name: CI - Build on: pull_request: # push: # branches: # - master workflow_dispatch: inputs: ref: description: 'Ref to build (for Pull Requests, use refs/pull/NNN/head)' required: true env: CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE: 1 concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/master' }} jobs: emscripten: name: Emscripten uses: ./.github/workflows/ci-emscripten.yml secrets: inherit linux: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - name: Clang compiler: clang-15 cxxcompiler: clang++-15 libraries: libsdl2-dev - name: GCC - SDL2 compiler: gcc cxxcompiler: g++ libraries: libsdl2-dev - name: GCC - Dedicated compiler: gcc cxxcompiler: g++ libraries: grfcodec extra-cmake-parameters: -DOPTION_DEDICATED=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT="-DRANDOM_DEBUG" -DCMAKE_DISABLE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS=ON # Compile without SDL / SDL2, as that should compile fine too. name: Linux (${{ }}) uses: ./.github/workflows/ci-linux.yml secrets: inherit with: compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }} cxxcompiler: ${{ matrix.cxxcompiler }} libraries: ${{ matrix.libraries }} extra-cmake-parameters: ${{ matrix.extra-cmake-parameters }} macos: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - name: arm64 - Debug arch: arm64 full_arch: arm64 extra-cmake-parameters: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - name: arm64 - Release arch: arm64 full_arch: arm64 extra-cmake-parameters: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DOPTION_USE_ASSERTS=OFF name: Mac OS (${{ }}) uses: ./.github/workflows/ci-macos.yml secrets: inherit with: arch: ${{ matrix.arch }} full_arch: ${{ matrix.full_arch }} extra-cmake-parameters: ${{ matrix.extra-cmake-parameters }} windows: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - os: windows-latest arch: x86 - os: windows-latest arch: x64 name: Windows (${{ matrix.arch }}) uses: ./.github/workflows/ci-windows.yml secrets: inherit with: os: ${{ matrix.os }} arch: ${{ matrix.arch }} check_annotations: name: Check Annotations needs: - emscripten - linux - macos - windows if: always() && github.event_name == 'pull_request' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check annotations uses: OpenTTD/actions/annotation-check@v5