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"MapName" : "A Name that is shown in the dropdown",
"MapImage" : "DeviceImage.jpg",
"InputDevices" :[
"InputType": "J",
"DeviceName": "DeviceName Name as shown in the SCJM GUI",
"DeviceProdGuid": ["{Product GUID from DX Input}", "{An alternate product GUID from DX Input}"],
"Controls": [
{ "Input": "button1", "Type": "Digital", "X": 1629, "Y": 628, "Width": 732, "Height": 52, "Cmt": "Primary trigger" },
{ "Input": "button2", "Type": "Digital", "X": 1723, "Y": 450, "Width": 731, "Height": 52, "Cmt": "Top trigger (A)" },
{ "Input": "z", "Type": "Analogue", "X": 97, "Y": 763, "Width": 572, "Height": 54, "Cmt": "Throttle Left" }
"InputType": "J",
"DeviceName": "Next DeviceName Name as shown in the SCJM GUI",
"DeviceProdGuid": ["{Product GUID from DX Input}"],
"Controls": [
{ "Input": "button1", "Type": "Digital", "X": 1629, "Y": 628, "Width": 732, "Height": 52, "Cmt": "Primary trigger" },
{ "Input": "button2", "Type": "Digital", "X": 1723, "Y": 450, "Width": 731, "Height": 52, "Cmt": "Top trigger (A)" },
{ "Input": "z", "Type": "Analogue", "X": 97, "Y": 763, "Width": 572, "Height": 54, "Cmt": "Throttle Left" }