You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package bind
import (
//BindingInfo Genral data to use in a channel
type BindingInfo struct {
Bindid int
Bound uint16
//Page Binding UI
type Page struct {
dev map[string]fyne.CanvasObject
Bind BindingInfo
window fyne.Window
//TypeKey event on key
func (bp *Page) TypeKey(e *fyne.KeyEvent) {
kp := keys.FyneToKeymap(e)
bp.Bind.Bound = kp.Evdev["BL"].(*widget.Label).SetText(kp.Code)
func (bp *Page) createGrid() *fyne.Container {
cont := container.New(layout.NewGridLayoutWithColumns(4))
cont.Add(widget.NewButton("Clear", func() {
bp.Bind.Bound = 0x0["BL"].(*widget.Label).SetText(keys.KeyFromEvdev(bp.Bind.Bound).Code)
cont.Add(widget.NewButton("TAB", func() {
bp.TypeKey(&fyne.KeyEvent{Name: fyne.KeyTab})
return cont
//Create the binding page popup
func (bp *Page) Create(bid string) fyne.CanvasObject { = make(map[string]fyne.CanvasObject)["BL"] = widget.NewLabel(keys.KeyFromEvdev(bp.Bind.Bound).Code)
pop := container.NewVBox(["BL"], bp.createGrid())
return pop
//NewBindPage Create a new bind popup
func NewBindPage(bid int, w fyne.Window, def uint16) *Page {
p := new(Page)
p.window = w
p.Bind.Bindid = bid
p.Bind.Bound = def
return p