Add AI/GS method to get annual expense category value

See: #425
Jonathan G Rennison 2 years ago
parent 2ff11017dc
commit 9c255850a5

@ -96,6 +96,26 @@
<h3>Company: <a href="">GSCompany Class</a> and <a href="">AICompany Class</a></h3>
<div class="indent">
<h4>Additional Static Public Member Functions:</h4>
<div class="indent">
<div class="code">static bool GetAnnualExpenseValue (CompanyID company, uint32 year_offset, ExpensesType expenses_type)</div>
<div class="methodtext">Get the annual expense value for the given company.</div>
<div class="methodtext">year_offset is relative to the current year and must be either: 0, 1, or 2.</div>
<h4>Additional Enum Values:</h4>
<div class="indent">
<div class="code">ExpensesType</div>
<div>Additional value: <span class="code">EXPENSES_SHARING_COST</span></div>
<div class="methodtext">Infrastructure sharing costs.</div>
<div>Additional value: <span class="code">EXPENSES_SHARING_INC</span></div>
<div class="methodtext">Infrastructure sharing income.</div>
<div>ExpensesType is additionally available via AICompany.</div>
<h3>Inflation: GSInflation Class and AIInflation Class</h3>
<div class="indent">
<h4>Static Public Member Functions:</h4>

@ -167,6 +167,17 @@
return ::Company::Get(company)->old_economy[quarter - 1].company_value;
/* static */ Money ScriptCompany::GetAnnualExpenseValue(CompanyID company, uint32 year_offset, ExpensesType expenses_type)
EnforcePrecondition(false, expenses_type < (ExpensesType)::EXPENSES_END);
EnforcePrecondition(false, year_offset <= 2);
company = ResolveCompanyID(company);
if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return -1;
return ::Company::Get(company)->yearly_expenses[year_offset][expenses_type];
/* static */ Money ScriptCompany::GetBankBalance(ScriptCompany::CompanyID company)

@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ public:
* Types of expenses.
* @api -ai
enum ExpensesType : byte {
@ -113,6 +112,8 @@ public:
EXPENSES_LOAN_INT = ::EXPENSES_LOAN_INTEREST, ///< Interest payments over the loan.
EXPENSES_OTHER = ::EXPENSES_OTHER, ///< Other expenses.
EXPENSES_SHARING_COST = ::EXPENSES_SHARING_COST, ///< Infrastructure sharing costs.
EXPENSES_SHARING_INC = ::EXPENSES_SHARING_INC, ///< Infrastructure sharing income.
EXPENSES_INVALID = ::INVALID_EXPENSES, ///< Invalid expense type.
@ -310,6 +311,17 @@ public:
static Money GetQuarterlyCompanyValue(CompanyID company, uint32 quarter);
* Get the expense category value of the company in the given year (relative to the current year).
* @param company The company to get the value of.
* @param year_offset The year, relative to the current year (value values are 0, 1, and 2).
* @param expenses_type The expense category to return.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @pre year_offset <= 2.
* @return The value of the company in the given quarter.
static Money GetAnnualExpenseValue(CompanyID company, uint32 year_offset, ExpensesType expenses_type);
* Build your company's HQ on the given tile.
* @param tile The tile to build your HQ on, this tile is the most northern tile of your HQ.
