Feature: console command to change authorized keys

Rubidium 3 months ago committed by rubidium42
parent b7dfa3eb90
commit 4af089b9be

@ -1956,6 +1956,101 @@ DEF_CONSOLE_CMD(ConCompanyPassword)
return true;
/** All the known authorized keys with their name. */
static std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, std::vector<std::string> *>> _console_cmd_authorized_keys{
{ "rcon", &_settings_client.network.rcon_authorized_keys },
{ "server", &_settings_client.network.server_authorized_keys },
* Simple helper to find the location of the given authorized key in the authorized keys.
* @param authorized_keys The keys to look through.
* @param authorized_key The key to look for.
* @return The iterator to the location of the authorized key, or \c authorized_keys.end().
static auto FindKey(std::vector<std::string> *authorized_keys, std::string_view authorized_key)
return std::find_if(authorized_keys->begin(), authorized_keys->end(), [authorized_key](auto &value) { return StrEqualsIgnoreCase(value, authorized_key); });
if (argc <= 2) {
IConsolePrint(CC_HELP, "List and update authorized keys. Usage: 'authorized_key list [type]|add [type] [key]|remove [type] [key]'.");
IConsolePrint(CC_HELP, " list: list all the authorized keys of the given type.");
IConsolePrint(CC_HELP, " add: add the given key to the authorized keys of the given type.");
IConsolePrint(CC_HELP, " remove: remove the given key from the authorized keys of the given type; use 'all' to remove all authorized keys.");
IConsolePrint(CC_HELP, "Instead of a key, use 'client:<id>' to add/remove the key of that given client.");
std::string buffer;
for (auto [name, _] : _console_cmd_authorized_keys) fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(buffer), ", {}", name);
IConsolePrint(CC_HELP, "The supported types are: all{}.", buffer);
return true;
bool valid_type = false; ///< Whether a valid type was given.
for (auto [name, authorized_keys] : _console_cmd_authorized_keys) {
if (!StrEqualsIgnoreCase(argv[2], name) && !StrEqualsIgnoreCase(argv[2], "all")) continue;
valid_type = true;
if (StrEqualsIgnoreCase(argv[1], "list")) {
IConsolePrint(CC_WHITE, "The authorized keys for {} are:", name);
for (auto &authorized_key : *authorized_keys) IConsolePrint(CC_INFO, " {}", authorized_key);
if (argc <= 3) {
IConsolePrint(CC_ERROR, "You must enter the key.");
return false;
std::string authorized_key = argv[3];
if (StrStartsWithIgnoreCase(authorized_key, "client:")) {
std::string id_string(authorized_key.substr(7));
authorized_key = NetworkGetPublicKeyOfClient(static_cast<ClientID>(std::stoi(id_string)));
if (authorized_key.empty()) {
IConsolePrint(CC_ERROR, "You must enter a valid client id; see 'clients'.");
return false;
auto iter = FindKey(authorized_keys, authorized_key);
if (StrEqualsIgnoreCase(argv[1], "add")) {
if (iter == authorized_keys->end()) {
IConsolePrint(CC_INFO, "Added {} to {}.", authorized_key, name);
} else {
IConsolePrint(CC_WARNING, "Not added {} to {} as it already exists.", authorized_key, name);
if (StrEqualsIgnoreCase(argv[1], "remove")) {
if (iter != authorized_keys->end()) {
IConsolePrint(CC_INFO, "Removed {} from {}.", authorized_key, name);
} else {
IConsolePrint(CC_WARNING, "Not removed {} from {} as it does not exist.", authorized_key, name);
IConsolePrint(CC_WARNING, "No valid action was given.");
return false;
if (!valid_type) {
IConsolePrint(CC_WARNING, "No valid type was given.");
return false;
return true;
/* Content downloading only is available with ZLIB */
#if defined(WITH_ZLIB)
#include "network/network_content.h"
@ -2723,6 +2818,9 @@ void IConsoleStdLibRegister()
IConsole::CmdRegister("pause", ConPauseGame, ConHookServerOrNoNetwork);
IConsole::CmdRegister("unpause", ConUnpauseGame, ConHookServerOrNoNetwork);
IConsole::CmdRegister("authorized_key", ConNetworkAuthorizedKey, ConHookServerOnly);
IConsole::AliasRegister("ak", "authorized_key %+");
IConsole::CmdRegister("company_pw", ConCompanyPassword, ConHookNeedNetwork);
IConsole::AliasRegister("company_password", "company_pw %+");

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ bool NetworkCompanyIsPassworded(CompanyID company_id);
uint NetworkMaxCompaniesAllowed();
bool NetworkMaxCompaniesReached();
void NetworkPrintClients();
std::string_view NetworkGetPublicKeyOfClient(ClientID client_id);
void NetworkHandlePauseChange(PauseMode prev_mode, PauseMode changed_mode);
/*** Commands ran by the server ***/

@ -2243,6 +2243,18 @@ void NetworkPrintClients()
* Get the public key of the client with the given id.
* @param client_id The id of the client.
* @return View of the public key, which is empty when the client does not exist.
std::string_view NetworkGetPublicKeyOfClient(ClientID client_id)
auto socket = NetworkClientSocket::GetByClientID(client_id);
return socket == nullptr ? "" : socket->GetPeerPublicKey();
* Perform all the server specific administration of a new company.
* @param c The newly created company; can't be nullptr.

@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ public:
const std::string &GetClientIP();
std::string_view GetPeerPublicKey() const { return this->peer_public_key; }
static ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler *GetByClientID(ClientID client_id);
