You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
7.2 KiB

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { faInfoCircle, faCode, faExclamationTriangle } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../services/logger.service';
import { RTLState } from '../../../../store/rtl.state';
import { rootSelectedNode } from '../../../../store/rtl.selector';
import { Node } from '../../../models/RTLconfig';
import { updateNodeSettings } from '../../../../store/rtl.actions';
import { DataService } from '../../../services/data.service';
import { CommonService } from '../../../services/common.service';
import { LADS_POLICY } from '../../../services/consts-enums-functions';
import { utxoBalances } from '../../../../cln/store/cln.selector';
import { Balance, FunderPolicy, LocalRemoteBalance, UTXO } from '../../../models/clnModels';
import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../../../models/apiCallsPayload';
selector: 'rtl-experimental-settings',
templateUrl: './experimental-settings.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./experimental-settings.component.scss']
export class ExperimentalSettingsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public faInfoCircle = faInfoCircle;
public faExclamationTriangle = faExclamationTriangle;
public faCode = faCode;
public features = [{ name: 'Offers', enabled: false }, { name: 'Channel Funding Policy', enabled: false }];
public enableOffers = false;
public selNode: Node;
public fundingPolicy: FunderPolicy = {};
public policyTypes = LADS_POLICY;
public selPolicyType = LADS_POLICY[0];
public policyMod: number | null;
public lease_fee_base_sat: number | null;
public lease_fee_basis: number | null;
public channelFeeMaxBaseSat: number | null;
public channelFeeMaxProportional: number | null;
public flgUpdateCalled = false;
public updateMsg: { error?: string } | { data?: string } = {};
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store<RTLState>, private dataService: DataService, private commonService: CommonService) { }
ngOnInit() {
next: (res: any) => {'Received List Configs: ' + JSON.stringify(res));
this.features[1].enabled = !!res['experimental-dual-fund'];
}, error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('List Configs Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
this.features[1].enabled = false;
subscribe((selNode) => {
this.selNode = selNode;
this.enableOffers = this.selNode.settings.enableOffers || false;
this.features[0].enabled = this.enableOffers;;
subscribe((utxoBalancesSeletor: { utxos: UTXO[], balance: Balance, localRemoteBalance: LocalRemoteBalance, apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.policyTypes[2].max = utxoBalancesSeletor.balance.totalBalance || 1000;
onPanelExpanded(panelId: number) {
if (panelId === 1 && !this.fundingPolicy.policy) {
this.dataService.getOrUpdateFunderPolicy().pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[3])).subscribe((res: any) => {'Received Funder Update Policy: ' + JSON.stringify(res));
this.fundingPolicy = res;
if (this.fundingPolicy.policy) {
this.selPolicyType = LADS_POLICY.find((policy) => === this.fundingPolicy.policy) || this.policyTypes[0];
this.policyMod = this.fundingPolicy.policy_mod || this.fundingPolicy.policy_mod === 0 ? this.fundingPolicy.policy_mod : null;
this.lease_fee_base_sat = this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_base_msat ? this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_base_msat / 1000 : this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_base_msat === 0 ? 0 : null;
this.lease_fee_basis = this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_basis || this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_basis === 0 ? this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_basis : null;
this.channelFeeMaxBaseSat = this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_base_msat ? this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_base_msat / 1000 : this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_base_msat === 0 ? 0 : null;
this.channelFeeMaxProportional = this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths || this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths === 0 ? (this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths * 1000) : null;
onUpdateFeature(): boolean | void {;
this.selNode.settings.enableOffers = this.enableOffers;
this.features[0].enabled = this.enableOffers;{ payload: this.selNode }));
onUpdateFundingPolicy() {
this.flgUpdateCalled = true;
this.updateMsg = {};
this.dataService.getOrUpdateFunderPolicy(, this.policyMod, ((this.lease_fee_base_sat || 0) * 1000), this.lease_fee_basis, (this.channelFeeMaxBaseSat || 0) * 1000, this.channelFeeMaxProportional ? this.channelFeeMaxProportional / 1000 : 0).
next: (updatePolicyRes: any) => {;
this.fundingPolicy = updatePolicyRes;
this.updateMsg = { data: 'Compact Lease: ' + updatePolicyRes.compact_lease };
setTimeout(() => { this.flgUpdateCalled = false; }, 5000);
}, error: (err) => {
this.updateMsg = { error: this.commonService.extractErrorMessage(err, 'Error in updating funder policy') };
setTimeout(() => { this.flgUpdateCalled = false; }, 5000);
onResetPolicy() {
this.flgUpdateCalled = false;
this.updateMsg = {};
if (this.fundingPolicy.policy) {
this.selPolicyType = LADS_POLICY.find((policy) => === this.fundingPolicy.policy) || this.policyTypes[0];
} else {
this.selPolicyType = LADS_POLICY[0];
this.policyMod = this.fundingPolicy.policy_mod || this.fundingPolicy.policy_mod === 0 ? this.fundingPolicy.policy_mod : null;
this.lease_fee_base_sat = this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_base_msat ? this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_base_msat / 1000 : this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_base_msat === 0 ? 0 : null;
this.lease_fee_basis = this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_basis || this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_basis === 0 ? this.fundingPolicy.lease_fee_basis : null;
this.channelFeeMaxBaseSat = this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_base_msat ? this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_base_msat / 1000 : this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_base_msat === 0 ? 0 : null;
this.channelFeeMaxProportional = this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths || this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths === 0 ? (this.fundingPolicy.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths * 1000) : null;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {<any>null);