Revision History -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- v2.6.11 - Fix compilation with GCC on 64-bit machines v2.6.10 - Added support for FAT32 format. V2.6.9 - Added support for time & date handling. V2.6.8 - Fixed error with FSINFO sector write. V2.6.7 - Added fgets(). Fixed C warnings, removed dependancy on some string.h functions. V2.6.6 – Massive read + write performance improvements. V2.6.5 – Bug fixes for big endian systems. V2.6.4 – Further bug fixes and performance improvements for write operations. V2.6.3 – Peformance improvements, FAT16 formatting support. Various bug fixes. V2.6 - Basic support for FAT16 added (18-04-10). V2.5 - Code cleaned up. Many bugs fixed. Thread safety functions added. V2.x - Write support added as well as better stdio like API. V1.0 - Rewrite of all code to enable multiple files to be opened and provides a better file API. Also better string matching, and generally better C code than origonal version. V0.1c - Fetch_ID_Max_LBA() function added to retrieve Drive infomation and stoping the drive reads from addressing a sector that is out of range. V0.1b - fopen(), fgetc(), fopenDIR() using new software stack for IDE and FAT32 access. V0.1a - First release (27/12/03); fopen(), fgetc() unbuffered reads.