Fix #12280: Allow ships 90 degree turns if only choice

If there is no path found, a random path is created which forbids 90 degrees.
Allow 90 degrees if they're the only choice.
SamuXarick 2 months ago committed by Kuhnovic
parent 9db285a32b
commit a7625b8ae0

@ -173,12 +173,13 @@ public:
/** Returns a random tile/trackdir that can be reached from the current tile/trackdir, or tile/INVALID_TRACK if none is available. */
static std::pair<TileIndex, Trackdir> GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir dir, bool include_90_degree_turns)
static std::pair<TileIndex, Trackdir> GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir dir)
TrackFollower follower(v);
if (follower.Follow(tile, dir)) {
TrackdirBits dirs = follower.m_new_td_bits;
if (!include_90_degree_turns) dirs &= ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(dir);
const TrackdirBits dirs_without_90_degree = dirs & ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(dir);
if (dirs_without_90_degree != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) dirs = dirs_without_90_degree;
const int strip_amount = _random.Next(CountBits(dirs));
for (int s = 0; s < strip_amount; ++s) RemoveFirstTrackdir(&dirs);
return { follower.m_new_tile, FindFirstTrackdir(dirs) };
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ public:
std::pair<TileIndex, Trackdir> tile_dir = { tile, dir };
for (int i = 0; i < path_length; ++i) {
tile_dir = GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, tile_dir.first, tile_dir.second, false);
tile_dir = GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, tile_dir.first, tile_dir.second);
if (tile_dir.second == INVALID_TRACKDIR) break;
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ public:
path_found = pf.FindPath(v);
Node *node = pf.GetBestNode();
if (attempt == 0 && !path_found) continue; // Try again with restricted search area.
if (!path_found || node == nullptr) return GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, src_tile, trackdir, true).second;
if (!path_found || node == nullptr) return GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, src_tile, trackdir).second;
/* Return only the path within the current water region if an intermediate destination was returned. If not, cache the entire path
* to the final destination tile. The low-level pathfinder might actually prefer a different docking tile in a nearby region. Without
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ public:
/* A empty path means we are already at the destination. The pathfinder shouldn't have been called at all.
* Return a random reachable trackdir to hopefully nudge the ship out of this strange situation. */
if (path_cache.empty()) return GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, src_tile, trackdir, true).second;
if (path_cache.empty()) return GetRandomFollowUpTileTrackdir(v, src_tile, trackdir).second;
/* Take out the last trackdir as the result. */
const Trackdir result = path_cache.front();
