Some refactoring starts to help us org tests/code

Richard Harding 12 years ago
parent ccac04e567
commit ab79d9632b

@ -6,25 +6,12 @@ from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner
from lxml.html import fragment_fromstring
from lxml.html import fromstring
from breadability.document import OriginalDocument
from breadability.scoring import score_candidates
from breadability.scoring import get_link_density
from breadability.scoring import get_class_weight
from breadability.scoring import is_unlikely_node
from breadability.utils import cached_property
# A series of sets of attributes we check to help in determining if a node is
# a potential candidate or not.
'combx', 'comment', 'community', 'disqus', 'extra', 'foot', 'header',
'menu', '' 'remark', 'rss', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sponsor', 'ad-break',
'agegate', 'pagination' '', 'pager', 'popup', 'tweet', 'twitter',
CLS_MAYBE = set([
'and', 'article', 'body', 'column', 'main', 'shadow',
CLS_WEIGHT_POSITIVE = set(['article', 'body', 'content', 'entry', 'hentry',
'main', 'page', 'pagination', 'post', 'text', 'blog', 'story'])
CLS_WEIGHT_NEGATIVE = set(['combx', 'comment', 'com-', 'contact', 'foot',
'footer', 'footnote', 'masthead', 'media', 'meta', 'outbrain', 'promo',
'related', 'scroll', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sponsor', 'shopping', 'tags',
'tool', 'widget'])
html_cleaner = Cleaner(scripts=True, javascript=True, comments=True,
style=True, links=True, meta=False, add_nofollow=False,
page_structure=False, processing_instructions=True,
@ -33,15 +20,6 @@ html_cleaner = Cleaner(scripts=True, javascript=True, comments=True,
remove_unknown_tags=False, safe_attrs_only=False)
def check_node_attr(node, attr, checkset):
attr = node.get(attr) or ""
check = set(attr.lower().split(' '))
if check.intersection(checkset):
return True
return False
def drop_tag(doc, *tags):
"""Helper to just remove any nodes that match this html tag passed in
@ -79,18 +57,6 @@ def build_base_document(html):
return found_body
def get_link_density(node):
"""Generate a value for the number of links in the node.
:param node: pared elementree node
:returns float:
link_length = len("".join([a.text or "" for a in node.findall(".//a")]))
text_length = len(node.text_content())
return float(link_length) / max(text_length, 1)
def transform_misused_divs_into_paragraphs(doc):
"""Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's
@ -172,79 +138,6 @@ def check_siblings(candidate_node, candidate_list):
return candidate_node
###### SCORING
def get_class_weight(node):
"""Get an elements class/id weight.
We're using sets to help efficiently check for existence of matches.
weight = 0
if check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_WEIGHT_NEGATIVE):
weight = weight - 25
if check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_WEIGHT_POSITIVE):
weight = weight + 25
if check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_WEIGHT_NEGATIVE):
weight = weight - 25
if check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_WEIGHT_POSITIVE):
weight = weight + 25
return weight
def score_candidates(nodes):
"""Given a list of potential nodes, find some initial scores to start"""
candidates = {}
for node in nodes:
content_score = 0
parent = node.getparent()
grand = parent.getparent() if parent is not None else None
innertext = node.text
if parent is None or grand is None:
# If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't even count it.
if innertext and len(innertext) < MIN_HIT_LENTH:
# Initialize readability data for the parent.
# if the parent node isn't in the candidate list, add it
if parent not in candidates:
candidates[parent] = CandidateNode(parent)
if grand not in candidates:
candidates[grand] = CandidateNode(grand)
# Add a point for the paragraph itself as a base.
content_score += 1
# Add points for any commas within this paragraph
content_score += innertext.count(',') if innertext else 0
# For every 100 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up to
# 3 points.
length_points = len(innertext) % 100 if innertext else 0
content_score = length_points if length_points > 3 else 3
# Add the score to the parent. The grandparent gets half. */
if parent is not None:
candidates[parent].content_score += content_score
if grand is not None:
candidates[grand].content_score += content_score
for candidate in candidates.values():
candidate.content_score = candidate.content_score * (1 -
return candidates
def prep_article(doc):
"""Once we've found our target article we want to clean it up.
@ -256,17 +149,17 @@ def prep_article(doc):
def clean_document(candidate):
def clean_document(node):
"""Remove the style attribute on every element."""
clean_list = ['object', 'h1']
keep_keywords = ['youtube', '', 'vimeo']
# If there is only one h2, they are probably using it as a header and
# not a subheader, so remove it since we already have a header.
if len(candidate.node.findall('.//h2')) == 1:
if len(node.findall('.//h2')) == 1:
for n in candidate.node.getiterator():
for n in node.getiterator():
# clean out any incline style properties
n.set('style', '')
@ -304,7 +197,7 @@ def prep_article(doc):
if not n.getchildren() and len(n.text_content()) < 5:
return candidate
return node
def clean_conditionally(doc, clean_el):
"""Remove the clean_el if it looks like bad content based on rules."""
@ -327,24 +220,6 @@ def process(doc):
scorable_node_tags = ['p', 'td', 'pre']
nodes_to_score = []
def is_unlikely_node(node):
"""Short helper for checking unlikely status.
If the class or id are in the unlikely list, and there's not also a
class/id in the likely list then it might need to be removed.
unlikely = check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_UNLIKELY) or \
check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_UNLIKELY)
maybe = check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_MAYBE) or \
check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_MAYBE)
if unlikely and not maybe and node.tag != 'body':
return True
return False
for node in doc.getiterator():
if is_unlikely_node(node):
@ -359,34 +234,6 @@ def process(doc):
return candidates
class CandidateNode(object):
"""We need Candidate nodes we use to track possible article matches
We might have a bunch of these so we use __slots__ to keep memory usage
__slots__ = ['node', 'content_score']
def __init__(self, node):
"""Given node, set an initial score and weigh based on css and id"""
self.node = node
content_score = 0
if node.tag == 'div':
content_score = 5
if node.tag in ['pre', 'td', 'blockquote']:
content_score = 3
if node.tag in ['address', 'ol', 'ul', 'dl', 'dd', 'dt', 'li',
content_score = -3
if node.tag in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'th']:
content_score = -5
content_score += get_class_weight(node)
self.content_score = content_score
class Article(object):
"""Parsed readable object"""
@ -418,311 +265,10 @@ class Article(object):
# for extra content
winner = by_score[0]
updated_winner = check_siblings(winner, candidates)
doc = prep_article(updated_winner)
updated_winner.node = prep_article(updated_winner.node)
doc = build_base_document(updated_winner.node)
doc = prep_article(doc)
doc = build_base_document(doc)
return doc
Algorithm notes for
* grabArticle - Using a variety of metrics (content score, classname, element types), find the content that is
* most likely to be the stuff a user wants to read. Then return it wrapped up in a div.
* @param page a document to run upon. Needs to be a full document, complete with body.
* @return Element
grabArticle: function (page) {
var stripUnlikelyCandidates = readability.flagIsActive(readability.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS),
isPaging = (page !== null) ? true: false;
page = page ? page : document.body;
var pageCacheHtml = page.innerHTML;
var allElements = page.getElementsByTagName('*');
* First, node prepping. Trash nodes that look cruddy (like ones with the class name "comment", etc), and turn divs
* into P tags where they have been used inappropriately (as in, where they contain no other block level elements.)
* Note: Assignment from index for performance. See
* TODO: Shouldn't this be a reverse traversal?
var node = null;
var nodesToScore = [];
for(var nodeIndex = 0; (node = allElements[nodeIndex]); nodeIndex+=1) {
/* Remove unlikely candidates */
if (stripUnlikelyCandidates) {
var unlikelyMatchString = node.className +;
if (
( !== -1 && === -1 &&
node.tagName !== "BODY"
dbg("Removing unlikely candidate - " + unlikelyMatchString);
if (node.tagName === "P" || node.tagName === "TD" || node.tagName === "PRE") {
nodesToScore[nodesToScore.length] = node;
/* Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's */
if (node.tagName === "DIV") {
if ( === -1) {
var newNode = document.createElement('p');
try {
newNode.innerHTML = node.innerHTML;
node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node);
nodesToScore[nodesToScore.length] = node;
catch(e) {
dbg("Could not alter div to p, probably an IE restriction, reverting back to div.: " + e);
for(var i = 0, il = node.childNodes.length; i < il; i+=1) {
var childNode = node.childNodes[i];
if(childNode.nodeType === 3) { // Node.TEXT_NODE
var p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerHTML = childNode.nodeValue; = 'inline';
p.className = 'readability-styled';
childNode.parentNode.replaceChild(p, childNode);
* Loop through all paragraphs, and assign a score to them based on how content-y they look.
* Then add their score to their parent node.
* A score is determined by things like number of commas, class names, etc. Maybe eventually link density.
var candidates = [];
for (var pt=0; pt < nodesToScore.length; pt+=1) {
var parentNode = nodesToScore[pt].parentNode;
var grandParentNode = parentNode ? parentNode.parentNode : null;
var innerText = readability.getInnerText(nodesToScore[pt]);
if(!parentNode || typeof(parentNode.tagName) === 'undefined') {
/* If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't even count it. */
if(innerText.length < 25) {
continue; }
/* Initialize readability data for the parent. */
if(typeof parentNode.readability === 'undefined') {
/* Initialize readability data for the grandparent. */
if(grandParentNode && typeof(grandParentNode.readability) === 'undefined' && typeof(grandParentNode.tagName) !== 'undefined') {
var contentScore = 0;
/* Add a point for the paragraph itself as a base. */
/* Add points for any commas within this paragraph */
contentScore += innerText.split(',').length;
/* For every 100 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up to 3 points. */
contentScore += Math.min(Math.floor(innerText.length / 100), 3);
/* Add the score to the parent. The grandparent gets half. */
parentNode.readability.contentScore += contentScore;
if(grandParentNode) {
grandParentNode.readability.contentScore += contentScore/2;
* After we've calculated scores, loop through all of the possible candidate nodes we found
* and find the one with the highest score.
var topCandidate = null;
for(var c=0, cl=candidates.length; c < cl; c+=1)
* Scale the final candidates score based on link density. Good content should have a
* relatively small link density (5% or less) and be mostly unaffected by this operation.
candidates[c].readability.contentScore = candidates[c].readability.contentScore * (1-readability.getLinkDensity(candidates[c]));
dbg('Candidate: ' + candidates[c] + " (" + candidates[c].className + ":" + candidates[c].id + ") with score " + candidates[c].readability.contentScore);
if(!topCandidate || candidates[c].readability.contentScore > topCandidate.readability.contentScore) {
topCandidate = candidates[c]; }
* If we still have no top candidate, just use the body as a last resort.
* We also have to copy the body node so it is something we can modify.
if (topCandidate === null || topCandidate.tagName === "BODY")
topCandidate = document.createElement("DIV");
topCandidate.innerHTML = page.innerHTML;
page.innerHTML = "";
* Now that we have the top candidate, look through its siblings for content that might also be related.
* Things like preambles, content split by ads that we removed, etc.
var articleContent = document.createElement("DIV");
if (isPaging) { = "readability-content";
var siblingScoreThreshold = Math.max(10, topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2);
var siblingNodes = topCandidate.parentNode.childNodes;
for(var s=0, sl=siblingNodes.length; s < sl; s+=1) {
var siblingNode = siblingNodes[s];
var append = false;
* Fix for odd IE7 Crash where siblingNode does not exist even though this should be a live nodeList.
* Example of error visible here:
if(!siblingNode) {
dbg("Looking at sibling node: " + siblingNode + " (" + siblingNode.className + ":" + + ")" + ((typeof siblingNode.readability !== 'undefined') ? (" with score " + siblingNode.readability.contentScore) : ''));
dbg("Sibling has score " + (siblingNode.readability ? siblingNode.readability.contentScore : 'Unknown'));
if(siblingNode === topCandidate)
append = true;
var contentBonus = 0;
/* Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example same classname */
if(siblingNode.className === topCandidate.className && topCandidate.className !== "") {
contentBonus += topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2;
if(typeof siblingNode.readability !== 'undefined' && (siblingNode.readability.contentScore+contentBonus) >= siblingScoreThreshold)
append = true;
if(siblingNode.nodeName === "P") {
var linkDensity = readability.getLinkDensity(siblingNode);
var nodeContent = readability.getInnerText(siblingNode);
var nodeLength = nodeContent.length;
if(nodeLength > 80 && linkDensity < 0.25)
append = true;
else if(nodeLength < 80 && linkDensity === 0 &&\.( |$)/) !== -1)
append = true;
if(append) {
dbg("Appending node: " + siblingNode);
var nodeToAppend = null;
if(siblingNode.nodeName !== "DIV" && siblingNode.nodeName !== "P") {
/* We have a node that isn't a common block level element, like a form or td tag. Turn it into a div so it doesn't get filtered out later by accident. */
dbg("Altering siblingNode of " + siblingNode.nodeName + ' to div.');
nodeToAppend = document.createElement("DIV");
try { =;
nodeToAppend.innerHTML = siblingNode.innerHTML;
catch(er) {
dbg("Could not alter siblingNode to div, probably an IE restriction, reverting back to original.");
nodeToAppend = siblingNode;
} else {
nodeToAppend = siblingNode;
/* To ensure a node does not interfere with readability styles, remove its classnames */
nodeToAppend.className = "";
/* Append sibling and subtract from our list because it removes the node when you append to another node */
* So we have all of the content that we need. Now we clean it up for presentation.
if (readability.curPageNum === 1) {
articleContent.innerHTML = '<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">' + articleContent.innerHTML + '</div>';
* Now that we've gone through the full algorithm, check to see if we got any meaningful content.
* If we didn't, we may need to re-run grabArticle with different flags set. This gives us a higher
* likelihood of finding the content, and the sieve approach gives us a higher likelihood of
* finding the -right- content.
if(readability.getInnerText(articleContent, false).length < 250) {
page.innerHTML = pageCacheHtml;
if (readability.flagIsActive(readability.FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS)) {
return readability.grabArticle(page);
else if (readability.flagIsActive(readability.FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES)) {
return readability.grabArticle(page);
else if (readability.flagIsActive(readability.FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY)) {
return readability.grabArticle(page);
} else {
return null;
return articleContent;

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# A series of sets of attributes we check to help in determining if a node is
# a potential candidate or not.
'combx', 'comment', 'community', 'disqus', 'extra', 'foot', 'header',
'menu', '' 'remark', 'rss', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sponsor', 'ad-break',
'agegate', 'pagination' '', 'pager', 'popup', 'tweet', 'twitter',
CLS_MAYBE = set([
'and', 'article', 'body', 'column', 'main', 'shadow',
CLS_WEIGHT_POSITIVE = set(['article', 'body', 'content', 'entry', 'hentry',
'main', 'page', 'pagination', 'post', 'text', 'blog', 'story'])
CLS_WEIGHT_NEGATIVE = set(['combx', 'comment', 'com-', 'contact', 'foot',
'footer', 'footnote', 'masthead', 'media', 'meta', 'outbrain', 'promo',
'related', 'scroll', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sponsor', 'shopping', 'tags',
'tool', 'widget'])
def check_node_attr(node, attr, checkset):
attr = node.get(attr) or ""
check = set(attr.lower().split(' '))
if check.intersection(checkset):
return True
return False
def get_link_density(node):
"""Generate a value for the number of links in the node.
:param node: pared elementree node
:returns float:
link_length = len("".join([a.text or "" for a in node.findall(".//a")]))
text_length = len(node.text_content())
return float(link_length) / max(text_length, 1)
def get_class_weight(node):
"""Get an elements class/id weight.
We're using sets to help efficiently check for existence of matches.
weight = 0
if check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_WEIGHT_NEGATIVE):
weight = weight - 25
if check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_WEIGHT_POSITIVE):
weight = weight + 25
if check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_WEIGHT_NEGATIVE):
weight = weight - 25
if check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_WEIGHT_POSITIVE):
weight = weight + 25
return weight
def is_unlikely_node(node):
"""Short helper for checking unlikely status.
If the class or id are in the unlikely list, and there's not also a
class/id in the likely list then it might need to be removed.
unlikely = check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_UNLIKELY) or \
check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_UNLIKELY)
maybe = check_node_attr(node, 'class', CLS_MAYBE) or \
check_node_attr(node, 'id', CLS_MAYBE)
if unlikely and not maybe and node.tag != 'body':
return True
return False
def score_candidates(nodes):
"""Given a list of potential nodes, find some initial scores to start"""
candidates = {}
for node in nodes:
content_score = 0
parent = node.getparent()
grand = parent.getparent() if parent is not None else None
innertext = node.text
if parent is None or grand is None:
# If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't even count it.
if innertext and len(innertext) < MIN_HIT_LENTH:
# Initialize readability data for the parent.
# if the parent node isn't in the candidate list, add it
if parent not in candidates:
candidates[parent] = ScoredNode(parent)
if grand not in candidates:
candidates[grand] = ScoredNode(grand)
# Add a point for the paragraph itself as a base.
content_score += 1
# Add points for any commas within this paragraph
content_score += innertext.count(',') if innertext else 0
# For every 100 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up to
# 3 points.
length_points = len(innertext) % 100 if innertext else 0
content_score = length_points if length_points > 3 else 3
# Add the score to the parent. The grandparent gets half. */
if parent is not None:
candidates[parent].content_score += content_score
if grand is not None:
candidates[grand].content_score += content_score
for candidate in candidates.values():
candidate.content_score = candidate.content_score * (1 -
return candidates
class ScoredNode(object):
"""We need Scored nodes we use to track possible article matches
We might have a bunch of these so we use __slots__ to keep memory usage
__slots__ = ['node', 'content_score']
def __init__(self, node):
"""Given node, set an initial score and weigh based on css and id"""
self.node = node
content_score = 0
if node.tag == 'div':
content_score = 5
if node.tag in ['pre', 'td', 'blockquote']:
content_score = 3
if node.tag in ['address', 'ol', 'ul', 'dl', 'dd', 'dt', 'li',
content_score = -3
if node.tag in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'th']:
content_score = -5
content_score += get_class_weight(node)
self.content_score = content_score

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ from lxml.html import fragment_fromstring
from unittest import TestCase
from breadability.readable import Article
from breadability.readable import CandidateNode
from breadability.readable import get_class_weight
from breadability.readable import get_link_density
from breadability.readable import score_candidates
from breadability.readable import transform_misused_divs_into_paragraphs
from breadability.scoring import ScoredNode
from breadability.tests import load_snippet
from breadability.tests import load_article
@ -130,19 +130,19 @@ class TestCandidateNodes(TestCase):
for n in fives:
doc = fragment_fromstring(n)
self.assertEqual(CandidateNode(doc).content_score, 5)
self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, 5)
for n in threes:
doc = fragment_fromstring(n)
self.assertEqual(CandidateNode(doc).content_score, 3)
self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, 3)
for n in neg_threes:
doc = fragment_fromstring(n)
self.assertEqual(CandidateNode(doc).content_score, -3)
self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, -3)
for n in neg_fives:
doc = fragment_fromstring(n)
self.assertEqual(CandidateNode(doc).content_score, -5)
self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, -5)
class TestClassWeights(TestCase):
