You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
4.6 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SCJMapper_V2.Actions;
namespace SCJMapper_V2.SCJServer
/// <summary>
/// Create SCJoyServer Commands from the selected item
/// </summary>
class SCJScmd
Should be something like:
Axis: { "A": {"Direction": "X|Y|Z", "Value": number, "JNo": j, "Ext1": "extstr", "Ext2": "extstr", "Ext3": "extstr"} }
- number => 0..1000 (normalized)
RotAxis: { "R": {"Direction": "X|Y|Z", "Value": number, "JNo": j, "Ext1": "extstr", "Ext2": "extstr", "Ext3": "extstr"} }
- number => 0..1000 (normalized)
Slider: { "S": {"Index": 1|2, "Value": number, "JNo": j, "Ext1": "extstr", "Ext2": "extstr", "Ext3": "extstr"} }
- number => 0..1000 (normalized)
POV: { "P": {"Index": 1|2|3|4, "Direction": "c | u | r | d | l", "JNo": j, "Ext1": "extstr", "Ext2": "extstr", "Ext3": "extstr" } }
- Index n=> 1..MaxPOV (setup of vJoy, max = 4)
- Direction either of the chars (center (released), up, right, donw, left)
Button: { "B": {"Index": n, "Mode": "p|r|t|s|d", "Delay": msec, "JNo": j, "Ext1": "extstr", "Ext2": "extstr", "Ext3": "extstr" } }
- Button Index n => 1..VJ_MAXBUTTON (setup of vJoy - SC supports 60)
- Mode optional - either of the chars (see below)
Key: { "K": {"VKcodeEx": "keyName", "VKcode": n, "Mode": "p|r|t|s|d", "Modifier": "mod", "Delay": msec, "Ext1": "extstr", "Ext2": "extstr", "Ext3": "extstr" } }
- VKcodeEx "s" either a number n=> 1..255 or a WinUser VK_.. literal (see separate Reference file)
- VKcode n=> 1..255 WinUser VK_.. (see separate Reference file)
if both are found the VKcodeEx item gets priority and the VKcode element is ignored
if none is found the command is ignored
- Mode optional - either of the chars (see below)
- Modifier optional - a set of codes (see below)
- Mode: [mode] (p)ress, (r)elease, (t)ap, (s)hort tap, (d)ouble tap (default=tap - short tap is a tap with almost no delay)
- Modifier: [mod[&mod]] (n)one, (lc)trl, (rc)trl, (la)lt, (ra)lt, (ls)hift, (rs)hift (default=none - concat modifiers with & char)
- Delay: [delay] nnnn milliseconds, optional for Tap and Double Tap (default=150 VJCommand.DEFAULT_DELAY, max 20_000 msec)
- JNo: [joyNumber] >0 Joystick number (default=1)
- Ext1.3: [string] Optional user extensions that must be handled by the caller
{ "K": {"VKcodeEx": "VK_B", "Mode": "t", "Modifier": "lc"}}
{ "B": {"Index": 21 }}
private static string GetKeyCommand( ActionTreeNode node )
string fullPath = node.FullPath;
string action = node.Action;
string command = node.Command.Replace("kb1_",""); // needs some fiddling..
// kb1_ralt+l
string[] e = command.Split( new char[] { '+' } );
// a number of modifiers and the key char
string key = KbdCodes.FromSCKeyboardCmd( e[e.Length-1] );
string mod = "";
for ( int i= 0; i<e.Length-1; i++ ) {
mod += KbdCodes.FromSCKeyboardMod( e[i] );
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( mod ) ) mod = mod.Substring( 0, mod.Length - 1 ); // kill last &
string cmd = $"{fullPath}\"\n {{ \"K\": {{ \"VKCodeEx\": \"{key}\", \"Mode\": \"t\", \"Modifier\": \"{mod}\" }}}}\n";
return cmd;
private static string GetJoyCommand( ActionTreeNode node )
string fullPath = node.FullPath;
string command = node.Command;
string action = Devices.Joystick.JoystickCls.ActionFromJsCommand(command);
int jsN = Devices.Joystick.JoystickCls.JSNum( command );
string cmd = "";
string jscmd = JoystickCodes.FromJsAction( action, jsN );
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( jscmd ) ) {
cmd = $"{fullPath}\"\n {jscmd}\n";
return cmd;
/// <summary>
/// Create a command for SCJoyServer use
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The clicked node</param>
/// <returns>A string</returns>
public static string GetCommand( TreeNode node )
if ( node is ActionTreeNode ) {
var aNode = node as ActionTreeNode;
if ( !aNode.IsMappedAction ) return "";
if ( aNode.IsDisabledAction ) return "";
if ( aNode.IsKeyboardAction ) {
return GetKeyCommand( aNode );
}else if ( aNode.IsJoystickAction ) {
return GetJoyCommand( aNode );
else {
return "";
return "";