Add ctrl-click scroll to for non-destination orders

Conditional orders on station cargo and show as via orders
Jonathan G Rennison 1 month ago
parent 3284bd68e3
commit 1532c96ca7

@ -597,6 +597,7 @@ public:
bool CanLeaveWithCargo(bool has_cargo, CargoID cargo) const;
TileIndex GetLocation(const Vehicle *v, bool airport = false) const;
TileIndex GetAuxiliaryLocation(bool secondary = false) const;
/** Checks if travel_time and wait_time apply to this order and if they are timetabled. */
inline bool IsCompletelyTimetabled() const

@ -956,6 +956,30 @@ TileIndex Order::GetLocation(const Vehicle *v, bool airport) const
* Returns a tile somewhat representing the order's auxiliary location (not related to vehicle movement).
* @param secondary Whether to return a second auxiliary location, if available.
* @return auxiliary location of order, or INVALID_TILE if none.
TileIndex Order::GetAuxiliaryLocation(bool secondary) const
if (this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) {
if (secondary && this->GetConditionVariable() == OCV_CARGO_WAITING_AMOUNT && GB(this->GetXData(), 16, 16) != 0) {
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(GB(this->GetXData(), 16, 16) - 2);
if (st != nullptr) return st->xy;
if (ConditionVariableHasStationID(this->GetConditionVariable())) {
const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(GB(this->GetXData2(), 0, 16) - 1);
if (st != nullptr) return st->xy;
if (this->IsType(OT_LABEL) && IsDestinationOrderLabelSubType(this->GetLabelSubType())) {
const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetIfValid(this->GetDestination());
if (st != nullptr) return st->xy;
* Get the distance between two orders of a vehicle. Conditional orders are resolved
* and the bigger distance of the two order branches is returned.

@ -2811,6 +2811,7 @@ public:
if (_ctrl_pressed && sel < this->vehicle->GetNumOrders()) {
TileIndex xy = this->vehicle->GetOrder(sel)->GetLocation(this->vehicle);
if (xy == INVALID_TILE) xy = this->vehicle->GetOrder(sel)->GetAuxiliaryLocation(_shift_pressed);
if (xy != INVALID_TILE) ScrollMainWindowToTile(xy);
