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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file cargopacket.h Base class for cargo packets. */
#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "economy_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
#include "order_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "core/multimap.hpp"
#include "saveload/saveload.h"
/** Unique identifier for a single cargo packet. */
typedef uint32_t CargoPacketID;
struct CargoPacket;
/** Type of the pool for cargo packets for a little over 16 million packets. */
typedef Pool<CargoPacket, CargoPacketID, 1024, 0xFFF000, PT_NORMAL, true, false> CargoPacketPool;
/** The actual pool with cargo packets. */
extern CargoPacketPool _cargopacket_pool;
struct GoodsEntry; // forward-declare for Stage() and RerouteStalePackets()
template <class Tinst, class Tcont> class CargoList;
class StationCargoList; // forward-declare, so we can use it in VehicleCargoList.
extern SaveLoadTable GetCargoPacketDesc();
* Container for cargo from the same location and time.
struct CargoPacket : CargoPacketPool::PoolItem<&_cargopacket_pool> {
/* A mathematical vector from (0,0). */
struct Vector {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
uint16_t count{0}; ///< The amount of cargo in this packet.
uint16_t periods_in_transit{0}; ///< Amount of cargo aging periods this packet has been in transit.
Money feeder_share{0}; ///< Value of feeder pickup to be paid for on delivery of cargo.
TileIndex source_xy{INVALID_TILE}; ///< The origin of the cargo.
Vector travelled{0, 0}; ///< If cargo is in station: the vector from the unload tile to the source tile. If in vehicle: an intermediate value.
SourceID source_id{INVALID_SOURCE}; ///< Index of industry/town/HQ, INVALID_SOURCE if unknown/invalid.
SourceType source_type{SourceType::Industry}; ///< Type of \c source_id.
bool in_vehicle{false}; ///< NOSAVE: Whether this cargo is in a vehicle or not.
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
StationID first_station{INVALID_STATION}; ///< The station where the cargo came from first.
StationID next_hop{INVALID_STATION}; ///< Station where the cargo wants to go next.
/** The CargoList caches, thus needs to know about it. */
template <class Tinst, class Tcont> friend class CargoList;
friend class VehicleCargoList;
friend class StationCargoList;
/** We want this to be saved, right? */
friend SaveLoadTable GetCargoPacketDesc();
/** Maximum number of items in a single cargo packet. */
static const uint16_t MAX_COUNT = UINT16_MAX;
CargoPacket(StationID first_station, uint16_t count, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id);
CargoPacket(uint16_t count, uint16_t periods_in_transit, StationID first_station, TileIndex source_xy, Money feeder_share);
CargoPacket(uint16_t count, Money feeder_share, CargoPacket &original);
/** Destroy the packet. */
~CargoPacket() { }
CargoPacket *Split(uint new_size);
void Merge(CargoPacket *cp);
void Reduce(uint count);
* Sets the station where the packet is supposed to go next.
* @param next_hop Next station the packet should go to.
void SetNextHop(StationID next_hop)
this->next_hop = next_hop;
* Update for the cargo being loaded on this tile.
* When a CargoPacket is created, it is moved to a station. But at that
* moment in time it is not known yet at which tile the cargo will be
* picked up. As this tile is used for payment information, we delay
* setting the source_xy till first pickup, getting a better idea where
* a cargo started from.
* Further more, we keep track of the amount of tiles the cargo moved
* inside a vehicle. This is used in GetDistance() below.
* @param tile Tile the cargo is being picked up from.
void UpdateLoadingTile(TileIndex tile)
if (this->source_xy == INVALID_TILE) {
this->source_xy = tile;
this->in_vehicle = true;
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
/* We want to calculate the vector from tile-unload to tile-load. As
* we currently only know the latter, add it. When we know where we unload,
* we subtract is, giving us our vector (unload - load). */
this->travelled.x += TileX(tile);
this->travelled.y += TileY(tile);
* Update for the cargo being unloaded on this tile.
* @param tile Tile the cargo is being dropped off at.
void UpdateUnloadingTile(TileIndex tile)
this->in_vehicle = false;
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
this->travelled.x -= TileX(tile);
this->travelled.y -= TileY(tile);
* Adds some feeder share to the packet.
* @param new_share Feeder share to be added.
void AddFeederShare(Money new_share)
this->feeder_share += new_share;
* Gets the number of 'items' in this packet.
* @return Item count.
inline uint16_t Count() const
return this->count;
* Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
* the feeder chain.
* @return Feeder share.
inline Money GetFeederShare() const
return this->feeder_share;
* Gets part of the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
* the feeder chain.
* @param part Amount of cargo to get the share for.
* @return Feeder share for the given amount of cargo.
inline Money GetFeederShare(uint part) const
return this->feeder_share * part / static_cast<uint>(this->count);
* Gets the number of cargo aging periods this cargo has been in transit.
* By default a period is 2.5 days (CARGO_AGING_TICKS = 185 ticks), however
* vehicle NewGRFs can overide the length of the cargo aging period. The
* value is capped at UINT16_MAX.
* @return Length this cargo has been in transit.
inline uint16_t GetPeriodsInTransit() const
return this->periods_in_transit;
* Gets the type of the cargo's source. industry, town or head quarter.
* @return Source type.
inline SourceType GetSourceType() const
return this->source_type;
* Gets the ID of the cargo's source. An IndustryID, TownID or CompanyID.
* @return Source ID.
inline SourceID GetSourceID() const
return this->source_id;
* Gets the ID of the station where the cargo was loaded for the first time.
* @return StationID.
inline StationID GetFirstStation() const
return this->first_station;
* Get the current distance the cargo has traveled.
* @param current_tile Current tile of the cargo.
* @return uint The distance (in tiles) traveled.
inline uint GetDistance(TileIndex current_tile) const
assert(this->source_xy != INVALID_TILE);
#endif /* WITH_ASSERT */
/* Distance is always requested when the cargo is still inside the
* vehicle. So first finish the calculation for travelled to
* become a vector. */
auto local_travelled = travelled;
local_travelled.x -= TileX(current_tile);
local_travelled.y -= TileY(current_tile);
/* Cargo-movement is a vector that indicates how much the cargo has
* actually traveled in a vehicle. This is the distance you get paid
* for. However, one could construct a route where this vector would
* be really long. To not overpay the player, cap out at the distance
* between source and destination.
* This way of calculating is to counter people moving cargo for free
* and instantly in stations, where you deliver it in one part of the
* station and pick it up in another. By using the actual distance
* traveled in a vehicle, using this trick doesn't give you more money.
* However, especially in large networks with large transfer station,
* etc, one could actually make the route a lot longer. In that case,
* use the actual distance between source and destination.
uint distance_travelled = abs(local_travelled.x) + abs(local_travelled.y);
uint distance_source_dest = DistanceManhattan(this->source_xy, current_tile);
return std::min(distance_travelled, distance_source_dest);
* Gets the ID of station the cargo wants to go next.
* @return Next station for this packets.
inline StationID GetNextHop() const
return this->next_hop;
static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
static void InvalidateAllFrom(StationID sid);
static void AfterLoad();
* Simple collection class for a list of cargo packets.
* @tparam Tinst Actual instantiation of this cargo list.
template <class Tinst, class Tcont>
class CargoList {
/** The iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::iterator Iterator;
/** The reverse iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::reverse_iterator ReverseIterator;
/** The const iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::const_iterator ConstIterator;
/** The const reverse iterator for our container. */
typedef typename Tcont::const_reverse_iterator ConstReverseIterator;
/** Kind of actions that could be done with packets on move. */
enum MoveToAction {
MTA_TRANSFER = 0, ///< Transfer the cargo to the station.
MTA_DELIVER, ///< Deliver the cargo to some town or industry.
MTA_KEEP, ///< Keep the cargo in the vehicle.
MTA_LOAD, ///< Load the cargo from the station.
uint count; ///< Cache for the number of cargo entities.
uint64_t cargo_periods_in_transit; ///< Cache for the sum of number of cargo aging periods in transit of each entity; comparable to man-hours.
Tcont packets; ///< The cargo packets in this list.
void AddToCache(const CargoPacket *cp);
void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
static bool TryMerge(CargoPacket *cp, CargoPacket *icp);
/** Create the cargo list. */
CargoList() {}
void OnCleanPool();
* Returns a pointer to the cargo packet list (so you can iterate over it etc).
* @return Pointer to the packet list.
inline const Tcont *Packets() const
return &this->packets;
* Returns average number of cargo aging periods in transit for a cargo entity.
* @return The before mentioned number.
inline uint PeriodsInTransit() const
return this->count == 0 ? 0 : this->cargo_periods_in_transit / this->count;
void InvalidateCache();
typedef std::list<CargoPacket *> CargoPacketList;
* CargoList that is used for vehicles.
class VehicleCargoList : public CargoList<VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList> {
/** The (direct) parent of this class. */
typedef CargoList<VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList> Parent;
Money feeder_share; ///< Cache for the feeder share.
uint action_counts[NUM_MOVE_TO_ACTION]; ///< Counts of cargo to be transferred, delivered, kept and loaded.
template<class Taction>
void ShiftCargo(Taction action);
template<class Taction>
void PopCargo(Taction action);
* Assert that the designation counts add up.
inline void AssertCountConsistency() const
assert(this->action_counts[MTA_KEEP] +
this->action_counts[MTA_DELIVER] +
this->action_counts[MTA_TRANSFER] +
this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD] == this->count);
void AddToCache(const CargoPacket *cp);
void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
void AddToMeta(const CargoPacket *cp, MoveToAction action);
void RemoveFromMeta(const CargoPacket *cp, MoveToAction action, uint count);
static MoveToAction ChooseAction(const CargoPacket *cp, StationID cargo_next,
StationID current_station, bool accepted, StationIDStack next_station);
/** The station cargo list needs to control the unloading. */
friend class StationCargoList;
/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
friend class CargoList<VehicleCargoList, CargoPacketList>;
/* So we can use private/protected variables in the saveload code */
friend class SlVehicleCommon;
friend class CargoShift;
friend class CargoTransfer;
friend class CargoDelivery;
template<class Tsource>
friend class CargoRemoval;
friend class CargoReturn;
friend class VehicleCargoReroute;
* Returns the first station of the first cargo packet in this list.
* @return The before mentioned station.
inline StationID GetFirstStation() const
return this->count == 0 ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.front()->first_station;
* Returns total sum of the feeder share for all packets.
* @return The before mentioned number.
inline Money GetFeederShare() const
return this->feeder_share;
* Returns the amount of cargo designated for a given purpose.
* @param action Action the cargo is designated for.
* @return Amount of cargo designated for the given action.
inline uint ActionCount(MoveToAction action) const
return this->action_counts[action];
* Returns sum of cargo on board the vehicle (ie not only
* reserved).
* @return Cargo on board the vehicle.
inline uint StoredCount() const
return this->count - this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD];
* Returns sum of cargo, including reserved cargo.
* @return Sum of cargo.
inline uint TotalCount() const
return this->count;
* Returns sum of reserved cargo.
* @return Sum of reserved cargo.
inline uint ReservedCount() const
return this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD];
* Returns sum of cargo to be moved out of the vehicle at the current station.
* @return Cargo to be moved.
inline uint UnloadCount() const
return this->action_counts[MTA_TRANSFER] + this->action_counts[MTA_DELIVER];
* Returns the sum of cargo to be kept in the vehicle at the current station.
* @return Cargo to be kept or loaded.
inline uint RemainingCount() const
return this->action_counts[MTA_KEEP] + this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD];
void Append(CargoPacket *cp, MoveToAction action = MTA_KEEP);
void AgeCargo();
void InvalidateCache();
bool Stage(bool accepted, StationID current_station, StationIDStack next_station, uint8_t order_flags, const GoodsEntry *ge, CargoPayment *payment, TileIndex current_tile);
* Marks all cargo in the vehicle as to be kept. This is mostly useful for
* loading old savegames. When loading is aborted the reserved cargo has
* to be returned first.
inline void KeepAll()
this->action_counts[MTA_DELIVER] = this->action_counts[MTA_TRANSFER] = this->action_counts[MTA_LOAD] = 0;
this->action_counts[MTA_KEEP] = this->count;
/* Methods for moving cargo around. First parameter is always maximum
* amount of cargo to be moved. Second parameter is destination (if
* applicable), return value is amount of cargo actually moved. */
template<MoveToAction Tfrom, MoveToAction Tto>
uint Reassign(uint max_move);
uint Return(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, StationID next_station, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Unload(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, CargoPayment *payment, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Shift(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest);
uint Truncate(uint max_move = UINT_MAX);
uint Reroute(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2, const GoodsEntry *ge);
* Are the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
* a list of CargoPackets for a Vehicle?
* @param cp1 First CargoPacket.
* @param cp2 Second CargoPacket.
* @return True if they are mergeable.
static bool AreMergable(const CargoPacket *cp1, const CargoPacket *cp2)
return cp1->source_xy == cp2->source_xy &&
cp1->periods_in_transit == cp2->periods_in_transit &&
cp1->source_type == cp2->source_type &&
cp1->first_station == cp2->first_station &&
cp1->source_id == cp2->source_id;
typedef MultiMap<StationID, CargoPacket *> StationCargoPacketMap;
typedef std::map<StationID, uint> StationCargoAmountMap;
* CargoList that is used for stations.
class StationCargoList : public CargoList<StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap> {
/** The (direct) parent of this class. */
typedef CargoList<StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap> Parent;
uint reserved_count; ///< Amount of cargo being reserved for loading.
/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
friend class CargoList<StationCargoList, StationCargoPacketMap>;
/* So we can use private/protected variables in the saveload code */
friend class SlStationGoods;
friend class CargoLoad;
friend class CargoTransfer;
template<class Tsource>
friend class CargoRemoval;
friend class CargoReservation;
friend class CargoReturn;
friend class StationCargoReroute;
static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
template<class Taction>
bool ShiftCargo(Taction &action, StationID next);
template<class Taction>
uint ShiftCargo(Taction action, StationIDStack next, bool include_invalid);
void Append(CargoPacket *cp, StationID next);
* Check for cargo headed for a specific station.
* @param next Station the cargo is headed for.
* @return If there is any cargo for that station.
inline bool HasCargoFor(StationIDStack next) const
while (!next.IsEmpty()) {
if (this->packets.find(next.Pop()) != this->packets.end()) return true;
/* Packets for INVALID_STATION can go anywhere. */
return this->packets.find(INVALID_STATION) != this->packets.end();
* Returns first station of the first cargo packet in this list.
* @return The before mentioned station.
inline StationID GetFirstStation() const
return this->count == 0 ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.begin()->second.front()->first_station;
* Returns sum of cargo still available for loading at the sation.
* (i.e. not counting cargo which is already reserved for loading)
* @return Cargo on board the vehicle.
inline uint AvailableCount() const
return this->count;
* Returns sum of cargo reserved for loading onto vehicles.
* @return Cargo reserved for loading.
inline uint ReservedCount() const
return this->reserved_count;
* Returns total count of cargo at the station, including
* cargo which is already reserved for loading.
* @return Total cargo count.
inline uint TotalCount() const
return this->count + this->reserved_count;
/* Methods for moving cargo around. First parameter is always maximum
* amount of cargo to be moved. Second parameter is destination (if
* applicable), return value is amount of cargo actually moved. */
uint Reserve(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationIDStack next, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Load(uint max_move, VehicleCargoList *dest, StationIDStack next, TileIndex current_tile);
uint Truncate(uint max_move = UINT_MAX, StationCargoAmountMap *cargo_per_source = nullptr);
uint Reroute(uint max_move, StationCargoList *dest, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2, const GoodsEntry *ge);
* Are the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
* a list of CargoPackets for a Station?
* @param cp1 First CargoPacket.
* @param cp2 Second CargoPacket.
* @return True if they are mergeable.
static bool AreMergable(const CargoPacket *cp1, const CargoPacket *cp2)
return cp1->source_xy == cp2->source_xy &&
cp1->periods_in_transit == cp2->periods_in_transit &&
cp1->source_type == cp2->source_type &&
cp1->first_station == cp2->first_station &&
cp1->source_id == cp2->source_id;
#endif /* CARGOPACKET_H */