You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

527 lines
20 KiB

var fs = require('fs');
var platform = require('os').platform();
var crypto = require('crypto');
var clArgs = require('optimist').argv;
var ini = require('ini');
var common = require('./common');
var path = require('path');
var upperCase = require('upper-case');
var logger = require('./controllers/logger');
var connect = {};
const setDefaultConfig = () => {
var macaroonPath = '';
var lndConfigPath = '';
var bitcoindConfigPath = '';
switch (platform) {
case 'win32':
macaroonPath = 'C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Local\\Lnd\\data\\chain\\bitcoin\\testnet';
lndConfigPath = 'C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Local\\Lnd';
bitcoindConfigPath = 'C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Local\\bitcoin\\bitcoin_testnet';
case 'darwin':
macaroonPath = '/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet';
lndConfigPath = '/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Lnd/';
bitcoindConfigPath = '/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/';
case 'linux':
macaroonPath = '/home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet';
lndConfigPath = '/home/admin/.lnd/';
bitcoindConfigPath = '/home/admin/.lnd/';
macaroonPath = '';
lndConfigPath = '';
bitcoindConfigPath = '';
return {
Authentication: {
macaroonPath: macaroonPath,
nodeAuthType: 'DEFAULT',
lndConfigPath: lndConfigPath,
rtlPass: ''
Settings: {
flgSidenavOpened: true,
flgSidenavPinned: true,
menu: 'Vertical',
menuType: 'Regular',
theme: 'dark-blue',
satsToBTC: false,
lndServerUrl: 'https://localhost:8080/v1',
bitcoindConfigPath: bitcoindConfigPath,
enableLogging: false,
port: 3000
SSO: {
rtlSSO: 0,
rtlCookiePath: '',
logoutRedirectLink: '/login'
const normalizePort = val => {
var port = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(port)) {
return val;
if (port >= 0) {
return port;
return false;
const setMacaroonPath = (clArgs, config) => {
if(undefined !== clArgs.lndir) {
common.macaroon_path = clArgs.lndir;
} else if (undefined !== process.env.MACAROON_PATH) {
common.macaroon_path = process.env.MACAROON_PATH;
} else {
if(undefined !== config.Authentication.macroonPath && config.Authentication.macroonPath !== '') {
common.macaroon_path = config.Authentication.macroonPath;
} else if(undefined !== config.Authentication.macaroonPath && config.Authentication.macaroonPath !== '') {
common.macaroon_path = config.Authentication.macaroonPath;
const validateConfigFile = (config) => {
if(common.macaroon_path === '' || undefined === common.macaroon_path) {
errMsg = 'Please set macaroon path through environment or RTL.conf!';
if(undefined !== process.env.LND_SERVER_URL) {
common.lnd_server_url = process.env.LND_SERVER_URL;
} else {
if((config.Authentication.lndServerUrl === '' || undefined === config.Authentication.lndServerUrl) && (config.Settings.lndServerUrl === '' || undefined === config.Settings.lndServerUrl)) {
errMsg = errMsg + '\nPlease set LND Server URL through environment or RTL.conf!';
} else {
if (config.Settings.lndServerUrl !== '' && undefined !== config.Settings.lndServerUrl) {
common.lnd_server_url = config.Settings.lndServerUrl;
} else if (config.Authentication.lndServerUrl !== '' && undefined !== config.Authentication.lndServerUrl) {
common.lnd_server_url = config.Authentication.lndServerUrl;
if(undefined !== process.env.NODE_AUTH_TYPE) {
common.node_auth_type = process.env.NODE_AUTH_TYPE;
} else {
if(config.Authentication.nodeAuthType === '' || undefined === config.Authentication.nodeAuthType) {
errMsg = errMsg + '\nPlease set Node Auth Type through environment/RTL.conf!';
} else {
common.node_auth_type = config.Authentication.nodeAuthType;
if(undefined !== process.env.LND_CONFIG_PATH) {
common.lnd_config_path = process.env.LND_CONFIG_PATH;
} else {
if(config.Authentication.lndConfigPath !== '' && undefined !== config.Authentication.lndConfigPath) {
common.lnd_config_path = config.Authentication.lndConfigPath;
} else {
if(upperCase(common.node_auth_type) === 'DEFAULT') {
errMsg = errMsg + '\nDefault Node Authentication can be set with LND Config Path only. Please set LND Config Path through environment or RTL.conf!';
if(undefined !== process.env.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH) {
common.bitcoind_config_path = process.env.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH;
} else {
if(config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath !== '' || undefined !== config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath) {
common.bitcoind_config_path = config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath;
} else if(config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath !== '' || undefined !== config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath) {
common.bitcoind_config_path = config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath;
if (undefined !== process.env.RTL_PASS) {
common.rtl_pass = process.env.RTL_PASS;
} else if (config.Authentication.rtlPass !== '' || undefined !== config.Authentication.rtlPass) {
common.rtl_pass = config.Authentication.rtlPass;
if (upperCase(common.node_auth_type) === 'CUSTOM' && (common.rtl_pass === '' || undefined === common.rtl_pass)) {
errMsg = errMsg + '\nCustom Node Authentication can be set with RTL password only. Please set RTL Password through environment/RTL.conf';
if (undefined !== process.env.ENABLE_LOGGING) {
common.enable_logging = process.env.ENABLE_LOGGING;
} else if (undefined !== config.Settings.enableLogging) {
common.enable_logging = config.Settings.enableLogging;
} else if (undefined !== config.Authentication.enableLogging) {
common.enable_logging = config.Authentication.enableLogging;
if (common.enable_logging) {
common.log_file = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/logs/RTL.log';
let exists = fs.existsSync(common.log_file);
if (exists) {
fs.writeFile(common.log_file, '', () => { });
} else if ((!exists && config.Authentication.enableLogging) || (!exists && config.Settings.enableLogging)) {
try {
var dirname = path.dirname(common.log_file);
var createStream = fs.createWriteStream(common.log_file);
catch (err) {
console.error('Something went wrong while creating log file: \n' + err);
if (undefined !== process.env.PORT) {
common.port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT);
} else if (undefined !== config.Settings.port) {
common.port = normalizePort(config.Settings.port);
if (errMsg !== '') {
throw new Error(errMsg);
const setSSOParams = (config) => {
if (undefined !== process.env.RTL_SSO) {
common.rtl_sso = process.env.RTL_SSO;
} else if (undefined !== config.SSO && undefined !== config.SSO.rtlSSO) {
common.rtl_sso = config.SSO.rtlSSO;
if (+common.rtl_sso) {
if (undefined !== process.env.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK) {
common.logout_redirect_link = process.env.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK;
} else if (undefined !== config.SSO && undefined !== config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink) {
common.logout_redirect_link = config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink;
if (undefined !== process.env.RTL_COOKIE_PATH) {
common.rtl_cookie_path = process.env.RTL_COOKIE_PATH;
} else if (undefined !== config.SSO && undefined !== config.SSO.rtlCookiePath) {
common.rtl_cookie_path = config.SSO.rtlCookiePath;
} else {
common.rtl_cookie_path = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/cookies/auth.cookie';
const createDirectory = (dirname) => {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'EEXIST') {
return dirname;
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
throw new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '${dirname}'`);
const readCookie = (cookieFile) => {
let exists = fs.existsSync(cookieFile);
if (exists) {
common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8');
} else {
try {
var dirname = path.dirname(cookieFile);
fs.writeFileSync(cookieFile, crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex'));
common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8');
catch(err) {
console.error('Something went wrong while creating cookie file: \n' + err);
throw new Error(err);
String.random = function (length) {
let radom13chars = function () {
return Math.random().toString(16).substring(2, 15).toUpperCase();
let loops = Math.ceil(length / 13);
return new Array(loops).fill(radom13chars).reduce((string, func) => {
return string + func();
}, '').substring(-length);
const logEnvVariables = () => {
if (!common.enable_logging) {
}'\r\nConfig Setup Variable PORT: ' + common.port);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable LND_SERVER_URL: ' + common.lnd_server_url);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable MACAROON_PATH: ' + common.macaroon_path);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable NODE_AUTH_TYPE: ' + common.node_auth_type);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable LND_CONFIG_PATH: ' + common.lnd_config_path);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable RTL_CONFIG_PATH: ' + common.rtl_conf_file_path);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH: ' + common.bitcoind_config_path);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable RTL_SSO: ' + common.rtl_sso);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable RTL_COOKIE_PATH: ' + common.rtl_cookie_path);'\r\nConfig Setup Variable LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK: ' + common.logout_redirect_link);
var errMsg = '';
connect.setSingleNodeConfiguration = () => {
common.rtl_conf_file_path = (undefined !== process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH) ? process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH.substring(0, process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH.length - 9) : path.normalize(__dirname);
RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL.conf';
let exists = fs.existsSync(RTLConfFile);
if (exists) {
var config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8'));
setMacaroonPath(clArgs, config)
} else {
try {
fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, ini.stringify(setDefaultConfig()));
throw new Error('Please change default settings of macaroonPath, lndConfigPath and bitcoindConfigPath in RTL.conf and restart the server');
catch(err) {
console.error('Something went wrong while creating config file: \n' + err);
throw new Error(err);
connect.setNodeConfiguration = () => {
common.rtl_conf_file_path = (undefined !== process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH) ? process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH.substring(0, process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH.length - 9) : path.normalize(__dirname);
RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL.conf';
common.rtl_multi_node_conf_file_path = (undefined !== process.env.RTL_MULTI_NODE_CONFIG_PATH) ? process.env.RTL_MULTI_NODE_CONFIG_PATH.substring(0, process.env.RTL_MULTI_NODE_CONFIG_PATH.length - 25) : path.normalize(__dirname);
RTLMultiNodeConfFile = common.rtl_multi_node_conf_file_path + '/RTL-Multi-Node-Conf.json';
// const setMacaroonPath = (clArgs, config) => {
// if(undefined !== clArgs.lndir) {
// common.macaroon_path = clArgs.lndir;
// } else if (undefined !== process.env.MACAROON_PATH) {
// common.macaroon_path = process.env.MACAROON_PATH;
// } else {
// if(undefined !== config.Authentication.macroonPath && config.Authentication.macroonPath !== '') {
// common.macaroon_path = config.Authentication.macroonPath;
// } else if(undefined !== config.Authentication.macaroonPath && config.Authentication.macaroonPath !== '') {
// common.macaroon_path = config.Authentication.macaroonPath;
// }
// }
// }
// const validateConfigFile = (config) => {
// if(common.macaroon_path === '' || undefined === common.macaroon_path) {
// errMsg = 'Please set macaroon path through environment or RTL.conf!';
// }
// if(undefined !== process.env.LND_SERVER_URL) {
// common.lnd_server_url = process.env.LND_SERVER_URL;
// } else {
// if((config.Authentication.lndServerUrl === '' || undefined === config.Authentication.lndServerUrl) && (config.Settings.lndServerUrl === '' || undefined === config.Settings.lndServerUrl)) {
// errMsg = errMsg + '\nPlease set LND Server URL through environment or RTL.conf!';
// } else {
// if (config.Settings.lndServerUrl !== '' && undefined !== config.Settings.lndServerUrl) {
// common.lnd_server_url = config.Settings.lndServerUrl;
// } else if (config.Authentication.lndServerUrl !== '' && undefined !== config.Authentication.lndServerUrl) {
// common.lnd_server_url = config.Authentication.lndServerUrl;
// }
// }
// }
// if(undefined !== process.env.NODE_AUTH_TYPE) {
// common.node_auth_type = process.env.NODE_AUTH_TYPE;
// } else {
// if(config.Authentication.nodeAuthType === '' || undefined === config.Authentication.nodeAuthType) {
// errMsg = errMsg + '\nPlease set Node Auth Type through environment/RTL.conf!';
// } else {
// common.node_auth_type = config.Authentication.nodeAuthType;
// }
// }
// if(undefined !== process.env.LND_CONFIG_PATH) {
// common.lnd_config_path = process.env.LND_CONFIG_PATH;
// } else {
// if(config.Authentication.lndConfigPath !== '' && undefined !== config.Authentication.lndConfigPath) {
// common.lnd_config_path = config.Authentication.lndConfigPath;
// } else {
// if(upperCase(common.node_auth_type) === 'DEFAULT') {
// errMsg = errMsg + '\nDefault Node Authentication can be set with LND Config Path only. Please set LND Config Path through environment or RTL.conf!';
// }
// }
// }
// if(undefined !== process.env.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH) {
// common.bitcoind_config_path = process.env.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH;
// } else {
// if(config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath !== '' || undefined !== config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath) {
// common.bitcoind_config_path = config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath;
// } else if(config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath !== '' || undefined !== config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath) {
// common.bitcoind_config_path = config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath;
// }
// }
// if (undefined !== process.env.RTL_PASS) {
// common.rtl_pass = process.env.RTL_PASS;
// } else if (config.Authentication.rtlPass !== '' || undefined !== config.Authentication.rtlPass) {
// common.rtl_pass = config.Authentication.rtlPass;
// }
// if (upperCase(common.node_auth_type) === 'CUSTOM' && (common.rtl_pass === '' || undefined === common.rtl_pass)) {
// errMsg = errMsg + '\nCustom Node Authentication can be set with RTL password only. Please set RTL Password through environment/RTL.conf';
// }
// if (undefined !== process.env.ENABLE_LOGGING) {
// common.enable_logging = process.env.ENABLE_LOGGING;
// } else if (undefined !== config.Settings.enableLogging) {
// common.enable_logging = config.Settings.enableLogging;
// } else if (undefined !== config.Authentication.enableLogging) {
// common.enable_logging = config.Authentication.enableLogging;
// }
// if (common.enable_logging) {
// common.log_file = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/logs/RTL.log';
// let exists = fs.existsSync(common.log_file);
// if (exists) {
// fs.writeFile(common.log_file, '', () => { });
// } else if ((!exists && config.Authentication.enableLogging) || (!exists && config.Settings.enableLogging)) {
// try {
// var dirname = path.dirname(common.log_file);
// createDirectory(dirname);
// var createStream = fs.createWriteStream(common.log_file);
// createStream.end();
// }
// catch (err) {
// console.error('Something went wrong while creating log file: \n' + err);
// }
// }
// }
// if (undefined !== process.env.PORT) {
// common.port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT);
// } else if (undefined !== config.Settings.port) {
// common.port = normalizePort(config.Settings.port);
// }
// setSSOParams(config);
// if (errMsg !== '') {
// throw new Error(errMsg);
// }
// }
// const setSSOParams = (config) => {
// if (undefined !== process.env.RTL_SSO) {
// common.rtl_sso = process.env.RTL_SSO;
// } else if (undefined !== config.SSO && undefined !== config.SSO.rtlSSO) {
// common.rtl_sso = config.SSO.rtlSSO;
// }
// if (+common.rtl_sso) {
// if (undefined !== process.env.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK) {
// common.logout_redirect_link = process.env.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK;
// } else if (undefined !== config.SSO && undefined !== config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink) {
// common.logout_redirect_link = config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink;
// }
// if (undefined !== process.env.RTL_COOKIE_PATH) {
// common.rtl_cookie_path = process.env.RTL_COOKIE_PATH;
// } else if (undefined !== config.SSO && undefined !== config.SSO.rtlCookiePath) {
// common.rtl_cookie_path = config.SSO.rtlCookiePath;
// } else {
// common.rtl_cookie_path = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/cookies/auth.cookie';
// }
// readCookie(common.rtl_cookie_path);
// }
// };
// const createDirectory = (dirname) => {
// try {
// fs.mkdirSync(dirname);
// } catch (err) {
// if (err.code === 'EEXIST') {
// return dirname;
// }
// if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
// throw new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '${dirname}'`);
// }
// }
// }
// const readCookie = (cookieFile) => {
// let exists = fs.existsSync(cookieFile);
// if (exists) {
// common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8');
// } else {
// try {
// var dirname = path.dirname(cookieFile);
// createDirectory(dirname);
// fs.writeFileSync(cookieFile, crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex'));
// common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8');
// }
// catch(err) {
// console.error('Something went wrong while creating cookie file: \n' + err);
// throw new Error(err);
// }
// }
// }
// String.random = function (length) {
// let radom13chars = function () {
// return Math.random().toString(16).substring(2, 15).toUpperCase();
// }
// let loops = Math.ceil(length / 13);
// return new Array(loops).fill(radom13chars).reduce((string, func) => {
// return string + func();
// }, '').substring(-length);
// }
// const logEnvVariables = () => {
// if (!common.enable_logging) {
// return;
// }
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable PORT: ' + common.port);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable LND_SERVER_URL: ' + common.lnd_server_url);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable MACAROON_PATH: ' + common.macaroon_path);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable NODE_AUTH_TYPE: ' + common.node_auth_type);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable LND_CONFIG_PATH: ' + common.lnd_config_path);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable RTL_CONFIG_PATH: ' + common.rtl_conf_file_path);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH: ' + common.bitcoind_config_path);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable RTL_SSO: ' + common.rtl_sso);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable RTL_COOKIE_PATH: ' + common.rtl_cookie_path);
//'\r\nConfig Setup Variable LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK: ' + common.logout_redirect_link);
// }
// var errMsg = '';
// connect.configFileExists = () => {
// common.rtl_conf_file_path = (undefined !== process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH) ? process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH.substring(0, process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH.length - 9) : path.normalize(__dirname);
// RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL.conf';
// let exists = fs.existsSync(RTLConfFile);
// if (exists) {
// var config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8'));
// setMacaroonPath(clArgs, config)
// validateConfigFile(config);
// logEnvVariables();
// } else {
// try {
// fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, ini.stringify(setDefaultConfig()));
// throw new Error('Please change default settings of macaroonPath, lndConfigPath and bitcoindConfigPath in RTL.conf and restart the server');
// }
// catch(err) {
// console.error('Something went wrong while creating config file: \n' + err);
// throw new Error(err);
// }
// }
// }
module.exports = connect;