You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.6 KiB

import { ApiCallsListRoot } from '../shared/models/apiCallsPayload';
import { APICallStatusEnum } from '../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { RTLConfiguration, Node, GetInfoRoot } from '../shared/models/RTLconfig';
import { LNDState } from '../lnd/store/lnd.state';
import { CLNState } from '../cln/store/cln.state';
import { ECLState } from '../eclair/store/ecl.state';
export interface RootState {
apiURL: string;
apisCallStatus: ApiCallsListRoot;
selNode: Node | any;
appConfig: RTLConfiguration;
nodeData: GetInfoRoot;
const initNodeSettings = { userPersona: 'OPERATOR', themeMode: 'DAY', themeColor: 'PURPLE', channelBackupPath: '', selCurrencyUnit: 'USD', unannouncedChannels: false, fiatConversion: false, currencyUnits: ['Sats', 'BTC', 'USD'], bitcoindConfigPath: '', enableOffers: false, enablePeerswap: false };
const initNodeAuthentication = { configPath: '', swapMacaroonPath: '', boltzMacaroonPath: '' };
export const initRootState: RootState = {
apiURL: '',
apisCallStatus: { Login: { status: APICallStatusEnum.UN_INITIATED }, IsAuthorized: { status: APICallStatusEnum.UN_INITIATED } },
selNode: { index: 1, lnNode: 'Node 1', Settings: initNodeSettings, Authentication: initNodeAuthentication, lnImplementation: 'LND' },
appConfig: {
defaultNodeIndex: -1,
selectedNodeIndex: -1,
SSO: { rtlSSO: 0, logoutRedirectLink: '' },
enable2FA: false,
secret2FA: '',
allowPasswordUpdate: true,
nodes: [{ Settings: initNodeSettings, Authentication: initNodeAuthentication }]
nodeData: {}
export interface RTLState {
root: RootState;
lnd: LNDState;
cln: CLNState;
ecl: ECLState;