You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

395 lines
18 KiB

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { take, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { MatPaginator, MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material/paginator';
import { MatSort } from '@angular/material/sort';
import { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table';
import { faEye, faEyeSlash } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { ChannelInformationComponent } from '../../channel-information-modal/channel-information.component';
import { SelNodeChild } from '../../../../../shared/models/RTLconfig';
import { BlockchainBalance, Channel, ChannelsSummary, GetInfo, LightningBalance, Peer } from '../../../../../shared/models/lndModels';
import { PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS, getPaginatorLabel, AlertTypeEnum, DataTypeEnum, ScreenSizeEnum, UserPersonaEnum, LoopTypeEnum, APICallStatusEnum, UI_MESSAGES } from '../../../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../../../../../shared/models/apiCallsPayload';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../../../shared/services/logger.service';
import { LoopService } from '../../../../../shared/services/loop.service';
import { CommonService } from '../../../../../shared/services/common.service';
import { ChannelRebalanceComponent } from '../../channel-rebalance-modal/channel-rebalance.component';
import { CloseChannelComponent } from '../../close-channel-modal/close-channel.component';
import { LoopModalComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/services/loop/loop-modal/loop-modal.component';
import { LNDEffects } from '../../../../store/lnd.effects';
import { RTLEffects } from '../../../../../store/rtl.effects';
import { RTLState } from '../../../../../store/rtl.state';
import { openAlert, openConfirmation } from '../../../../../store/rtl.actions';
import { channelLookup, fetchChannels, updateChannel } from '../../../../store/lnd.actions';
import { blockchainBalance, channels, lndNodeInformation, lndNodeSettings, peers } from '../../../../store/lnd.selector';
selector: 'rtl-channel-open-table',
templateUrl: './channel-open-table.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./channel-open-table.component.scss'],
providers: [
{ provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useValue: getPaginatorLabel('Channels') }
export class ChannelOpenTableComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
@ViewChild(MatSort, { static: false }) sort: MatSort | undefined;
@ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: false }) paginator: MatPaginator | undefined;
public timeUnit = 'mins:secs';
public userPersonaEnum = UserPersonaEnum;
public selNode: SelNodeChild = {};
public totalBalance = 0;
public displayedColumns: any[] = [];
public channelsData: Channel[] = [];
public channels: any;
public myChanPolicy: any = {};
public information: GetInfo = {};
public numPeers = -1;
public selFilter = '';
public flgSticky = false;
public pageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
public pageSizeOptions = PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS;
public screenSize = '';
public screenSizeEnum = ScreenSizeEnum;
public versionsArr: string[] = [];
public faEye = faEye;
public faEyeSlash = faEyeSlash;
private targetConf = 6;
public errorMessage = '';
public apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload | null = null;
public apiCallStatusEnum = APICallStatusEnum;
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store<RTLState>, private lndEffects: LNDEffects, private commonService: CommonService, private rtlEffects: RTLEffects, private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe, private loopService: LoopService, private router: Router) {
this.screenSize = this.commonService.getScreenSize();
if (this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.XS) {
this.flgSticky = false;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'actions'];
} else if (this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.SM) {
this.flgSticky = false;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'balancedness', 'actions'];
} else if (this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.MD) {
this.flgSticky = false;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'balancedness', 'actions'];
} else {
this.flgSticky = true;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'uptime', 'total_satoshis_sent', 'total_satoshis_received', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'balancedness', 'actions'];
this.selFilter = this.router.getCurrentNavigation()?.extras?.state?.filter ? this.router.getCurrentNavigation()?.extras?.state?.filter : '';
ngOnInit() {[0])).
subscribe((nodeSettings) => {
this.selNode = nodeSettings;
subscribe((nodeInfo: GetInfo) => {
this.information = nodeInfo;
if (this.information && this.information.version) {
this.versionsArr = this.information.version.split('.');
subscribe((peersSelector: { peers: Peer[], apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.numPeers = (peersSelector.peers && peersSelector.peers.length) ? peersSelector.peers.length : 0;
subscribe((bcBalanceSelector: { blockchainBalance: BlockchainBalance, apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.totalBalance = bcBalanceSelector.blockchainBalance?.total_balance ? +bcBalanceSelector.blockchainBalance?.total_balance : 0;
subscribe((channelsSelector: { channels: Channel[], channelsSummary: ChannelsSummary, lightningBalance: LightningBalance, apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.errorMessage = '';
this.apiCallStatus = channelsSelector.apiCallStatus;
if (this.apiCallStatus.status === APICallStatusEnum.ERROR) {
this.errorMessage = !this.apiCallStatus.message ? '' : (typeof (this.apiCallStatus.message) === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(this.apiCallStatus.message) : this.apiCallStatus.message;
this.channelsData = this.calculateUptime(channelsSelector.channels);
if (this.channelsData.length > 0) {
ngAfterViewInit() {
if (this.channelsData.length > 0) {
onViewRemotePolicy(selChannel: Channel) {{ payload: { uiMessage: UI_MESSAGES.GET_REMOTE_POLICY, channelID: selChannel.chan_id?.toString() + '/' + this.information.identity_pubkey } }));
this.lndEffects.setLookup.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((resLookup): boolean | void => {
if (!resLookup.fee_base_msat && !resLookup.fee_rate_milli_msat && !resLookup.time_lock_delta) {
return false;
const reorderedChannelPolicy = [
[{ key: 'fee_base_msat', value: resLookup.fee_base_msat, title: 'Base Fees (mSats)', width: 25, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'fee_rate_milli_msat', value: resLookup.fee_rate_milli_msat, title: 'Fee Rate (milli mSats)', width: 25, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'fee_rate_milli_msat', value: resLookup.fee_rate_milli_msat / 10000, title: 'Fee Rate (%)', width: 25, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, digitsInfo: '1.0-8' },
{ key: 'time_lock_delta', value: resLookup.time_lock_delta, title: 'Time Lock Delta', width: 25, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }]
const titleMsg = 'Remote policy for Channel: ' + ((!selChannel.remote_alias && !selChannel.chan_id) ? selChannel.channel_point : (selChannel.remote_alias && selChannel.chan_id) ? selChannel.remote_alias + ' (' + selChannel.chan_id + ')' : selChannel.remote_alias ? selChannel.remote_alias : selChannel.chan_id);
setTimeout(() => {{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.INFORMATION,
alertTitle: 'Remote Channel Policy',
titleMessage: titleMsg,
message: reorderedChannelPolicy
}, 0);
onCircularRebalance(selChannel: any) {
const channelsToRebalanceMessage = {
channels: this.channelsData,
selChannel: selChannel
payload: {
data: {
message: channelsToRebalanceMessage,
component: ChannelRebalanceComponent
onChannelUpdate(channelToUpdate: any) {
if (channelToUpdate === 'all') {
const confirmationMsg = [];{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Update Fee Policy',
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Update All Channels',
message: confirmationMsg,
titleMessage: 'Update fee policy for all channels',
flgShowInput: true,
getInputs: [
{ placeholder: 'Base Fee (mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: 1000, width: 32 },
{ placeholder: 'Fee Rate (mili mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: 1, min: 1, width: 32, hintFunction: this.percentHintFunction },
{ placeholder: 'Time Lock Delta', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: 40, width: 32 }
subscribe((confirmRes) => {
if (confirmRes) {
const base_fee = confirmRes[0].inputValue;
const fee_rate = confirmRes[1].inputValue;
const time_lock_delta = confirmRes[2].inputValue;{ payload: { baseFeeMsat: base_fee, feeRate: fee_rate, timeLockDelta: time_lock_delta, chanPoint: 'all' } }));
} else {
this.myChanPolicy = { fee_base_msat: 0, fee_rate_milli_msat: 0, time_lock_delta: 0, min_htlc_msat: 0, max_htlc_msat: 0 };{ payload: { uiMessage: UI_MESSAGES.GET_CHAN_POLICY, channelID: channelToUpdate.chan_id.toString() } }));
this.lndEffects.setLookup.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((resLookup) => {
if (resLookup.node1_pub === this.information.identity_pubkey) {
this.myChanPolicy = resLookup.node1_policy;
} else if (resLookup.node2_pub === this.information.identity_pubkey) {
this.myChanPolicy = resLookup.node2_policy;
} else {
this.myChanPolicy = { fee_base_msat: 0, fee_rate_milli_msat: 0, time_lock_delta: 0 };
const titleMsg = 'Update fee policy for Channel: ' + ((!channelToUpdate.remote_alias && !channelToUpdate.chan_id) ? channelToUpdate.channel_point : (channelToUpdate.remote_alias && channelToUpdate.chan_id) ? channelToUpdate.remote_alias + ' (' + channelToUpdate.chan_id + ')' : channelToUpdate.remote_alias ? channelToUpdate.remote_alias : channelToUpdate.chan_id);
const confirmationMsg = [];
setTimeout(() => {{
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Update Fee Policy',
titleMessage: titleMsg,
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Update Channel',
message: confirmationMsg,
flgShowInput: true,
hasAdvanced: true,
getInputs: [
{ placeholder: 'Base Fee (mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: (this.myChanPolicy.fee_base_msat === '') ? 0 : this.myChanPolicy.fee_base_msat, width: 32 },
{ placeholder: 'Fee Rate (mili mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: this.myChanPolicy.fee_rate_milli_msat, min: 1, width: 32, hintFunction: this.percentHintFunction },
{ placeholder: 'Time Lock Delta', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: this.myChanPolicy.time_lock_delta, width: 32 },
{ placeholder: 'Minimum HTLC (mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: (this.myChanPolicy.min_htlc === '') ? 0 : this.myChanPolicy.min_htlc, width: 49, advancedField: true },
{ placeholder: 'Maximum HTLC (mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER, inputValue: (this.myChanPolicy.max_htlc_msat === '') ? 0 : this.myChanPolicy.max_htlc_msat, width: 49, advancedField: true }
}, 0);
subscribe((confirmRes: boolean | any[]) => {
if (confirmRes) {
const updateChanPayload = {
baseFeeMsat: confirmRes[0].inputValue,
feeRate: confirmRes[1].inputValue,
timeLockDelta: confirmRes[2].inputValue,
chanPoint: channelToUpdate.channel_point
if ((<any[]>confirmRes).length > 3 && confirmRes[3] && confirmRes[4]) {
updateChanPayload['minHtlcMsat'] = confirmRes[3].inputValue;
updateChanPayload['maxHtlcMsat'] = confirmRes[4].inputValue;
}{ payload: updateChanPayload }));
onChannelClose(channelToClose: Channel) {
if ( {; // To get latest pending htlc status
payload: {
data: {
channel: channelToClose,
component: CloseChannelComponent
applyFilter() {
this.channels.filter = this.selFilter.trim().toLowerCase();
onChannelClick(selChannel: Channel, event: any) {{
payload: {
data: {
channel: selChannel,
showCopy: true,
component: ChannelInformationComponent
loadChannelsTable(mychannels: Channel[]) {
mychannels.sort((a, b) => (( === ? 0 : (( ? 1 : -1)));
this.channels = new MatTableDataSource<Channel>([...mychannels]);
this.channels.filterPredicate = (channel: Channel, fltr: string) => {
const newChannel = (( ? 'active' : 'inactive') + (channel.chan_id ? channel.chan_id.toLowerCase() : '') +
(channel.remote_pubkey ? channel.remote_pubkey.toLowerCase() : '') + (channel.remote_alias ? channel.remote_alias.toLowerCase() : '') +
(channel.capacity ? channel.capacity : '') + (channel.local_balance ? channel.local_balance : '') +
(channel.remote_balance ? channel.remote_balance : '') + (channel.total_satoshis_sent ? channel.total_satoshis_sent : '') +
(channel.total_satoshis_received ? channel.total_satoshis_received : '') + (channel.commit_fee ? channel.commit_fee : '') +
(channel.private ? 'private' : 'public');
return newChannel.includes(fltr);
this.channels.sort = this.sort;
this.channels.sortingDataAccessor = (data: any, sortHeaderId: string) => ((data[sortHeaderId] && isNaN(data[sortHeaderId])) ? data[sortHeaderId].toLocaleLowerCase() : data[sortHeaderId] ? +data[sortHeaderId] : null);
this.channels.paginator = this.paginator;
calculateUptime(channels: Channel[]) {
const minutesDivider = 60;
const hoursDivider = minutesDivider * 60;
const daysDivider = hoursDivider * 24;
const yearsDivider = daysDivider * 365;
let maxDivider = minutesDivider;
let minDivider = 1;
let max_uptime = 0;
channels.forEach((channel) => {
if (channel.uptime && +channel.uptime > max_uptime) {
max_uptime = +channel.uptime;
switch (true) {
case max_uptime < hoursDivider:
this.timeUnit = 'Mins:Secs';
maxDivider = minutesDivider;
minDivider = 1;
case max_uptime >= hoursDivider && max_uptime < daysDivider:
this.timeUnit = 'Hrs:Mins';
maxDivider = hoursDivider;
minDivider = minutesDivider;
case max_uptime >= daysDivider && max_uptime < yearsDivider:
this.timeUnit = 'Days:Hrs';
maxDivider = daysDivider;
minDivider = hoursDivider;
case max_uptime > yearsDivider:
this.timeUnit = 'Yrs:Days';
maxDivider = yearsDivider;
minDivider = daysDivider;
this.timeUnit = 'Mins:Secs';
maxDivider = minutesDivider;
minDivider = 1;
channels.forEach((channel) => {
channel.uptime_str = channel.uptime ? (this.decimalPipe.transform(Math.floor(+channel.uptime / maxDivider), '2.0-0') + ':' + this.decimalPipe.transform(Math.round((+channel.uptime % maxDivider) / minDivider), '2.0-0')) : '---';
return channels;
onLoopOut(selChannel: Channel) {
subscribe((response) => {{
payload: {
minHeight: '56rem', data: {
channel: selChannel,
minQuote: response[0],
maxQuote: response[1],
direction: LoopTypeEnum.LOOP_OUT,
component: LoopModalComponent
onDownloadCSV() {
if ( && > 0) {
this.commonService.downloadFile(, 'Open-channels');
percentHintFunction(fee_rate_milli_msat) {
return (fee_rate_milli_msat / 10000).toString() + '%';
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {<any>null);