using System; using OpenTK; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SCJMapper_V2.OGL { public abstract class CalcCurve { protected List m_points; protected int m_resolution; /// /// Constructs a new OpenTK.BezierCurve. /// /// The points. protected CalcCurve( IEnumerable points, int resolution ) { if ( points == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "points", "Must point to a valid list of Vector2 structures." ); this.m_points = new List( points ); this.m_resolution = resolution; } /// /// Gets the points of this curve. /// public IList Points { get { return m_points; } } /// /// Calculates the point with the specified t. /// /// The t value, between 0.0f and 1.0f. /// Resulting point. abstract public Vector2 CalculatePoint( float t ); } /// /// BezierCurve from OpenTK (Wrapper) /// /// public class Bezier : CalcCurve { private BezierCurve m_curve; /// /// Constructs a new OpenTK.BezierCurve. /// /// The points. public Bezier( IEnumerable points, int resolution ) : base( points, resolution ) { m_curve = new BezierCurve( m_points ); // resolution is not used here } /// /// Calculates the point with the specified t. /// /// The t value, between 0.0f and 1.0f. /// Resulting point. override public Vector2 CalculatePoint( float t ) { return m_curve.CalculatePoint( t ); } } /// /// Interpolating cubic B-spline /// /// See /// code /// public class BezierInterpolation : CalcCurve { private int nPts = 2; private int n1Pts = 3; private int segments = 0; private int segPts = 26; private double[] B0; private double[] B1; private double[] B2; private double[] B3; private Vector2[] d; // tangents private Vector2[] cout; // out array /// /// Constructs a new OpenTK.BezierCurve. /// /// The points. public BezierInterpolation( IEnumerable points, int resolution ) : base( points, resolution ) { // tangets via user points nPts = m_points.Count - 2; // tangents not by user nPts = m_points.Count; n1Pts = nPts + 1; segments = nPts - 1; // number of curve segments segPts = (int)Math.Ceiling( ( double )resolution / ( double )segments ); // pts per curve segment @ resolution d = new Vector2[m_points.Count]; cout = new Vector2[segments * segPts]; // init table 0.0 .. 1.0 with 0.04 inc B0 = new double[segPts]; B1 = new double[segPts]; B2 = new double[segPts]; B3 = new double[segPts]; double t = 0; double increment = 1.0 / ( segPts - 1 ); for ( int i= 0; i < segPts; i++ ) { double t1 = 1.0 - t; double t12 = t1 * t1; double t2 = t * t; B0[i] = t1 * t12; B1[i] = 3.0 * t * t12; B2[i] = 3.0 * t2 * t1; B3[i] = t * t2; t += increment; } findCPoints( ); CalcCurve( ); } private void findCPoints( ) { /* // tangets via user points d[0].X = m_points[nPts].X - m_points[0].X; d[0].Y = m_points[nPts].Y - m_points[0].Y; d[nPts - 1].X = -( m_points[n1Pts].X - m_points[nPts - 1].X ); d[nPts - 1].Y = -( m_points[n1Pts].Y - m_points[nPts - 1].Y ); */ // tangents not by user d[0].X = ( m_points[1].X - m_points[0].X ) / 3f; d[0].Y = ( m_points[1].Y - m_points[0].Y ) / 3f; d[nPts - 1].X = ( m_points[nPts - 1].X - m_points[nPts - 2].X ) / 3f; d[nPts - 1].Y = ( m_points[nPts - 1].Y - m_points[nPts - 2].Y ) / 3f; Vector2[] A = new Vector2[m_points.Count]; float[] Bi = new float[m_points.Count]; Bi[1] = -0.25f; A[1].X = ( m_points[2].X - m_points[0].X - d[0].X ) / 4f; A[1].Y = ( m_points[2].Y - m_points[0].Y - d[0].Y ) / 4f; for ( int i = 2; i < nPts - 1; i++ ) { Bi[i] = -1.0f / ( 4.0f + Bi[i - 1] ); A[i].X = -( m_points[i + 1].X - m_points[i - 1].X - A[i - 1].X ) * Bi[i]; A[i].Y = -( m_points[i + 1].Y - m_points[i - 1].Y - A[i - 1].Y ) * Bi[i]; } for ( var i = nPts - 2; i > 0; i-- ) { d[i].X = A[i].X + d[i + 1].X * Bi[i]; d[i].Y = A[i].Y + d[i + 1].Y * Bi[i]; } } private void CalcCurve( ) { // curve segments int segIdx = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < segments; i++ ) { // resolution per segment for ( int k = 0; k < segPts; k++ ) { cout[segIdx].X = ( float )( m_points[i].X * B0[k] + ( m_points[i].X + d[i].X ) * B1[k] + ( m_points[i + 1].X - d[i + 1].X ) * B2[k] + m_points[i + 1].X * B3[k] ); cout[segIdx].Y = ( float )( m_points[i].Y * B0[k] + ( m_points[i].Y + d[i].Y ) * B1[k] + ( m_points[i + 1].Y - d[i + 1].Y ) * B2[k] + m_points[i + 1].Y * B3[k] ); segIdx++; } } } /// /// Calculates the point with the specified t. /// /// The t value, between 0.0f and 1.0f. /// Resulting point. override public Vector2 CalculatePoint( float t ) { int pt = ( int )(t * m_resolution); // get an index within resolution of the out array // sanity checks pt = ( pt < 0 ) ? 0 : pt; pt = ( pt >= m_resolution ) ? m_resolution - 1 : pt; return cout[pt]; } } }