/* gui_label.c - GUI component to display a line of text. */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int g_ventoy_memdisk_mode; extern int g_ventoy_iso_raw; extern int g_ventoy_grub2_mode; extern int g_ventoy_wimboot_mode; extern int g_ventoy_iso_uefi_drv; static const char *align_options[] = { "left", "center", "right", 0 }; enum align_mode { align_left, align_center, align_right }; struct grub_gui_label { struct grub_gui_component comp; grub_gui_container_t parent; grub_video_rect_t bounds; char *id; int visible; char *text; char *template; grub_font_t font; grub_video_rgba_color_t color; int value; int vtoytip; enum align_mode align; }; typedef struct grub_gui_label *grub_gui_label_t; extern const char * g_ventoy_tip_msg1; extern const char * g_ventoy_tip_msg2; static void label_destroy (void *vself) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; grub_gfxmenu_timeout_unregister ((grub_gui_component_t) self); grub_free (self->text); grub_free (self->template); grub_free (self); } static const char * label_get_id (void *vself) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; return self->id; } static int label_is_instance (void *vself __attribute__((unused)), const char *type) { return grub_strcmp (type, "component") == 0; } static void label_paint (void *vself, const grub_video_rect_t *region) { const char *text; grub_gui_label_t self = vself; if (! self->visible) return; if (!grub_video_have_common_points (region, &self->bounds)) return; if (self->vtoytip == 1) { text = g_ventoy_tip_msg1 ? g_ventoy_tip_msg1 : ""; } else if (self->vtoytip == 2) { text = g_ventoy_tip_msg2 ? g_ventoy_tip_msg2 : ""; } else { text = self->text; } /* Calculate the starting x coordinate. */ int left_x; if (self->align == align_left) left_x = 0; else if (self->align == align_center) left_x = (self->bounds.width - grub_font_get_string_width (self->font, text)) / 2; else if (self->align == align_right) left_x = (self->bounds.width - grub_font_get_string_width (self->font, text)); else return; /* Invalid alignment. */ if (left_x < 0 || left_x > (int) self->bounds.width) left_x = 0; grub_video_rect_t vpsave; grub_gui_set_viewport (&self->bounds, &vpsave); grub_font_draw_string (text, self->font, grub_video_map_rgba_color (self->color), left_x, grub_font_get_ascent (self->font)); grub_gui_restore_viewport (&vpsave); } static void label_set_parent (void *vself, grub_gui_container_t parent) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; self->parent = parent; } static grub_gui_container_t label_get_parent (void *vself) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; return self->parent; } static void label_set_bounds (void *vself, const grub_video_rect_t *bounds) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; self->bounds = *bounds; } static void label_get_bounds (void *vself, grub_video_rect_t *bounds) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; *bounds = self->bounds; } static void label_get_minimal_size (void *vself, unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; *width = grub_font_get_string_width (self->font, self->text); *height = (grub_font_get_ascent (self->font) + grub_font_get_descent (self->font)); } #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral" static void label_set_state (void *vself, int visible, int start __attribute__ ((unused)), int current, int end __attribute__ ((unused))) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; self->value = -current; self->visible = visible; grub_free (self->text); self->text = grub_xasprintf (self->template ? : "%d", self->value); } static grub_err_t label_set_property (void *vself, const char *name, const char *value) { grub_gui_label_t self = vself; if (grub_strcmp (name, "text") == 0) { grub_free (self->text); grub_free (self->template); if (! value) { self->template = NULL; self->text = grub_strdup (""); } else { if (grub_strcmp (value, "@KEYMAP_LONG@") == 0) value = _("Press enter to boot the selected OS, " "`e' to edit the commands before booting " "or `c' for a command-line. ESC to return previous menu."); else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@KEYMAP_MIDDLE@") == 0) value = _("Press enter to boot the selected OS, " "`e' to edit the commands before booting " "or `c' for a command-line."); else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@KEYMAP_SHORT@") == 0) value = _("enter: boot, `e': options, `c': cmd-line"); /* FIXME: Add more templates here if needed. */ else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@VTOY_MEM_DISK@") == 0) { value = g_ventoy_memdisk_mode ? grub_env_get("VTOY_MEM_DISK_STR") : " "; } else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@VTOY_ISO_RAW@") == 0) { value = g_ventoy_iso_raw ? grub_env_get("VTOY_ISO_RAW_STR") : " "; } else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@VTOY_GRUB2_MODE@") == 0) { value = g_ventoy_grub2_mode ? grub_env_get("VTOY_GRUB2_MODE_STR") : " "; } else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@VTOY_WIMBOOT_MODE@") == 0) { value = g_ventoy_wimboot_mode ? grub_env_get("VTOY_WIMBOOT_MODE_STR") : " "; } else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@VTOY_ISO_UEFI_DRV@") == 0) { value = g_ventoy_iso_uefi_drv ? grub_env_get("VTOY_ISO_UEFI_DRV_STR") : " "; } else if (grub_strcmp (value, "@VTOY_HOTKEY_TIP@") == 0) { value = grub_env_get("VTOY_HOTKEY_TIP"); if (value == NULL) { value = _(" "); } } self->template = grub_strdup (value); self->text = grub_xasprintf (value, self->value); } } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "font") == 0) { self->font = grub_font_get (value); } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "color") == 0) { grub_video_parse_color (value, &self->color); } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "align") == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; align_options[i]; i++) { if (grub_strcmp (align_options[i], value) == 0) { self->align = i; /* Set the alignment mode. */ break; } } } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "visible") == 0) { self->visible = grub_strcmp (value, "false") != 0; } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "id") == 0) { grub_gfxmenu_timeout_unregister ((grub_gui_component_t) self); grub_free (self->id); if (value) { self->id = grub_strdup (value); if (grub_strcmp(value, "VTOY_MENU_TIP_1") == 0) { self->vtoytip = 1; } else if (grub_strcmp(value, "VTOY_MENU_TIP_2") == 0) { self->vtoytip = 2; } } else self->id = 0; if (self->id && grub_strcmp (self->id, GRUB_GFXMENU_TIMEOUT_COMPONENT_ID) == 0) grub_gfxmenu_timeout_register ((grub_gui_component_t) self, label_set_state); } return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wformat-nonliteral" static struct grub_gui_component_ops label_ops = { .destroy = label_destroy, .get_id = label_get_id, .is_instance = label_is_instance, .paint = label_paint, .set_parent = label_set_parent, .get_parent = label_get_parent, .set_bounds = label_set_bounds, .get_bounds = label_get_bounds, .get_minimal_size = label_get_minimal_size, .set_property = label_set_property }; grub_gui_component_t grub_gui_label_new (void) { grub_gui_label_t label; label = grub_zalloc (sizeof (*label)); if (! label) return 0; label->comp.ops = &label_ops; label->visible = 1; label->text = grub_strdup (""); label->font = grub_font_get ("Unknown Regular 16"); label->color.red = 0; label->color.green = 0; label->color.blue = 0; label->color.alpha = 255; label->align = align_left; return (grub_gui_component_t) label; }