You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SCJMapper_V2
partial class AboutBox : Form
public AboutBox()
InitializeComponent( );
this.Text = String.Format( "About {0}", AssemblyTitle );
this.labelProductName.Text = AssemblyProduct;
this.labelVersion.Text = String.Format( "Version {0}", AssemblyVersion );
this.labelCopyright.Text = AssemblyCopyright;
this.labelCompanyName.Text = AssemblyCompany;
#region Assembly Attribute Accessors
public string AssemblyTitle
get {
object[] attributes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AssemblyTitleAttribute ), false );
if ( attributes.Length > 0 ) {
AssemblyTitleAttribute titleAttribute = (AssemblyTitleAttribute)attributes[0];
if ( titleAttribute.Title != "" ) {
return titleAttribute.Title;
return System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).CodeBase );
public string AssemblyVersion
get {
return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetName( ).Version.ToString( );
public string AssemblyDescription
get {
object[] attributes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AssemblyDescriptionAttribute ), false );
if ( attributes.Length == 0 ) {
return "";
return ( (AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)attributes[0] ).Description;
public string AssemblyProduct
get {
object[] attributes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AssemblyProductAttribute ), false );
if ( attributes.Length == 0 ) {
return "";
return ( (AssemblyProductAttribute)attributes[0] ).Product;
public string AssemblyCopyright
get {
object[] attributes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AssemblyCopyrightAttribute ), false );
if ( attributes.Length == 0 ) {
return "";
return ( (AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)attributes[0] ).Copyright;
public string AssemblyCompany
get {
object[] attributes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AssemblyCompanyAttribute ), false );
if ( attributes.Length == 0 ) {
return "";
return ( (AssemblyCompanyAttribute)attributes[0] ).Company;