You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

538 lines
27 KiB

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, Input, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DatePipe, DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { faHistory } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { MatPaginator, MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material/paginator';
import { MatSort } from '@angular/material/sort';
import { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table';
import { MAT_SELECT_CONFIG } from '@angular/material/select';
import { GetInfo, Payment, PayRequest, PaymentHTLC, Peer, Hop, ListPayments } from '../../../shared/models/lndModels';
import { PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS, getPaginatorLabel, AlertTypeEnum, DataTypeEnum, ScreenSizeEnum, CurrencyUnitEnum, CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS, APICallStatusEnum, UI_MESSAGES, LND_DEFAULT_PAGE_SETTINGS, SortOrderEnum, LND_PAGE_DEFS } from '../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../shared/services/logger.service';
import { CommonService } from '../../../shared/services/common.service';
import { DataService } from '../../../shared/services/data.service';
import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../../../shared/models/apiCallsPayload';
import { Node } from '../../../shared/models/RTLconfig';
import { LightningSendPaymentsComponent } from '../send-payment-modal/send-payment.component';
import { RTLEffects } from '../../../store/rtl.effects';
import { RTLState } from '../../../store/rtl.state';
import { rootSelectedNode } from '../../../store/rtl.selector';
import { openAlert, openConfirmation } from '../../../store/rtl.actions';
import { sendPayment } from '../../store/lnd.actions';
import { lndNodeInformation, lndPageSettings, payments, peers } from '../../store/lnd.selector';
import { ColumnDefinition, PageSettings, TableSetting } from '../../../shared/models/pageSettings';
import { CamelCaseWithReplacePipe } from '../../../shared/pipes/app.pipe';
import { ConvertedCurrency } from '../../../shared/models/rtlModels';
selector: 'rtl-lightning-payments',
templateUrl: './lightning-payments.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./lightning-payments.component.scss'],
providers: [
{ provide: MAT_SELECT_CONFIG, useValue: { overlayPanelClass: 'rtl-select-overlay' } },
{ provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useValue: getPaginatorLabel('Payments') }
export class LightningPaymentsComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
@Input() calledFrom = 'transactions'; // Transactions/home
@ViewChild('sendPaymentForm', { static: false }) form; // Static should be false due to ngIf on form element
@ViewChild(MatSort, { static: false }) sort: MatSort | undefined;
@ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: false }) paginator: MatPaginator | undefined;
public faHistory = faHistory;
public convertedCurrency: ConvertedCurrency = null;
public nodePageDefs = LND_PAGE_DEFS;
public selFilterBy = 'all';
public colWidth = '20rem';
public PAGE_ID = 'transactions';
public tableSetting: TableSetting = { tableId: 'payments', recordsPerPage: PAGE_SIZE, sortBy: 'creation_date', sortOrder: SortOrderEnum.DESCENDING };
public newlyAddedPayment = '';
public selNode: Node | null;
public information: GetInfo = {};
public peers: Peer[] = [];
public payments: any = new MatTableDataSource([]);
public totalPayments = 100;
public paymentJSONArr: Payment[] = [];
public displayedColumns: any[] = [];
public htlcColumns: any[] = [];
public paymentDecoded: PayRequest = {};
public paymentRequest = '';
public paymentDecodedHintPre = '';
public paymentDecodedHintPost = '';
private firstOffset = -1;
private lastOffset = -1;
public selFilter = '';
public pageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
public pageSizeOptions = PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS;
public screenSize = '';
public screenSizeEnum = ScreenSizeEnum;
public errorMessage = '';
public apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload | null = null;
public apiCallStatusEnum = APICallStatusEnum;
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private commonService: CommonService, private dataService: DataService, private store: Store<RTLState>, private rtlEffects: RTLEffects, private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe, private datePipe: DatePipe, private camelCaseWithReplace: CamelCaseWithReplacePipe) {
this.screenSize = this.commonService.getScreenSize();
ngOnInit() {[0])).subscribe((nodeSettings: Node | null) => { this.selNode = nodeSettings; });[1])).subscribe((nodeInfo: GetInfo) => { this.information = nodeInfo; });[2])).
subscribe((peersSelector: { peers: Peer[], apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.peers = peersSelector.peers;
subscribe((settings: { pageSettings: PageSettings[], apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.errorMessage = '';
this.apiCallStatus = settings.apiCallStatus;
if (this.apiCallStatus.status === APICallStatusEnum.ERROR) {
this.errorMessage = this.apiCallStatus.message || '';
this.tableSetting = settings.pageSettings.find((page) => page.pageId === this.PAGE_ID)?.tables.find((table) => table.tableId === this.tableSetting.tableId) || LND_DEFAULT_PAGE_SETTINGS.find((page) => page.pageId === this.PAGE_ID)?.tables.find((table) => table.tableId === this.tableSetting.tableId)!;
if (this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.XS || this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.SM) {
this.displayedColumns = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tableSetting.columnSelectionSM));
} else {
this.displayedColumns = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tableSetting.columnSelection));
this.htlcColumns = []; => this.htlcColumns.push('group_' + col));
this.pageSize = this.tableSetting.recordsPerPage ? +this.tableSetting.recordsPerPage : PAGE_SIZE;
this.colWidth = this.displayedColumns.length ? ((this.commonService.getContainerSize().width / this.displayedColumns.length) / 14) + 'rem' : '20rem';;
subscribe((paymentsSelector: { listPayments: ListPayments, apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.errorMessage = '';
this.apiCallStatus = paymentsSelector.apiCallStatus;
if (this.apiCallStatus.status === APICallStatusEnum.ERROR) {
this.errorMessage = !this.apiCallStatus.message ? '' : (typeof (this.apiCallStatus.message) === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(this.apiCallStatus.message) : this.apiCallStatus.message;
this.paymentJSONArr = paymentsSelector.listPayments.payments || [];
this.totalPayments = this.paymentJSONArr.length;
this.firstOffset = +(paymentsSelector.listPayments.first_index_offset || -1);
this.lastOffset = +(paymentsSelector.listPayments.last_index_offset || -1);
if (this.paymentJSONArr && this.sort && this.paginator && this.displayedColumns.length > 0) {
// this.loadPaymentsTable(this.paymentJSONArr);
this.loadPaymentsTable(this.paymentJSONArr.slice(0, this.pageSize));
ngAfterViewInit() {
if (this.paymentJSONArr && this.paymentJSONArr.length > 0) {
// this.loadPaymentsTable(this.paymentJSONArr);
this.loadPaymentsTable(this.paymentJSONArr.slice(0, this.pageSize));
onSendPayment(): boolean | void {
if (!this.paymentRequest) {
return true;
if (this.paymentDecoded.timestamp) {
} else {
this.dataService.decodePayment(this.paymentRequest, false).
pipe(take(1)).subscribe((decodedPayment: PayRequest) => {
this.paymentDecoded = decodedPayment;
if (this.paymentDecoded.timestamp) {
if (this.paymentDecoded.num_msat && !this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis) {
this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis = (+this.paymentDecoded.num_msat / 1000).toString();
} else {
this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis = '0';
} else {
sendPayment() {
this.newlyAddedPayment = this.paymentDecoded.payment_hash || '';
if (this.paymentDecoded.num_msat && !this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis) {
this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis = (+this.paymentDecoded.num_msat / 1000).toString();
if (!this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis || this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis === '' || this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis === '0') {
const reorderedPaymentDecoded = [
[{ key: 'payment_hash', value: this.paymentDecoded.payment_hash, title: 'Payment Hash', width: 100 }],
[{ key: 'destination', value: this.paymentDecoded.destination, title: 'Destination', width: 100 }],
[{ key: 'description', value: this.paymentDecoded.description, title: 'Description', width: 100 }],
[{ key: 'timestamp', value: this.paymentDecoded.timestamp, title: 'Creation Date', width: 40, type: DataTypeEnum.DATE_TIME },
{ key: 'expiry', value: this.paymentDecoded.expiry, title: 'Expiry', width: 30, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'cltv_expiry', value: this.paymentDecoded.cltv_expiry, title: 'CLTV Expiry', width: 30 }]
const titleMsg = 'It is a zero amount invoice. Enter the amount (Sats) to pay.';{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Enter Amount and Confirm Send Payment',
titleMessage: titleMsg,
message: reorderedPaymentDecoded,
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Send Payment',
flgShowInput: true,
getInputs: [
{ placeholder: 'Amount (Sats)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: '', width: 30 }
subscribe((confirmRes) => {
if (confirmRes) {
this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis = confirmRes[0].inputValue;{ payload: { uiMessage: UI_MESSAGES.SEND_PAYMENT, paymentReq: this.paymentRequest, paymentAmount: confirmRes[0].inputValue, fromDialog: false } }));
} else {
const reorderedPaymentDecoded = [
[{ key: 'payment_hash', value: this.paymentDecoded.payment_hash, title: 'Payment Hash', width: 100 }],
[{ key: 'destination', value: this.paymentDecoded.destination, title: 'Destination', width: 100 }],
[{ key: 'description', value: this.paymentDecoded.description, title: 'Description', width: 100 }],
[{ key: 'timestamp', value: this.paymentDecoded.timestamp, title: 'Creation Date', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.DATE_TIME },
{ key: 'num_satoshis', value: this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis, title: 'Amount (Sats)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }],
[{ key: 'expiry', value: this.paymentDecoded.expiry, title: 'Expiry', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'cltv_expiry', value: this.paymentDecoded.cltv_expiry, title: 'CLTV Expiry', width: 50 }]
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Confirm Send Payment',
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Send Payment',
message: reorderedPaymentDecoded
subscribe((confirmRes) => {
if (confirmRes) {{ payload: { uiMessage: UI_MESSAGES.SEND_PAYMENT, paymentReq: this.paymentRequest, fromDialog: false } }));
openSendPaymentModal() {{
payload: {
data: {
component: LightningSendPaymentsComponent
onPaymentRequestEntry(event: any) {
this.paymentRequest = event;
this.paymentDecodedHintPre = '';
this.paymentDecodedHintPost = '';
if (this.paymentRequest && this.paymentRequest.length > 100) {
this.dataService.decodePayment(this.paymentRequest, false).
pipe(take(1)).subscribe((decodedPayment: PayRequest) => {
this.paymentDecoded = decodedPayment;
if (this.paymentDecoded.num_msat && !this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis) {
this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis = (+this.paymentDecoded.num_msat / 1000).toString();
if (this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis) {
if (this.selNode && this.selNode.settings.fiatConversion) {
this.commonService.convertCurrency(+this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis, CurrencyUnitEnum.SATS, CurrencyUnitEnum.OTHER, (this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits && this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits.length > 2 ? this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits[2] : ''), this.selNode.settings.fiatConversion).
next: (data) => {
this.convertedCurrency = data;
this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis ? this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis : 0) + ' Sats (';
this.paymentDecodedHintPost = this.decimalPipe.transform((this.convertedCurrency.OTHER ? this.convertedCurrency.OTHER : 0), CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS.OTHER) + ') | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
}, error: (error) => {
this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis ? this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description + '. Unable to convert currency.';
this.paymentDecodedHintPost = '';
} else {
this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis ? this.paymentDecoded.num_satoshis : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
this.paymentDecodedHintPost = '';
} else {
this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Zero Amount Invoice | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
this.paymentDecodedHintPost = '';
onPageChange(event: any) {
let reverse = true;
let index_offset = this.lastOffset;
this.pageSize = event.pageSize;
if (event.pageIndex === 0) {
reverse = true;
index_offset = 0;
} else if (event.pageIndex < event.previousPageIndex) {
reverse = false;
index_offset = this.lastOffset;
} else if (event.pageIndex > event.previousPageIndex && (event.length > ((event.pageIndex + 1) * event.pageSize))) {
reverse = true;
index_offset = this.firstOffset;
} else if (event.length <= ((event.pageIndex + 1) * event.pageSize)) {
reverse = false;
index_offset = 0;
const starting_index = event.pageIndex * this.pageSize;
this.loadPaymentsTable(this.paymentJSONArr.slice(starting_index, (starting_index + this.pageSize)));
//{ payload: { max_payments: page_size, index_offset: index_offset, reversed: reverse } }));
is_group(index: number, payment: Payment) {
return payment.htlcs && payment.htlcs.length > 1;
resetData() {
this.paymentDecoded = {};
this.paymentRequest = '';
getHopDetails(currentHop: Hop) {
const self = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const peerFound = self.peers.find((peer) => peer.pub_key === currentHop.pub_key);
if (peerFound && peerFound.alias) {
resolve('<pre>Channel: ' + peerFound.alias.padEnd(20) + '&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;Amount (Sats): ' + self.decimalPipe.transform(currentHop.amt_to_forward) + '</pre>');
} else {
self.dataService.getAliasesFromPubkeys((currentHop.pub_key || ''), false).
next: (res: any) => resolve('<pre>Channel: ' + (res.node && res.node.alias ? res.node.alias.padEnd(20) : (currentHop.pub_key?.substring(0, 17) + '...')) + '&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;Amount (Sats): ' + self.decimalPipe.transform(currentHop.amt_to_forward) + '</pre>'),
error: (error) => resolve('<pre>Channel: ' + (currentHop.pub_key ? (currentHop.pub_key?.substring(0, 17) + '...') : '') + '&Tab;&Tab;&Tab;Amount (Sats): ' + self.decimalPipe.transform(currentHop.amt_to_forward) + '</pre>')
onHTLCClick(selHtlc: PaymentHTLC, selPayment: Payment) {
if (selPayment.payment_request && selPayment.payment_request.trim() !== '') {
this.dataService.decodePayment(selPayment.payment_request, false).
next: (decodedPayment: PayRequest) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.showHTLCView(selHtlc, selPayment, decodedPayment);
}, 0);
}, error: (error) => {
this.showHTLCView(selHtlc, selPayment);
} else {
this.showHTLCView(selHtlc, selPayment);
showHTLCView(selHtlc: PaymentHTLC, selPayment: Payment, decodedPayment?: PayRequest) {
if (selHtlc.route && selHtlc.route.hops && selHtlc.route.hops.length) {
Promise.all( => this.getHopDetails(hop))).then((detailsAll: any) => {{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.INFORMATION,
alertTitle: 'HTLC Information',
message: this.prepareData(selHtlc, selPayment, decodedPayment, detailsAll),
scrollable: selHtlc.route && selHtlc.route.hops && selHtlc.route.hops.length > 1
} else {{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.INFORMATION,
alertTitle: 'HTLC Information',
message: this.prepareData(selHtlc, selPayment, decodedPayment, []),
scrollable: selHtlc.route && selHtlc.route.hops && selHtlc.route.hops.length > 1
prepareData(selHtlc: PaymentHTLC, selPayment: Payment, decodedPayment?: PayRequest, hopsDetails?: any) {
const modifiedData = [
[{ key: 'payment_hash', value: selPayment.payment_hash, title: 'Payment Hash', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'preimage', value: selHtlc.preimage, title: 'Preimage', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'payment_request', value: selPayment.payment_request, title: 'Payment Request', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'status', value: selHtlc.status, title: 'Status', width: 33, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING },
{ key: 'attempt_time_ns', value: +(selHtlc.attempt_time_ns || 0) / 1000000000, title: 'Attempt Time', width: 33, type: DataTypeEnum.DATE_TIME },
{ key: 'resolve_time_ns', value: +(selHtlc.resolve_time_ns || 0) / 1000000000, title: 'Resolve Time', width: 34, type: DataTypeEnum.DATE_TIME }],
[{ key: 'total_amt', value: selHtlc.route?.total_amt, title: 'Amount (Sats)', width: 33, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'total_fees', value: selHtlc.route?.total_fees, title: 'Fee (Sats)', width: 33, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'total_time_lock', value: selHtlc.route?.total_time_lock, title: 'Total Time Lock', width: 34, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }],
[{ key: 'hops', value: hopsDetails, title: 'Hops', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.ARRAY }]
if (decodedPayment && decodedPayment.description && decodedPayment.description !== '') {
modifiedData.splice(3, 0, [{ key: 'description', value: decodedPayment.description, title: 'Description', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }]);
return modifiedData;
onPaymentClick(selPayment: Payment) {
if (selPayment.htlcs && selPayment.htlcs[0] && selPayment.htlcs[0].route && selPayment.htlcs[0].route.hops && selPayment.htlcs[0].route.hops.length > 0) {
const nodePubkeys = selPayment.htlcs[0].route.hops?.reduce((pubkeys, hop) => (hop.pub_key && pubkeys === '' ? hop.pub_key : pubkeys + ',' + hop.pub_key), '');
this.dataService.getAliasesFromPubkeys(nodePubkeys, true).pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[8])).
subscribe((nodes: any) => {
this.showPaymentView(selPayment, nodes?.reduce((pathAliases, node) => (pathAliases === '' ? node : pathAliases + '\n' + node), ''));
} else {
this.showPaymentView(selPayment, '');
showPaymentView(selPayment: Payment, pathAliases: string) {
const reorderedPayment = [
[{ key: 'payment_hash', value: selPayment.payment_hash, title: 'Payment Hash', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'payment_preimage', value: selPayment.payment_preimage, title: 'Payment Preimage', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'payment_request', value: selPayment.payment_request, title: 'Payment Request', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'status', value: selPayment.status, title: 'Status', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING },
{ key: 'creation_date', value: selPayment.creation_date, title: 'Creation Date', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.DATE_TIME }],
[{ key: 'value_msat', value: selPayment.value_msat, title: 'Value (mSats)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'fee_msat', value: selPayment.fee_msat, title: 'Fee (mSats)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }],
[{ key: 'path', value: pathAliases, title: 'Path', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }]
if (selPayment.payment_request && selPayment.payment_request.trim() !== '') {
this.dataService.decodePayment(selPayment.payment_request, false).
pipe(take(1)).subscribe((decodedPayment: PayRequest) => {
if (decodedPayment && decodedPayment.description && decodedPayment.description !== '') {
reorderedPayment.splice(3, 0, [{ key: 'description', value: decodedPayment.description, title: 'Description', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }]);
setTimeout(() => {
this.openPaymentAlert(reorderedPayment, !!(selPayment.htlcs && selPayment.htlcs[0] && selPayment.htlcs[0].route && selPayment.htlcs[0].route.hops && selPayment.htlcs[0].route.hops.length > 1));
}, 0);
} else {
this.openPaymentAlert(reorderedPayment, false);
openPaymentAlert(data: any, shouldScroll: boolean) {{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.INFORMATION,
alertTitle: 'Payment Information',
message: data,
scrollable: shouldScroll
applyFilter() {
this.payments.filter = this.selFilter.trim().toLowerCase();
getLabel(column: string) {
const returnColumn: ColumnDefinition = this.nodePageDefs[this.PAGE_ID][this.tableSetting.tableId].allowedColumns.find((col) => col.column === column);
return returnColumn ? returnColumn.label ? returnColumn.label : this.camelCaseWithReplace.transform(returnColumn.column, '_') : this.commonService.titleCase(column);
setFilterPredicate() {
this.payments.filterPredicate = (rowData: Payment, fltr: string) => {
let rowToFilter = '';
switch (this.selFilterBy) {
case 'all':
rowToFilter = ((rowData.creation_date) ? this.datePipe.transform(new Date(rowData.creation_date * 1000), 'dd/MMM/y HH:mm')?.toLowerCase() : '') + JSON.stringify(rowData).toLowerCase();
case 'status':
case 'group_status':
rowToFilter = rowData?.status === 'SUCCEEDED' ? 'succeeded' : 'failed';
case 'creation_date':
rowToFilter = this.datePipe.transform(new Date((rowData[this.selFilterBy] || 0) * 1000), 'dd/MMM/y HH:mm')?.toLowerCase() || '';
case 'failure_reason':
case 'group_failure_reason':
rowToFilter = this.camelCaseWithReplace.transform((rowData.failure_reason || ''), 'failure_reason', '_').trim().toLowerCase();
case 'hops':
rowToFilter = rowData.htlcs && rowData.htlcs[0] && rowData.htlcs[0].route && rowData.htlcs[0].route.hops && rowData.htlcs[0].route.hops.length ? rowData.htlcs[0].route.hops.length.toString() : '0';
rowToFilter = typeof rowData[this.selFilterBy] === 'undefined' ? '' : typeof rowData[this.selFilterBy] === 'string' ? rowData[this.selFilterBy].toLowerCase() : typeof rowData[this.selFilterBy] === 'boolean' ? (rowData[this.selFilterBy] ? 'yes' : 'no') : rowData[this.selFilterBy].toString();
return (this.selFilterBy === 'failure_reason' || this.selFilterBy === 'group_failure_reason') ? rowToFilter.indexOf(fltr) === 0 : rowToFilter.includes(fltr);
loadPaymentsTable(payms) {
this.payments = payms ? new MatTableDataSource<Payment>([...payms]) : new MatTableDataSource([]);
this.payments.sort = this.sort;
this.payments.sortingDataAccessor = (data: any, sortHeaderId: string) => {
switch (sortHeaderId) {
case 'hops':
return (data.htlcs.length && data.htlcs[0] && data.htlcs[0].route && data.htlcs[0].route.hops && data.htlcs[0].route.hops.length) ? data.htlcs[0].route.hops.length : 0;
return (data[sortHeaderId] && isNaN(data[sortHeaderId])) ? data[sortHeaderId].toLocaleLowerCase() : data[sortHeaderId] ? +data[sortHeaderId] : null;
onDownloadCSV() {
if ( && > 0) {
const paymentsDataCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
const paymentRequests = paymentsDataCopy?.reduce((paymentReqs, payment) => {
if (payment.payment_request && payment.payment_request.trim() !== '') {
paymentReqs = (paymentReqs === '') ? payment.payment_request : paymentReqs + ',' + payment.payment_request;
return paymentReqs;
}, '');
subscribe((decodedPayments: PayRequest[]) => {
let increament = 0;
decodedPayments.forEach((decodedPayment, idx) => {
if (decodedPayment) {
while (paymentsDataCopy[idx + increament].payment_hash !== decodedPayment.payment_hash) {
increament = increament + 1;
paymentsDataCopy[idx + increament].description = decodedPayment.description;
const flattenedPayments = paymentsDataCopy?.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr), []);
this.commonService.downloadFile(flattenedPayments, 'Payments');
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {<any>null);