You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
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import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { LoggerService } from '../../shared/services/logger.service';
import { GetInfo, Fees } from '../../shared/models/lndModels';
import { LightningNode } from '../../shared/models/RTLconfig';
import * as fromRTLReducer from '../../store/rtl.reducers';
selector: 'rtl-cl-home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./home.component.scss']
export class CLHomeComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public selNode: LightningNode;
public fees: Fees;
public information: GetInfo = {};
public flgLoading: Array<Boolean | 'error'> = [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]; // 0: Info, 1: Fee, 2: Wallet, 3: Channel, 4: Network
private unsub: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store<fromRTLReducer.RTLState>) {}
ngOnInit() {'rtl')
.subscribe((rtlStore) => {
rtlStore.effectErrors.forEach(effectsErr => {
if (effectsErr.action === 'FetchInfo') {
this.flgLoading[0] = 'error';
if (effectsErr.action === 'FetchFees') {
this.flgLoading[1] = 'error';
this.selNode = rtlStore.selNode;
this.information = rtlStore.information;
if (this.flgLoading[0] !== 'error') {
this.flgLoading[0] = (undefined !== this.information.identity_pubkey) ? false : true;
this.fees = rtlStore.fees;
if (this.flgLoading[1] !== 'error') {
this.flgLoading[1] = (undefined !== this.fees.day_fee_sum) ? false : true;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unsub.forEach(completeSub => {;