You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import json
import sys
from typing import List
import requests
# This script is used to import list of hostnames to 'blacklist'
# it will pull hostnames from the CT log source (see url variable) & custom define ones
# and blacklist them to prevent useless crawling
url = ""
custom_hostnames = [
'gamebombfak3pwnh.onion', # gaming forum, lot of noise
'metagerv65pwclop2rsfzg4jwowpavpwd6grhhlvdgsswvo6ii4akgyd.onion' # search engine, lot of noise
config_api_uri = sys.argv[1]
def add_if_not_exist(a: List[dict], b: str):
found = False
for i in a:
if i['hostname'] == b:
found = True
if not found:
a.append({'hostname': b})
# Get up-to-date list of real-world / legit .onion
r = requests.get(url)
new_hostnames = []
for hostname in r.text.splitlines():
new_hostnames.append({'hostname': hostname})
print("pulled {} real world hostnames from ct-log.txt".format(len(new_hostnames)))
# Append custom hostnames ignore list
for custom_hostname in custom_hostnames:
add_if_not_exist(new_hostnames, custom_hostname)
print("added {} custom hostnames".format(len(custom_hostnames)))
# Query existing blacklisted hostnames from ConfigAPI
r = requests.get(config_api_uri + "/config/forbidden-hostnames")
forbidden_hostnames = r.json()
print("there is {} forbidden hostnames defined in ConfigAPI".format(len(forbidden_hostnames)))
# Merge the lists while preventing duplicates
for forbidden_hostname in forbidden_hostnames:
add_if_not_exist(new_hostnames, forbidden_hostname['hostname'])
print("there is {} forbidden hostnames now".format(len(new_hostnames)))
# Update ConfigAPI
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
r = requests.put(config_api_uri + "/config/forbidden-hostnames", json.dumps(new_hostnames), headers=headers)
if r.ok:
print("successfully updated forbidden hostnames")