You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

678 lines
46 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Laurent Farhi
* Contact:
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <>.
* This file is modified from the original to suppress ISO C and c99 warnings
* issued by both gcc and clang, such as those for _Generic selection and %n$
* operand number formats. So, this version is compatible with ISO C and c99,
* but does not support generic programming. The keywords can only be of
* (char *) type.
// Credits: This implementation of "templates" makes use of a nice idea of Randy Gaul for Generic Programming in C.
// See
// Initialized by gcc -fpreprocessed -dD -E -P aho_corasick.c | grep -v '^$' | indent
# define __ACM_TEMPLATE_IMPL__
# include <stddef.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <signal.h>
# define ACM_KEEP_VALUE 0 // Configures the behavior of ACM_register_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL if a keyword was already previously registered.
# include "aho_corasick_template.h"
# define ACM_ASSERT(cond) do { if (!(cond)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: !(%s) in function %s at %s:%i)\n", #cond, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);\
pthread_exit(0) ;\
} } while (0)
static int UNUSED
__eqchar (const char a, const char b)
return a == b;
# define EQ_DEFAULT(ACM_SYMBOL) (__eqchar)
static int (*EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL) (const ACM_SYMBOL, const ACM_SYMBOL) = 0;\
static void \
{ \
((void)0); \
} \
static ACM_SYMBOL \
__COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL(const ACM_SYMBOL letter) \
{ \
return letter; \
} \
static int __EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL(const ACM_SYMBOL a, const ACM_SYMBOL b) \
{ \
return EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL ? \
EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL (a, b) : \
(size_t)0 != (size_t)(EQ_DEFAULT (ACM_SYMBOL)) ? \
(fprintf (stderr, "%s", "ERROR: " "Missing equality operator for type '" #ACM_SYMBOL "'.\n" \
" " "Use SET_EQ_OPERATOR(" #ACM_SYMBOL ", operator),\n" \
" " "where operator is a function defined as:\n" \
" " "int operator(" #ACM_SYMBOL " a, " #ACM_SYMBOL " b) { return a == b ; }.\n" \
"ABORT " "\n"), fflush (0), raise (SIGABRT)); \
} \
static const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL ( \
const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, \
ACM_SYMBOL letter, EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE eq); \
static void \
state_reset_output_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * r) \
{ \
if (r->is_matching) \
r->nb_sequence = 1; /* Reset to original output (as in state_goto_update) */\
else \
r->nb_sequence = 0; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = r->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + r->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
state_reset_output_##ACM_SYMBOL (p->state); \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: construction of the failure function. */ \
static void \
state_fail_state_construct_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
if (machine->reconstruct == 2) \
state_reset_output_##ACM_SYMBOL (state_0); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm: "(except state 0 for which the failure function is not defined)." */\
state_0->fail_state = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- empty */ \
/* The first element in the queue will not be processed, therefore it can be added harmlessly. */\
size_t queue_length = 0; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL **queue = 0; \
ACM_ASSERT (queue = malloc (sizeof (*queue) * (machine->size - 1))); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: for each a such that s != 0 [fail], where s <- g(0, a) do [1] */\
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state_0->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state_0->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) /* loop on state_0->goto_array */ \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *s = p->state; /* [for each a such that s != 0 [fail], where s <- g(0, a)] */\
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- queue U {s} */ \
queue_length++; \
queue[queue_length - 1] = s; /* s */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: f(s) <- 0 */ \
s->fail_state = state_0; \
} /* loop on state_0->goto_array */ \
size_t queue_read_pos = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: while queue != empty do */ \
while (queue_read_pos < queue_length) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: let r be the next state in queue */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *r = queue[queue_read_pos]; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- queue - {r} */ \
queue_read_pos++; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: for each a such that s != fail, where s <- g(r, a) */\
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = r->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + r->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) /* loop on r->goto_array */ \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *s = p->state; /* [s <- g(r, a)] */ \
ACM_SYMBOL a = p->letter; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- queue U {s} */ \
queue_length++; \
queue[queue_length - 1] = s; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: state <- f(r) */ \
const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state = r->fail_state; /* f(r) */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: while g(state, a) = fail [and state != 0] do state <- f(state) [2] */\
/* [if g(state, a) != fail then] f(s) <- g(state, a) [else f(s) <- 0] [3] */\
s->fail_state /* f(s) */ = state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL (state, a, machine->eq); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: output (s) <-output (s) U output (f(s)) */\
s->nb_sequence += s->fail_state->nb_sequence; \
} /* loop on r->goto_array */ \
} /* while (queue_read_pos < queue_length) */ \
free (queue); \
machine->reconstruct = 0; \
} \
static const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, ACM_SYMBOL letter /* a[i] */,\
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: while g(state, a[i]) = fail [and state != 0] do state <- f(state) [2] */\
/* [if g(state, a[i]) != fail then] state <- g(state, a[i]) [else state <- 0] [3] */\
/* [The function returns state] */ \
while (1) \
{ \
/* [if g(state, a[i]) != fail then return g(state, a[i])] */ \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
if (eq (p->letter, letter)) \
return p->state; \
/* From here, [g(state, a[i]) = fail] */ \
/* Algorithms 1 cannot consider that g(0, a) never fails because propoerty LOOP_0 has not been implemented. */\
/* Therefore, for state 0, we must simulate the property LOOP_0, i.e state 0 must be returned, */\
/* as if g(0, a[i]) would have been set to state 0 if g(0, a[i]) = fail (property LOOP_0). */\
/* After Algorithm 3 has been processed, the only state for which f(state) = 0 is state 0. */\
/* [if g(state, a[i]) = fail and state = 0 then return state 0] */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm: "(except state 0 for which the failure function is not defined)." */\
if (state->fail_state == 0) \
return state; \
/* From here, [state != 0] */ \
/* [if g(state, a[i]) = fail and state != 0 then state <- f(state) */\
state = state->fail_state; \
} \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: Pattern matching machine - if output (state) != empty */\
static size_t \
ACM_match_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL ** pstate, ACM_SYMBOL letter) \
{ \
/* N.B.: In Aho-Corasick, algorithm 3 is executed after all keywords have been inserted */\
/* in the goto graph one after the other by algorithm 2. */ \
/* As a slight enhancement: the fail state chains are rebuilt from scratch when needed, */\
/* i.e. if a keyword has been added since the last pattern maching search. */\
/* Therefore, algorithms 2 and 3 can be processed alternately. */\
/* (algorithm 3 will traverse the full goto graph after a keyword has been added.) */\
/* Double-checked locking */ \
ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine = (*pstate)->machine; \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
{ \
pthread_mutex_lock (&machine->lock); \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
state_fail_state_construct_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine); \
pthread_mutex_unlock (&machine->lock); \
} \
return \
(*pstate = state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL (*pstate, letter, machine->eq)) \
->nb_sequence; \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: Pattern matching machine - print output (state) [ith element] */\
static size_t \
ACM_get_match_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, size_t index, \
MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL * match, void **value) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: if output(state) [ith element] */ \
ACM_ASSERT (index < state->nb_sequence); \
size_t i = 0; \
for (; state; state = state->fail_state, i++ /* skip to the next failing state */ )\
{ \
/* Look for the first state in the "failing states" chain which matches a keyword. */\
while (!state->is_matching && state->fail_state) \
state = state->fail_state; \
if (i == index) \
break; \
} \
/* Argument match could be passed to 0 if only value or rank is needed. */\
if (match) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: [print i] */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: print output(state) [ith element] */ \
/* Reconstruct the matching keyword moving backward from the matching state to the state 0. */\
match->length = 0; \
for (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * s = state; s && s->previous.state; s = s->previous.state) \
match->length++; \
/* Reallocation of match->letter. match->letter should be freed by the user after the last call to ACM_get_match on match. */\
ACM_ASSERT (match->letter = realloc (match->letter, sizeof (*match->letter) * match->length)); \
i = 0; \
for (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * s = state; s && s->previous.state; s = s->previous.state) \
{ \
match->letter[match->length - i - 1] = s->previous.state->goto_array[s->previous.i_letter].letter; \
i++; \
} \
match->rank = state->rank; \
} \
/* Argument value could passed to 0 if the associated value is not needed. */\
if (value) \
*value = state->value; \
return state->rank; \
} \
static const struct _acs_vtable_##ACM_SYMBOL ACS_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL = \
{ \
ACM_match_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_get_match_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
}; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
state_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (void) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *s = malloc (sizeof (*s)); /* [state s] */ \
/* [g(s, a) is undefined (= fail) for all input symbol a] */ \
s->goto_array = 0; \
s->nb_goto = 0; \
s->previous.state = 0; \
s->previous.i_letter = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: "We assume output(s) is empty when state s is first created." */ \
s->nb_sequence = 0; /* number of outputs in [output(s)] */ \
s->is_matching = 0; /* if 1, indicates that the state is the last node of a registered keyword */ \
s->fail_state = 0; \
s->rank = 0; \
s->value = 0; \
s->value_dtor = 0; \
s->machine = 0; \
s->vtable = &(ACS_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL); \
return s; \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: construction of the goto function - procedure enter(a[1] a[2] ... a[n]). */\
static int \
machine_goto_update_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, \
Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL sequence /* a[1] a[2] ... a[n] */, \
void *value, void (*dtor) (void *)) \
{ \
if (!sequence.length) \
{ \
if (dtor) \
dtor (value); \
return 0; \
} \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
/* Iterators */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: state <- 0 */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state = state_0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: j <- 1 */ \
size_t j = 0; /* j is 0-based here (and not 1-based like in original text) */\
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: while g(state, a[j]) != fail [and j <= m] do */\
/* Iterations on i and s until a final state */ \
for (; j < sequence.length /* [j <= m] */ ;) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *next = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: "g(s, l) = fail if l is undefined or if g(s, l) has not been defined." */\
/* Loop on all symbols a for which g(state, a) is defined. */ \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
if (machine->eq (p->letter, sequence.letter[j])) \
{ \
/* [if g(state, a[j]) is defined] */ \
next = p->state; \
break; \
} \
/* [if g(state, a[j]) is defined (!= fail)] */ \
if (next) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: state <- g(state, a[j]) */ \
state = next; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: j <- j + 1 */ \
j++; \
} \
/* [g(state, a[j]) is not defined (= fail)] */ \
else \
break; /* exit while g(state, a[j]) != fail */ \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: for p <- j until m do */ \
/* Appending states for the new sequence to the final state found */ \
for (size_t p = j; p < sequence.length /* [p <= m] */ ; p++) \
{ \
state->nb_goto++; \
ACM_ASSERT (state->goto_array = realloc (state->goto_array, \
sizeof (*state->goto_array) * state->nb_goto)); \
/* Creation of a new state */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: newstate <- newstate + 1 */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *newstate = state_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (); \
newstate->machine = machine; \
newstate->id = ++machine->state_counter; /* state UID */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: g(state, a[p]) <- newstate */ \
state->goto_array[state->nb_goto - 1].state = newstate; \
state->goto_array[state->nb_goto - 1].letter = machine->copy (sequence.letter[p]); \
/* Backward link: previous(newstate, a[p]) <- state */ \
newstate->previous.state = state; \
/* state->goto_array[state->nb_goto - 1].state->previous.i_letter = state->nb_goto - 1; */\
newstate->previous.i_letter = state->nb_goto - 1; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: state <- newstate */ \
state = newstate; \
machine->size++; \
} \
if (!state->is_matching) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: output (state) <- { a[1] a[2] ... a[n] } */\
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: "We assume output(s) is empty when state s is first created." */\
/* Adding the sequence to the last found state (created or not) */ \
state->is_matching = 1; \
state->nb_sequence = 1; \
state->rank = machine->rank++; /* rank is a 0-based index */ \
machine->nb_sequence++; \
if (!machine->reconstruct) \
machine->reconstruct = 2; /* f(s) must be recomputed */ \
} \
/* If the keyword was already previously registered (state->is_matching != 0) */\
else if (ACM_KEEP_VALUE) \
/* if !ACM_KEEP_VALUE: the new value replaces the old one: the associated old value is forgotten. */\
/* if ACM_KEEP_VALUE: the rank and associated value are left unchanged. */\
{ \
if (dtor) \
dtor (value); \
return 0; \
} \
/* if (!state->is_matching || !ACM_KEEP_VALUE) */ \
if (state->value_dtor) \
state->value_dtor (state->value); \
state->value = value; \
state->value_dtor = dtor; \
return 1; \
} \
static void \
machine_init_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine, \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state_0, \
COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE copier, \
__attribute__ ((unused)) ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *ACM_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE eq, \
COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE copier, \
{ \
ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine = malloc (sizeof (*machine)); \
ACM_ASSERT (machine); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: newstate <- 0 */ \
/* Create state 0. */ \
machine_init_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, state_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (), eq, copier, dtor); \
return machine; \
} \
static int \
ACM_register_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL y,\
void *value, void (*dtor) (void *)) \
{ \
return machine_goto_update_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, y, value, dtor); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: for all a such that g(0, a) = fail do g(0, a) <- 0 */\
/* This statement is aimed to set the following property (here called the Aho-Corasick LOOP_0 property): */\
/* "All our pattern matching machines have the property that g(0, l) != fail for all input symbol l. */\
/* [...] this property of the goto function [g] on state 0 [root] ensures that one input symbol will be processed */\
/* by the machine in every machine cycle [state_goto]." */\
/* "We add a loop from state 0 to state 0 on all input symbols other than [the symbols l for which g(0, l) is already defined]. */\
/* N.B.: This property is *NOT* implemented in this code after calls to enter(y[i]) because */\
/* it requires that the alphabet of all possible symbols is known in advance. */\
/* This would kill the genericity of the code. */\
/* Therefore, Algorithms 1, 3 and 4 *CANNOT* consider that g(0, l) never fails for any symbol l. */\
/* g(0, l) can fail like any other state transition. */\
/* Thus, the implementation slightly differs from the one proposed by Aho-Corasick. */\
} \
static size_t \
ACM_nb_keywords_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
return machine->nb_sequence; \
} \
static ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
get_last_state_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL sequence) \
{ \
if (!sequence.length) \
return 0; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
for (size_t j = 0; j < sequence.length; j++) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *next = 0; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
if (machine->eq (p->letter, sequence.letter[j])) \
{ \
next = p->state; \
break; \
} \
if (next) \
state = next; \
else \
return 0; \
} \
return state->is_matching ? state : 0; \
} \
static int \
ACM_is_registered_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, \
Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL sequence, \
void **value) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *last = get_last_state_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, sequence); \
if (last && value) \
*value = last->value; \
return last ? 1 : 0; \
} \
static int \
ACM_unregister_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL y) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *last = get_last_state_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, y); \
if (!last) /* The keyword y is not a registered keyword */ \
return 0; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
/* machine->rank is not decreased, so as to ensure unicity. */ \
machine->nb_sequence--; \
if (last->nb_goto) /* The keyword y is the prefix of another registered keyword */ \
{ \
last->is_matching = 0; /* not matching nymore */ \
last->nb_sequence = 0; \
last->rank = 0; \
return 1; \
} \
/* From here, last->nb_goto == 0 */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *prev = 0; \
do /* backward processing the keyword y */ \
{ \
prev = last->previous.state; \
/* Remove last from prev->goto_array */ \
prev->nb_goto--; \
for (size_t k = last->previous.i_letter; k < prev->nb_goto; k++) \
{ \
machine->destroy (prev->goto_array[k].letter); \
prev->goto_array[k] = prev->goto_array[k + 1]; \
prev->goto_array[k].state->previous.i_letter = k; \
} \
prev->goto_array = realloc (prev->goto_array, sizeof (*prev->goto_array) * prev->nb_goto); \
ACM_ASSERT (!prev->nb_goto || prev->goto_array); \
/* Release associated value; */ \
if (last->value_dtor) \
last->value_dtor (last->value); \
/* Release last */ \
free (last); \
machine->size--; \
last = prev; \
} \
while (prev && prev != state_0 && !prev->is_matching && !prev->nb_goto); \
if (!machine->reconstruct) \
machine->reconstruct = 2; /* f(s) must be recomputed */ \
return 1; \
} \
static void \
foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, ACM_SYMBOL ** letters, size_t * length, size_t depth, \
void (*operator) (MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL, void *)) \
{ \
if (state->is_matching && depth) \
{ \
MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL k = {.letter = *letters,.length = depth, .rank = state->rank }; \
(*operator) (k, state->value); \
} \
if (state->nb_goto && depth >= *length) \
{ \
(*length)++; \
*letters = realloc (*letters, sizeof (**letters) * (*length)); \
ACM_ASSERT (letters); \
} \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
{ \
(*letters)[depth] = p->letter; \
foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (p->state, letters, length, depth + 1, operator); \
} \
} \
static void \
ACM_foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, void (*operator) (MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL, void *)) \
{ \
if (!operator) \
return; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
ACM_SYMBOL *letters = 0; \
size_t depth = 0; \
foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (state_0, &letters, &depth, 0, operator);\
free (letters); \
} \
static void \
state_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, \
{ \
/* Release goto_array */ \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
{ \
state_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (p->state, dtor); \
if (dtor) \
dtor (p->letter); \
} \
free (state->goto_array); \
/* Release associated value */ \
if (state->value_dtor) \
state->value_dtor (state->value); \
/* Release state */ \
free ((ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *) state); \
} \
static void \
ACM_cleanup_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
state_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine->state_0, machine->destroy); \
pthread_mutex_destroy (&((ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *) machine)->lock); \
} \
static void \
ACM_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
ACM_cleanup_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine); \
free ((ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *) machine); \
} \
static const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
ACM_reset_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
return machine->state_0; \
} \
static void \
state_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state, \
FILE* stream, size_t indent, size_t id_state,\
PRINT_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE printer) \
{ \
static size_t nb_states, cur_pos; \
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < state->nb_goto ; i++) \
{ \
if (indent < cur_pos) \
{ \
cur_pos = 0; \
fprintf (stream, "\n"); \
if (indent) \
{ \
for (size_t t = 0 ; t < indent - 1 ; t++) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, " "); \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "L"); \
} \
} \
else if (indent > cur_pos) \
for (size_t t = 0 ; t < indent - cur_pos ; t++) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, " "); \
if (state == state->machine->state_0) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "(%03zu)", id_state); \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "---"); \
if (printer) \
cur_pos += printer (stream, state->goto_array[i].letter); \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "-->"); \
/* cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "%03zu", ++nb_states); */ \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "(%03zu)", state->goto_array[i].state->id);\
if (state->goto_array[i].state->is_matching) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "[%zu]", state->goto_array[i].state->rank);\
if (state->goto_array[i].state->fail_state && \
state->goto_array[i].state->fail_state != state->machine->state_0)\
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "(-->%03zu)", state->goto_array[i].state->fail_state->id);\
state_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (state->goto_array[i].state, stream, \
cur_pos, nb_states, printer); \
} \
} \
void \
ACM_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine, \
FILE* stream, \
PRINT_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE printer) \
{ \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
{ \
pthread_mutex_lock (&machine->lock); \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
state_fail_state_construct_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine); \
pthread_mutex_unlock (&machine->lock); \
} \
fprintf (stream, "\n"); \
state_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine->state_0, stream, 0, 0, printer); \
fprintf (stream, "\n"); \
} \
static const struct _acm_vtable_##ACM_SYMBOL ACM_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL = \
{ \
ACM_register_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_is_registered_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_unregister_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_nb_keywords_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_release_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_reset_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_print_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
}; \
static void \
machine_init_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine, \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state_0, \
COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE copier, \
{ \
machine->reconstruct = 1; /* f(s) is undefined and has not been computed yet */\
machine->size = 1; \
machine->state_0 = state_0; \
state_0->machine = machine; \
machine->rank = machine->nb_sequence = machine->state_counter = 0; \
pthread_mutex_init (&machine->lock, 0); \
machine->vtable = &(ACM_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL); \
machine->copy = copier ? copier : __COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL; \
machine->destroy = dtor ? dtor : __DTOR_##ACM_SYMBOL; \
machine->eq = eq ? eq : __EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL; \
} \
struct __useless_struct_to_allow_trailing_semicolon__##T##__