You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package process
//go:generate mockgen -destination=../process_mock/process_mock.go -package=process_mock . Provider
import (
configapi ""
chttp ""
// Feature represent a process feature
type Feature int
const (
3 years ago
version = "1.0.0"
// EventFeature is the feature to plug the process to the event server
EventFeature Feature = iota
// ConfigFeature is the feature to plug the process to the ConfigAPI framework
// CacheFeature is the feature to plug the process to the cache server
// CrawlingFeature is the feature to plug the process with a tor-compatible HTTP client
// EventPrefetchFlag is the prefetch count for the event subscriber
EventPrefetchFlag = "event-prefetch"
eventURIFlag = "event-srv"
configAPIURIFlag = "config-api"
cacheSRVFlag = "cache-srv"
torURIFlag = "tor-proxy"
userAgentFlag = "user-agent"
// Provider is the implementation provider
type Provider interface {
// Clock return a clock implementation
Clock() (clock.Clock, error)
// ConfigClient return a new configured configapi.Client
ConfigClient(keys []string) (configapi.Client, error)
// Subscriber return a new configured subscriber
Subscriber() (event.Subscriber, error)
// Publisher return a new configured publisher
Publisher() (event.Publisher, error)
// Cache return a new configured cache
Cache(keyPrefix string) (cache.Cache, error)
// HTTPClient return a new configured http client
HTTPClient() (chttp.Client, error)
// GetStrValue return string value for given key
GetStrValue(key string) string
// GetStrValues return string slice for given key
GetStrValues(key string) []string
// GetIntValue return int value for given key
GetIntValue(key string) int
type defaultProvider struct {
ctx *cli.Context
// NewDefaultProvider create a brand new default provider using given cli.Context
func NewDefaultProvider(ctx *cli.Context) Provider {
return &defaultProvider{ctx: ctx}
func (p *defaultProvider) Clock() (clock.Clock, error) {
return &clock.SystemClock{}, nil
func (p *defaultProvider) ConfigClient(keys []string) (configapi.Client, error) {
sub, err := p.Subscriber()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return configapi.NewConfigClient(p.ctx.String(configAPIURIFlag), sub, keys)
func (p *defaultProvider) Subscriber() (event.Subscriber, error) {
return event.NewSubscriber(p.ctx.String(eventURIFlag), p.ctx.Int(EventPrefetchFlag))
func (p *defaultProvider) Publisher() (event.Publisher, error) {
return event.NewPublisher(p.ctx.String(eventURIFlag))
func (p *defaultProvider) Cache(keyPrefix string) (cache.Cache, error) {
return cache.NewRedisCache(p.ctx.String(cacheSRVFlag), keyPrefix)
func (p *defaultProvider) HTTPClient() (chttp.Client, error) {
return chttp.NewFastHTTPClient(&fasthttp.Client{
// Use given TOR proxy to reach the hidden services
Dial: fasthttpproxy.FasthttpSocksDialer(p.ctx.String(torURIFlag)),
// Disable SSL verification since we do not really care about this
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
ReadTimeout: time.Second * 5,
WriteTimeout: time.Second * 5,
Name: p.ctx.String(userAgentFlag),
}), nil
func (p *defaultProvider) GetStrValue(key string) string {
return p.ctx.String(key)
func (p *defaultProvider) GetStrValues(key string) []string {
return p.ctx.StringSlice(key)
func (p *defaultProvider) GetIntValue(key string) int {
return p.ctx.Int(key)
// SubscriberDef is the subscriber definition
type SubscriberDef struct {
Exchange string
Queue string
Handler event.Handler
3 years ago
// Process is a component of Bathyscaphe
type Process interface {
Name() string
Description() string
Features() []Feature
CustomFlags() []cli.Flag
Initialize(provider Provider) error
Subscribers() []SubscriberDef
HTTPHandler() http.Handler
// MakeApp return cli.App corresponding for given Process
func MakeApp(process Process) *cli.App {
app := &cli.App{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("bs-%s", process.Name()),
Version: version,
Usage: fmt.Sprintf("Bathyscaphe %s component", process.Name()),
Description: process.Description(),
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "log-level",
Usage: "Set the application log level",
Value: "info",
3 years ago
Authors: []*cli.Author{
Name: "Aloïs Micard",
Email: "",
Action: execute(process),
// Add features flags
featureFlags := getFeaturesFlags()
for _, feature := range process.Features() {
if values, exist := featureFlags[feature]; exist {
app.Flags = append(app.Flags, values...)
// Add custom flags
for _, flag := range process.CustomFlags() {
app.Flags = append(app.Flags, flag)
return app
func execute(process Process) cli.ActionFunc {
return func(c *cli.Context) error {
provider := NewDefaultProvider(c)
// Common setup
// Custom setup
if err := process.Initialize(provider); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("error while initializing app")
return err
// Create subscribers if any
if len(process.Subscribers()) > 0 {
sub, err := provider.Subscriber()
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO sub.Close()
for _, subscriberDef := range process.Subscribers() {
if err := sub.Subscribe(subscriberDef.Exchange, subscriberDef.Queue, subscriberDef.Handler); err != nil {
Str("exchange", subscriberDef.Exchange).
Str("queue", subscriberDef.Queue).
Msg("error while subscribing")
return err
var srv *http.Server
// Expose HTTP API if any
if h := process.HTTPHandler(); h != nil {
srv = &http.Server{
Addr: "",
// Good practice to set timeouts to avoid Slowloris attacks.
WriteTimeout: time.Second * 15,
ReadTimeout: time.Second * 15,
IdleTimeout: time.Second * 60,
Handler: h, // Pass our instance of gorilla/mux in.
go func() {
_ = srv.ListenAndServe()
Str("ver", c.App.Version).
Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Started %s", c.App.Name))
// Handle graceful shutdown
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
// Block until we receive our signal.
// Close HTTP API if any
if srv != nil {
_ = srv.Shutdown(context.Background())
// Connections are deferred here
return nil
func getFeaturesFlags() map[Feature][]cli.Flag {
flags := map[Feature][]cli.Flag{}
flags[EventFeature] = []cli.Flag{
Name: eventURIFlag,
Usage: "URI to the event server",
Required: true,
Name: EventPrefetchFlag,
Usage: "Prefetch for the event subscriber",
Value: 1,
flags[ConfigFeature] = []cli.Flag{
Name: configAPIURIFlag,
Usage: "URI to the ConfigAPI server",
Required: true,
flags[CacheFeature] = []cli.Flag{
Name: cacheSRVFlag,
Usage: "URI to the cache server",
Required: true,
flags[CrawlingFeature] = []cli.Flag{
Name: torURIFlag,
Usage: "URI to the TOR SOCKS proxy",
Required: true,
Name: userAgentFlag,
Usage: "User agent to use",
Value: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0",
return flags
func configureLogger(ctx *cli.Context) {
log.Logger = log.Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr})
// Set application log level
if lvl, err := zerolog.ParseLevel(ctx.String("log-level")); err == nil {
} else {
log.Debug().Stringer("lvl", zerolog.GlobalLevel()).Msg("Setting log level")