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package indexer
import (
configapi ""
var errHostnameNotAllowed = fmt.Errorf("hostname is not allowed")
// State represent the application state
type State struct {
index index.Index
indexDriver string
configClient configapi.Client
bufferThreshold int
resources []index.Resource
// Name return the process name
func (state *State) Name() string {
return "indexer"
// Description return the process description
func (state *State) Description() string {
return `
The indexing component. It consumes crawled resources, format
them and finally index them using the configured driver.
This component consumes the '' event.`
// Features return the process features
func (state *State) Features() []process.Feature {
return []process.Feature{process.EventFeature, process.ConfigFeature}
// CustomFlags return process custom flags
func (state *State) CustomFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "index-driver",
Usage: "Name of the storage driver",
Required: true,
Name: "index-dest",
Usage: "Destination (config) passed to the driver",
Required: true,
// Initialize the process
func (state *State) Initialize(provider process.Provider) error {
indexDriver := provider.GetStrValue("index-driver")
idx, err := index.NewIndex(indexDriver, provider.GetStrValue("index-dest"))
if err != nil {
return err
state.index = idx
state.indexDriver = indexDriver
state.bufferThreshold = provider.GetIntValue(process.EventPrefetchFlag)
configClient, err := provider.ConfigClient([]string{configapi.ForbiddenHostnamesKey})
if err != nil {
return err
state.configClient = configClient
return nil
// Subscribers return the process subscribers
func (state *State) Subscribers() []process.SubscriberDef {
return []process.SubscriberDef{
{Exchange: event.NewResourceExchange, Queue: fmt.Sprintf("%sIndexingQueue", state.indexDriver), Handler: state.handleNewResourceEvent},
// HTTPHandler returns the HTTP API the process expose
func (state *State) HTTPHandler() http.Handler {
return nil
func (state *State) handleNewResourceEvent(subscriber event.Subscriber, msg event.RawMessage) error {
var evt event.NewResourceEvent
if err := subscriber.Read(&msg, &evt); err != nil {
return err
// make sure hostname hasn't been flagged as forbidden
if allowed, err := constraint.CheckHostnameAllowed(state.configClient, evt.URL); !allowed || err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %w", evt.URL, errHostnameNotAllowed)
// Direct saving (no buffering)
if state.bufferThreshold == 1 {
if err := state.index.IndexResource(index.Resource{
URL: evt.URL,
Time: evt.Time,
Body: evt.Body,
Headers: evt.Headers,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while indexing resource: %s", err)
Str("url", evt.URL).
Msg("Successfully indexed resource")
return nil
// Otherwise we are in buffered saving mode
state.resources = append(state.resources, index.Resource{
URL: evt.URL,
Time: evt.Time,
Body: evt.Body,
Headers: evt.Headers,
log.Debug().Str("url", evt.URL).Msg("Successfully stored resource in buffer")
if len(state.resources) >= state.bufferThreshold {
// Time to save!
if err := state.index.IndexResources(state.resources); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while indexing resources: %s", err)
Int("count", len(state.resources)).
Msg("Successfully indexed buffered resources")
// Clear cache
state.resources = []index.Resource{}
return nil