/****************************************************************************** * Ventoy2Disk.h * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * */ #ifndef __VENTOY2DISK_H__ #define __VENTOY2DISK_H__ #include #define SIZE_1MB (1024 * 1024) #define SIZE_2MB (2048 * 1024) #define VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE (32 * SIZE_1MB) #define VENTOY_PART1_START_SECTOR 2048 #define VENTOY_FILE_BOOT_IMG "boot\\boot.img" #define VENTOY_FILE_STG1_IMG "boot\\core.img.xz" #define VENTOY_FILE_DISK_IMG "ventoy\\ventoy.disk.img.xz" #define VENTOY_FILE_LOG "log.txt" #define VENTOY_FILE_VERSION "ventoy\\version" #define DRIVE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT 15000 // How long we should retry drive access (in ms) #define DRIVE_ACCESS_RETRIES 150 // How many times we should retry #define IsFileExist(Fmt, ...) IsPathExist(FALSE, Fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define IsDirExist(Fmt, ...) IsPathExist(TRUE, Fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define safe_sprintf(dst, fmt, ...) sprintf_s(dst, sizeof(dst), fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define safe_strcpy(dst, src) strcpy_s(dst, sizeof(dst), src) #define CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(Handle) \ {\ if (Handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) \ {\ CloseHandle(Handle); \ Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; \ }\ } #define LASTERR GetLastError() #define RET_LASTERR (ret ? 0 : LASTERR) #pragma pack(1) typedef struct PART_TABLE { UINT8 Active; // 0x00 0x80 UINT8 StartHead; UINT16 StartSector : 6; UINT16 StartCylinder : 10; UINT8 FsFlag; UINT8 EndHead; UINT16 EndSector : 6; UINT16 EndCylinder : 10; UINT32 StartSectorId; UINT32 SectorCount; }PART_TABLE; typedef struct MBR_HEAD { UINT8 BootCode[446]; PART_TABLE PartTbl[4]; UINT8 Byte55; UINT8 ByteAA; }MBR_HEAD; typedef struct VTOY_GPT_HDR { CHAR Signature[8]; /* EFI PART */ UINT8 Version[4]; UINT32 Length; UINT32 Crc; UINT8 Reserved1[4]; UINT64 EfiStartLBA; UINT64 EfiBackupLBA; UINT64 PartAreaStartLBA; UINT64 PartAreaEndLBA; GUID DiskGuid; UINT64 PartTblStartLBA; UINT32 PartTblTotNum; UINT32 PartTblEntryLen; UINT32 PartTblCrc; UINT8 Reserved2[420]; }VTOY_GPT_HDR; typedef struct VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL { GUID PartType; GUID PartGuid; UINT64 StartLBA; UINT64 LastLBA; UINT64 Attr; UINT16 Name[36]; }VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL; typedef struct VTOY_GPT_INFO { MBR_HEAD MBR; VTOY_GPT_HDR Head; VTOY_GPT_PART_TBL PartTbl[128]; }VTOY_GPT_INFO; typedef struct ventoy_secure_data { UINT8 magic1[16]; /* VENTOY_GUID */ UINT8 diskuuid[16]; UINT8 Checksum[16]; UINT8 adminSHA256[32]; UINT8 reserved[4000]; UINT8 magic2[16]; /* VENTOY_GUID */ }ventoy_secure_data; #pragma pack() #define VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE 128 typedef struct PHY_DRIVE_INFO { int Id; int PhyDrive; int PartStyle;//0:MBR 1:GPT UINT64 SizeInBytes; BYTE DeviceType; BOOL RemovableMedia; CHAR VendorId[128]; CHAR ProductId[128]; CHAR ProductRev[128]; CHAR SerialNumber[128]; STORAGE_BUS_TYPE BusType; CHAR DriveLetters[64]; CHAR VentoyVersion[32]; BOOL SecureBootSupport; MBR_HEAD MBR; UINT64 Part2GPTAttr; }PHY_DRIVE_INFO; typedef enum PROGRESS_POINT { PT_START = 0, PT_LOCK_FOR_CLEAN = 8, PT_DEL_ALL_PART, PT_LOCK_FOR_WRITE, PT_FORMAT_PART1, PT_LOCK_VOLUME = PT_FORMAT_PART1, PT_FORMAT_PART2, PT_WRITE_VENTOY_START, PT_WRITE_VENTOY_FINISH = PT_WRITE_VENTOY_START + 32, PT_WRITE_STG1_IMG, PT_WRITE_PART_TABLE, PT_MOUNT_VOLUME, PT_FINISH }PROGRESS_POINT; #define PROGRESS_BAR_SET_POS(pos) SetProgressBarPos(pos) extern PHY_DRIVE_INFO *g_PhyDriveList; extern DWORD g_PhyDriveCount; extern int g_ForceOperation; extern HWND g_ProgressBarHwnd; extern HFONT g_language_normal_font; extern HFONT g_language_bold_font; extern int g_FilterUSB; void TraceOut(const char *Fmt, ...); void Log(const char *Fmt, ...); BOOL IsPathExist(BOOL Dir, const char *Fmt, ...); void DumpWindowsVersion(void); const CHAR* GetLocalVentoyVersion(void); const CHAR* ParseVentoyVersionFromString(CHAR *Buf); CHAR GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter(void); const CHAR * GetBusTypeString(STORAGE_BUS_TYPE Type); int VentoyGetLocalBootImg(MBR_HEAD *pMBR); int GetHumanReadableGBSize(UINT64 SizeBytes); void TrimString(CHAR *String); int VentoyFillMBR(UINT64 DiskSizeBytes, MBR_HEAD *pMBR, int PartStyle); int VentoyFillGpt(UINT64 DiskSizeBytes, VTOY_GPT_INFO *pInfo); BOOL IsVentoyLogicalDrive(CHAR DriveLetter); int GetRegDwordValue(HKEY Key, LPCSTR SubKey, LPCSTR ValueName, DWORD *pValue); int GetPhysicalDriveCount(void); int GetAllPhysicalDriveInfo(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveList, DWORD *pDriveCount); int GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(int DriveLetter); int GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive(const PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveInfo, UINT64 Part2StartSector, CHAR *VerBuf, size_t BufLen, BOOL *pSecureBoot); int Ventoy2DiskInit(void); int Ventoy2DiskDestroy(void); PHY_DRIVE_INFO * GetPhyDriveInfoById(int Id); int ParseCmdLineOption(LPSTR lpCmdLine); int InstallVentoy2PhyDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, int PartStyle, int TryId); int UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, int TryId); int VentoyFillBackupGptHead(VTOY_GPT_INFO *pInfo, VTOY_GPT_HDR *pHead); int VentoyFillWholeGpt(UINT64 DiskSizeBytes, VTOY_GPT_INFO *pInfo); void SetProgressBarPos(int Pos); int SaveBufToFile(const CHAR *FileName, const void *Buffer, int BufLen); int ReadWholeFileToBuf(const CHAR *FileName, int ExtLen, void **Bufer, int *BufLen); int INIT unxz(unsigned char *in, int in_size, int(*fill)(void *dest, unsigned int size), int(*flush)(void *src, unsigned int size), unsigned char *out, int *in_used, void(*error)(char *x)); void disk_io_set_param(HANDLE Handle, UINT64 SectorCount); INT_PTR CALLBACK PartDialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int GetReservedSpaceInMB(void); int IsPartNeed4KBAlign(void); int FindProcessOccupyDisk(HANDLE hDrive, PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive); int VentoyFillMBRLocation(UINT64 DiskSizeInBytes, UINT32 StartSectorId, UINT32 SectorCount, PART_TABLE *Table); int ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive(HWND hWnd, PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, char *pDrvLetter); UINT32 VentoyCrc32(void *Buffer, UINT32 Length); #define SET_FILE_POS(pos) \ liCurrentPosition.QuadPart = pos; \ SetFilePointerEx(hDrive, liCurrentPosition, &liCurrentPosition, FILE_BEGIN)\ #define SECURE_ICON_STRING _UICON(UNICODE_LOCK) extern int g_WriteImage; #define VTSI_IMG_MAGIC 0x0000594F544E4556ULL // "VENTOY\0\0" #pragma pack(1) /* +--------------------------------- + sector 0 ~ sector N-1 + data area +--------------------------------- + sector N ~ + segment[0] + segment[1] + segment[2] + ...... + segment[M-1] + align data (aligned with 512) +--------------------------------- + footer +--------------------------------- * * All the integers are in little endian * The sector size is fixed 512 for ventoy image file. * */ #define VTSI_IMG_MAX_SEG 128 typedef struct { UINT64 disk_start_sector; UINT64 sector_num; UINT64 data_offset; }VTSI_SEGMENT; typedef struct { UINT64 magic; UINT32 version; UINT64 disk_size; UINT32 disk_signature; UINT32 foot_chksum; UINT32 segment_num; UINT32 segment_chksum; UINT64 segment_offset; UINT8 reserved[512 - 44]; }VTSI_FOOTER; #pragma pack() extern int __static_assert__[sizeof(VTSI_FOOTER) == 512 ? 1 : -1]; #define SAFE_FREE(ptr) if (ptr) { free(ptr); (ptr) = NULL; } int InstallVentoy2FileImage(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pPhyDrive, int PartStyle); void disk_io_set_imghook(FILE *fp, VTSI_SEGMENT *segment, int maxseg, UINT64 data_offset); void disk_io_reset_imghook(int *psegnum, UINT64 *pDataOffset); #define VTSI_SUPPORT 1 #endif