = smoothstep(0.5 - shadowSmoothing, 0.5 + shadowSmoothing, shadowDistance);
// vec4 shadow = vec4(shadowColor.rgb, shadowColor.a * shadowAlpha);
// fColor = mix(shadow, fColor, fColor.a);
// fColor = vec4( mix(u_outlineColor, In.Color.rgb, border), alpha * In.Color.a);
} else {
fColor = In.Color * vec4(1, 1, 1, dist);