You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

401 lines
24 KiB

import * as os from 'os';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { join, dirname, sep } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import ini from 'ini';
import parseHocon from 'hocon-parser';
import { Common } from './common.js';
import { Logger } from './logger.js';
export class ConfigService {
constructor() {
this.platform = os.platform();
this.hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
this.errMsg = '';
this.directoryName = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
this.common = Common;
this.logger = Logger;
this.setDefaultConfig = () => {
const homeDir = os.userInfo().homedir;
let macaroonPath = '';
let configPath = '';
let channelBackupPath = '';
let dbPath = '';
switch (this.platform) {
case 'win32':
macaroonPath = homeDir + '\\AppData\\Local\\Lnd\\data\\chain\\bitcoin\\mainnet';
configPath = homeDir + '\\AppData\\Local\\Lnd\\lnd.conf';
channelBackupPath = homeDir + '\\backup\\node-1';
dbPath = homeDir + '\\database\\node-1';
case 'darwin':
macaroonPath = homeDir + '/Library/Application Support/Lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet';
configPath = homeDir + '/Library/Application Support/Lnd/lnd.conf';
channelBackupPath = homeDir + '/backup/node-1';
dbPath = homeDir + '/database/node-1';
case 'linux':
macaroonPath = homeDir + '/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet';
configPath = homeDir + '/.lnd/lnd.conf';
channelBackupPath = homeDir + '/backup/node-1';
dbPath = homeDir + '/database/node-1';
macaroonPath = '';
configPath = '';
channelBackupPath = '';
dbPath = '';
const configData = {
port: '3000',
defaultNodeIndex: 1,
dbDirectoryPath: dbPath,
SSO: {
rtlSSO: 0,
rtlCookiePath: '',
logoutRedirectLink: ''
nodes: [
index: 1,
lnNode: 'Node 1',
lnImplementation: 'LND',
authentication: {
macaroonPath: macaroonPath,
configPath: configPath
settings: {
userPersona: 'MERCHANT',
themeMode: 'DAY',
themeColor: 'PURPLE',
channelBackupPath: channelBackupPath,
logLevel: 'ERROR',
lnServerUrl: '',
fiatConversion: false,
unannouncedChannels: false,
blockExplorerUrl: ''
if ((process?.env?.RTL_SSO && +process?.env?.RTL_SSO === 0) || configData.SSO.rtlSSO === 0) {
configData['multiPass'] = 'password';
return configData;
this.normalizePort = (val) => {
const port = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(port)) {
return val;
if (port >= 0) {
return port;
return false;
this.updateLogByLevel = () => {
let updateLogFlag = false;
this.common.appConfig.rtlConfFilePath = process?.env?.RTL_CONFIG_PATH ? process?.env?.RTL_CONFIG_PATH : join(this.directoryName, '../..');
try {
const RTLConfFile = this.common.appConfig.rtlConfFilePath + sep + 'RTL-Config.json';
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8'));
config.nodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.settings.hasOwnProperty('enableLogging')) {
updateLogFlag = true;
node.settings.logLevel = node.settings.enableLogging ? 'INFO' : 'ERROR';
delete node.settings.enableLogging;
if (updateLogFlag) {
fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf-8');
catch (err) {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nLog level update failed!';
this.validateNodeConfig = (config) => {
config.allowPasswordUpdate = true;
if ((process?.env?.RTL_SSO && +process?.env?.RTL_SSO === 0) || (typeof process?.env?.RTL_SSO === 'undefined' && +config.SSO.rtlSSO === 0)) {
if (process?.env?.APP_PASSWORD && process?.env?.APP_PASSWORD.trim() !== '') {
config.rtlPass = this.hash.update(process?.env?.APP_PASSWORD).digest('hex');
config.allowPasswordUpdate = false;
else if (config.multiPassHashed && config.multiPassHashed !== '') {
config.rtlPass = config.multiPassHashed;
else if (config.multiPass && config.multiPass !== '') {
config.rtlPass = this.common.replacePasswordWithHash(this.hash.update(config.multiPass).digest('hex'));
else {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nNode Authentication can be set with multiPass only. Please set multiPass in RTL-Config.json';
config.enable2FA = !!config.secret2FA;
else {
if (process?.env?.APP_PASSWORD && process?.env?.APP_PASSWORD.trim() !== '') {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nRTL Password cannot be set with SSO. Please set SSO as 0 or remove password.';
this.common.port = (process?.env?.PORT) ? this.normalizePort(process?.env?.PORT) : (config.port) ? this.normalizePort(config.port) : 3000; = (process?.env?.HOST) ? process?.env?.HOST : ( ? : null;
config.dbDirectoryPath = (process?.env?.DB_DIRECTORY_PATH) ? process?.env?.DB_DIRECTORY_PATH : (config.dbDirectoryPath) ? config.dbDirectoryPath : join(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), '..', '..');
if (config.nodes && config.nodes.length > 0) {
config.nodes.forEach((node, idx) => {
this.common.nodes[idx] = { settings: { blockExplorerUrl: '' }, authentication: {} };
this.common.nodes[idx].index = node.index;
this.common.nodes[idx].lnNode = node.lnNode;
this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation = (process?.env?.lnImplementation) ? process?.env?.lnImplementation : node.lnImplementation ? node.lnImplementation : 'LND';
if (this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation === 'CLT') {
this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation = 'CLN';
switch (this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation) {
case 'CLN':
if (process?.env?.RUNE_PATH && process?.env?.RUNE_PATH.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.runePath = process?.env?.RUNE_PATH;
else if (node.authentication && node.authentication.runePath && node.authentication.runePath.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.runePath = node.authentication.runePath;
else {
this.errMsg = 'Please set rune path for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json!';
case 'ECL':
if (process?.env?.LN_API_PASSWORD) {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.lnApiPassword = process?.env?.LN_API_PASSWORD;
else if (node.authentication && node.authentication.lnApiPassword) {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.lnApiPassword = node.authentication.lnApiPassword;
else {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.lnApiPassword = '';
if (process?.env?.MACAROON_PATH && process?.env?.MACAROON_PATH.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.macaroonPath = process?.env?.MACAROON_PATH;
else if (node.authentication && node.authentication.macaroonPath && node.authentication.macaroonPath.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.macaroonPath = node.authentication.macaroonPath;
else {
this.errMsg = 'Please set macaroon path for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json!';
if (process?.env?.CONFIG_PATH) {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath = process?.env?.CONFIG_PATH;
else if (node.authentication && node.authentication.configPath) {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath = node.authentication.configPath;
else {
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath = '';
if (this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation === 'ECL' && this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.lnApiPassword === '' && this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath !== '') {
try {
const exists = fs.existsSync(this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath || '');
if (exists) {
try {
const configFile = fs.readFileSync((this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath || ''), 'utf-8');
const iniParsed = ini.parse(configFile);
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.lnApiPassword = iniParsed['eclair.api.password'] ? iniParsed['eclair.api.password'] : parseHocon(configFile).eclair.api.password;
catch (err) {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nSomething went wrong while reading config file: \n' + err;
else {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nInvalid config path: ' + this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.configPath;
catch (err) {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nUnable to read config file: \n' + err;
if (this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation === 'ECL' && this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.lnApiPassword === '') {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nPlease set config path Or api password for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json! It is mandatory for Eclair authentication!';
if (process?.env?.LN_SERVER_URL && process?.env?.LN_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.lnServerUrl = process?.env?.LN_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process?.env?.LN_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process?.env?.LN_SERVER_URL;
else if (process?.env?.LND_SERVER_URL && process?.env?.LND_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.lnServerUrl = process?.env?.LND_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process?.env?.LND_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process?.env?.LND_SERVER_URL;
else if (node.settings.lnServerUrl && node.settings.lnServerUrl.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.lnServerUrl = node.settings.lnServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.settings.lnServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.settings.lnServerUrl;
else if (node.settings.lndServerUrl && node.settings.lndServerUrl.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.lnServerUrl = node.settings.lndServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.settings.lndServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.settings.lndServerUrl;
else {
this.errMsg = this.errMsg + '\nPlease set LN Server URL for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json!';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.userPersona = node.settings.userPersona ? node.settings.userPersona : 'MERCHANT';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.themeMode = node.settings.themeMode ? node.settings.themeMode : 'DAY';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.themeColor = node.settings.themeColor ? node.settings.themeColor : 'PURPLE';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.unannouncedChannels = node.settings.unannouncedChannels ? !!node.settings.unannouncedChannels : false;
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.logLevel = node.settings.logLevel ? node.settings.logLevel : 'ERROR';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.fiatConversion = node.settings.fiatConversion ? !!node.settings.fiatConversion : false;
if (this.common.nodes[idx].settings.fiatConversion) {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.currencyUnit = node.settings.currencyUnit ? node.settings.currencyUnit : 'USD';
if (process?.env?.SWAP_SERVER_URL && process?.env?.SWAP_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.swapServerUrl = process?.env?.SWAP_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process?.env?.SWAP_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process?.env?.SWAP_SERVER_URL;
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.swapMacaroonPath = process?.env?.SWAP_MACAROON_PATH;
else if (node.settings.swapServerUrl && node.settings.swapServerUrl.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.swapServerUrl = node.settings.swapServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.settings.swapServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.settings.swapServerUrl;
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.swapMacaroonPath = node.authentication.swapMacaroonPath ? node.authentication.swapMacaroonPath : '';
else {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.swapServerUrl = '';
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.swapMacaroonPath = '';
if (process?.env?.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL && process?.env?.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.boltzServerUrl = process?.env?.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process?.env?.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process?.env?.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL;
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.boltzMacaroonPath = process?.env?.BOLTZ_MACAROON_PATH;
else if (node.settings.boltzServerUrl && node.settings.boltzServerUrl.trim() !== '') {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.boltzServerUrl = node.settings.boltzServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.settings.boltzServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.settings.boltzServerUrl;
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.boltzMacaroonPath = node.authentication.boltzMacaroonPath ? node.authentication.boltzMacaroonPath : '';
else {
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.boltzServerUrl = '';
this.common.nodes[idx].authentication.boltzMacaroonPath = '';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.enableOffers = process?.env?.ENABLE_OFFERS ? process?.env?.ENABLE_OFFERS : (node.settings.enableOffers) ? node.settings.enableOffers : false;
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.enablePeerswap = process?.env?.ENABLE_PEERSWAP ? process?.env?.ENABLE_PEERSWAP : (node.settings.enablePeerswap) ? node.settings.enablePeerswap : false;
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.bitcoindConfigPath = process?.env?.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH ? process?.env?.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH : (node.settings.bitcoindConfigPath) ? node.settings.bitcoindConfigPath : '';
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.channelBackupPath = process?.env?.CHANNEL_BACKUP_PATH ? process?.env?.CHANNEL_BACKUP_PATH : (node.settings.channelBackupPath) ? node.settings.channelBackupPath : this.common.appConfig.rtlConfFilePath + sep + 'channels-backup' + sep + 'node-' + node.index;
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.blockExplorerUrl = process?.env?.BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL ? process.env.BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL : (node.settings.blockExplorerUrl) ? node.settings.blockExplorerUrl : '';
try {
const exists = fs.existsSync(this.common.nodes[idx].settings.channelBackupPath + sep + 'channel-all.bak');
if (!exists) {
try {
if (this.common.nodes[idx].lnImplementation === 'LND') {
else {
const createStream = fs.createWriteStream(this.common.nodes[idx].settings.channelBackupPath + sep + 'channel-all.bak');
catch (err) {
this.logger.log({ selectedNode: this.common.selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Config', msg: 'Something went wrong while creating backup file: \n' + err });
catch (err) {
this.logger.log({ selectedNode: this.common.selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Config', msg: 'Something went wrong while creating the backup directory: \n' + err });
this.common.nodes[idx].settings.logFile = config.rtlConfFilePath + '/logs/RTL-Node-' + node.index + '.log';
this.logger.log({ selectedNode: this.common.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Config', msg: 'Node Config: ' + JSON.stringify(this.common.nodes[idx]) });
const log_file = this.common.nodes[idx].settings.logFile;
if (fs.existsSync(log_file || '')) {
fs.writeFile((log_file || ''), '', () => { });
else {
try {
const directoryName = dirname(log_file || '');
const createStream = fs.createWriteStream(log_file || '');
catch (err) {
this.logger.log({ selectedNode: this.common.selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Config', msg: 'Something went wrong while creating log file ' + log_file + ': \n' + err });
if (this.errMsg && this.errMsg.trim() !== '') {
throw new Error(this.errMsg);
this.setSSOParams = (config) => {
if (process?.env?.RTL_SSO) {
config.SSO.rtlSso = +process?.env?.RTL_SSO;
else if (config.SSO && config.SSO.rtlSSO) {
config.SSO.rtlSso = config.SSO.rtlSSO;
if (process?.env?.RTL_COOKIE_PATH) {
config.SSO.rtlCookiePath = process?.env?.RTL_COOKIE_PATH;
else if (config.SSO && config.SSO.rtlCookiePath) {
config.SSO.rtlCookiePath = config.SSO.rtlCookiePath;
else {
config.SSO.rtlCookiePath = '';
if (process?.env?.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK) {
config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink = process?.env?.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK;
else if (config.SSO && config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink) {
config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink = config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink;
if (+config.SSO.rtlSso) {
if (!config.SSO.rtlCookiePath || config.SSO.rtlCookiePath.trim() === '') {
this.errMsg = 'Please set rtlCookiePath value for single sign on option!';
else {
this.setSelectedNode = (config) => {
if (config.defaultNodeIndex) {
this.common.selectedNode = this.common.findNode(config.defaultNodeIndex) || {};
else {
this.common.selectedNode = this.common.findNode(this.common.nodes[0].index) || {};
this.updateConfig = (confFileFullPath, config) => {
// Update Config file to change Settings to settings and Authentication to authentication
// Added in v0.15.1, remove in a year?
if (!config.nodes || config.nodes[0].settings) {
} => {
if (node.Authentication) {
node.authentication = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node.Authentication));
delete node.Authentication;
if (node.Settings) {
node.settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node.Settings));
delete node.Settings;
return node;
fs.writeFileSync(confFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf-8');
this.setServerConfiguration = () => {
try {
const rtlConfFilePath = (process?.env?.RTL_CONFIG_PATH) ? process?.env?.RTL_CONFIG_PATH : join(this.directoryName, '../..');
const confFileFullPath = rtlConfFilePath + sep + 'RTL-Config.json';
if (!fs.existsSync(confFileFullPath)) {
fs.writeFileSync(confFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(this.setDefaultConfig(), null, 2), 'utf-8');
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(confFileFullPath, 'utf-8'));
this.updateConfig(confFileFullPath, config);
config.rtlConfFilePath = rtlConfFilePath;
this.common.appConfig = config;
catch (err) {
this.logger.log({ selectedNode: this.common.selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Config', msg: 'Something went wrong while configuring the node server: \n' + err });
throw new Error(err);
export const Config = new ConfigService();