using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using OpenTK; namespace SCJMapper_V2.OGL { /// /// 4th order Runge-Kutta integrator /// public class RK4Integrator { private StateModel m_currState; private const double _6th = 1.0/6.0; public struct StateModel { public Vector3d a; // position public Vector3d v; // velocity }; private struct Derivative { public Vector3d da; // derivative of position: velocity public Vector3d dv; // derivative of velocity: acceleration }; // ctor public RK4Integrator( ) { m_currState.a = Vector3d.Zero; m_currState.v = Vector3d.Zero; } public StateModel State { get { return m_currState; } set { m_currState = value; } } public Vector3d Position { get { return m_currState.a; } set { m_currState.a = value; } } public Vector3d Velocity { get { return m_currState.v; } set { m_currState.v = value; } } private Vector3d Acceleration( StateModel state, double dampK, double dampB ) { return (-dampK * state.a) - (dampB * state.v); } private Derivative Evaluate( StateModel initial, double dt, Derivative d, double dampK, double dampB ) { StateModel state; state.a = initial.a + (d.da * dt); state.v = initial.v + (d.dv * dt); Derivative output = new Derivative( ); output.da = state.v; output.dv = Acceleration( state, dampK, dampB ); return output; } public Vector3d Integrate( double dt, double dampK, double dampB ) { Derivative a = Evaluate( m_currState, 0.0, new Derivative( ), dampK, dampB ); Derivative b = Evaluate( m_currState, dt * 0.5, a, dampK, dampB ); Derivative c = Evaluate( m_currState, dt * 0.5, b, dampK, dampB ); Derivative d = Evaluate( m_currState, dt, c, dampK, dampB ); Vector3d dadt = _6th * ( a.da + (2.0 * ( b.da + c.da )) + d.da ); Vector3d dvdt = _6th * ( a.dv + (2.0 * ( b.dv + c.dv )) + d.dv ); m_currState.a += (dadt * dt); m_currState.v += (dvdt * dt); return ( dvdt * dt ); } } }