Amount Range: {{serviceInfo?.limits?.minimal | number}}-{{serviceInfo?.limits?.maximal | number}} Sats Amount is required. Amount must be greater than or equal to {{serviceInfo?.limits?.minimal | number}}. Amount must be less than or equal to {{serviceInfo?.limits?.maximal | number}}.
Accept Zero Conf info_outline
Send from Internal Wallet info_outline
Node Local Address External Address Address Address is required.
{{swapDirectionCaption}} Status
{{(!swapStatus) ? ('Waiting for ' + swapDirectionCaption + ' request...') : (swapStatus.id) ? (swapDirectionCaption + ' request details') : (swapDirectionCaption + ' error details')}}{{(swapStatus && swapStatus?.id) ? 'check' : 'close'}}

{{(swapStatus && swapStatus.error) ? (swapDirectionCaption + ' failed.') : (swapStatus && swapStatus.id) ? (swapDirectionCaption + ' request placed successfully. You can check the status of the request on the \'Boltz\' menu.') : (swapDirectionCaption + ' request placed successfully.')}}