{ "extensionName": { "message": "Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans", "description": "Name of the extension." }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "Save time by asking Buster to solve captchas for you.", "description": "Description of the extension." }, "optionSectionTitle_services": { "message": "Services", "description": "Title of the options section." }, "optionTitle_speechService": { "message": "Speech service", "description": "Title of the option." }, "optionValue_speechService_googleSpeechApiDemo": { "message": "Google Cloud Speech API (demo)", "description": "Value of the option." }, "optionValue_speechService_googleSpeechApi": { "message": "Google Cloud Speech API", "description": "Value of the option." }, "inputLabel_apiKey": { "message": "API key", "description": "Placeholder of the input." }, "buttonText_solve": { "message": "Solve the challenge", "description": "Text of the button." }, "pageTitle": { "message": "$PAGETITLE$ - $EXTENSIONNAME$", "description": "Title of the page.", "placeholders": { "pageTitle": { "content": "$1", "example": "Options" }, "extensionName": { "content": "$2", "example": "Extension Name" } } }, "pageTitle_options": { "message": "Options", "description": "Title of the page." }, "pageTitle_contribute": { "message": "Contribute", "description": "Title of the page." }, "error_captchaNotSolved": { "message": "Captcha could not be solved. Try again after requesting a new challenge.", "description": "Error message." }, "error_missingApiKey": { "message": "API key missing. Visit the options page to configure the service.", "description": "Error message." }, "error_internalError": { "message": "Something went wrong.", "description": "Error message." } }