import audioBufferToWav from 'audiobuffer-to-wav'; import aes from 'crypto-js/aes'; import sha256 from 'crypto-js/sha256'; import utf8 from 'crypto-js/enc-utf8'; import {initStorage, migrateLegacyStorage} from 'storage/init'; import {isStorageReady} from 'storage/storage'; import storage from 'storage/storage'; import { showNotification, sendNativeMessage, processMessageResponse, processAppUse } from 'utils/app'; import { executeCode, scriptsAllowed, getBrowser, getPlatform, getRandomInt, arrayBufferToBase64, normalizeAudio, sliceAudio } from 'utils/common'; import { recaptchaChallengeUrlRx, captchaGoogleSpeechApiLangCodes, captchaIbmSpeechApiLangCodes, captchaMicrosoftSpeechApiLangCodes, captchaWitSpeechApiLangCodes } from 'utils/data'; import {targetEnv, clientAppVersion} from 'utils/config'; let nativePort; let secrets; function getFrameClientPos(index) { let currentIndex = -1; if (window !== { const siblingWindows = window.parent.frames; for (let i = 0; i < siblingWindows.length; i++) { if (siblingWindows[i] === window) { currentIndex = i; break; } } } const targetWindow = window.frames[index]; for (const frame of document.querySelectorAll('iframe')) { if (frame.contentWindow === targetWindow) { let {left: x, top: y} = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); const scale = window.devicePixelRatio; return {x: x * scale, y: y * scale, currentIndex}; } } } async function getFramePos(tabId, frameId, frameIndex) { let x = 0; let y = 0; while (true) { frameId = ( await browser.webNavigation.getFrame({ tabId, frameId }) ).parentFrameId; if (frameId === -1) { break; } const [data] = await executeCode( `(${getFrameClientPos.toString()})(${frameIndex})`, tabId, frameId ); frameIndex = data.currentIndex; x += data.x; y += data.y; } return {x, y}; } function initResetCaptcha() { const initReset = function (challengeUrl) { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.onload = function (ev) {; document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('___resetCaptcha', {detail: challengeUrl}) ); }; script.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('/src/scripts/reset.js'); document.documentElement.appendChild(script); }; const onMessage = function (request) { if ( === 'resetCaptcha') { removeCallbacks(); initReset(request.challengeUrl); } }; const removeCallbacks = function () { window.clearTimeout(timeoutId); chrome.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(onMessage); }; const timeoutId = window.setTimeout(removeCallbacks, 10000); // 10 seconds chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onMessage); } async function resetCaptcha(tabId, frameId, challengeUrl) { frameId = (await browser.webNavigation.getFrame({tabId, frameId})) .parentFrameId; if (!(await scriptsAllowed(tabId, frameId))) { await showNotification({messageId: 'error_scriptsNotAllowed'}); return; } await executeCode(`(${initResetCaptcha.toString()})()`, tabId, frameId); await browser.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, { id: 'resetCaptcha', challengeUrl }, {frameId} ); } function challengeRequestCallback(details) { const url = new URL(details.url); if (url.searchParams.get('hl') !== 'en') { url.searchParams.set('hl', 'en'); return {redirectUrl: url.toString()}; } } async function setChallengeLocale() { const {loadEnglishChallenge, simulateUserInput} = await storage.get([ 'loadEnglishChallenge', 'simulateUserInput' ]); if (loadEnglishChallenge || simulateUserInput) { if ( !browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.hasListener(challengeRequestCallback) ) { browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( challengeRequestCallback, { urls: [ '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*' ], types: ['sub_frame'] }, ['blocking'] ); } } else if ( browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.hasListener(challengeRequestCallback) ) { browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(challengeRequestCallback); } } function removeRequestOrigin(details) { const origin = window.location.origin; const headers = details.requestHeaders; for (const header of headers) { if ( === 'origin' && header.value === origin) { headers.splice(headers.indexOf(header), 1); break; } } return {requestHeaders: headers}; } function addBackgroundRequestListener() { if ( !browser.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.hasListener(removeRequestOrigin) ) { const urls = [ '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', 'https://**', 'https://**' ]; const extraInfo = ['blocking', 'requestHeaders']; if ( targetEnv !== 'firefox' && Object.values(browser.webRequest.OnBeforeSendHeadersOptions).includes( 'extraHeaders' ) ) { extraInfo.push('extraHeaders'); } browser.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( removeRequestOrigin, { urls, types: ['xmlhttprequest'] }, extraInfo ); } } function removeBackgroundRequestListener() { if (browser.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.hasListener(removeRequestOrigin)) { browser.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.removeListener(removeRequestOrigin); } } async function prepareAudio(audio) { const audioBuffer = await normalizeAudio(audio); const audioSlice = await sliceAudio({ audioBuffer, start: 1.5, end: audioBuffer.duration - 1.5 }); return audioBufferToWav(audioSlice); } async function loadSecrets() { try { const ciphertext = await (await fetch('/secrets.txt')).text(); const key = sha256( (await (await fetch('/src/background/script.js')).text()) + (await (await fetch('/src/solve/script.js')).text()) ).toString(); secrets = JSON.parse(aes.decrypt(ciphertext, key).toString(utf8)); } catch (err) { secrets = {}; const {speechService} = await storage.get('speechService'); if (speechService === 'witSpeechApiDemo') { await storage.set({speechService: 'witSpeechApi'}); } } } async function getWitSpeechApiKey(speechService, language) { if (speechService === 'witSpeechApiDemo') { if (!secrets) { await loadSecrets(); } const apiKeys = secrets.witApiKeys; if (apiKeys) { const apiKey = apiKeys[language]; if (Array.isArray(apiKey)) { return apiKey[getRandomInt(1, apiKey.length) - 1]; } return apiKey; } } else { const {witSpeechApiKeys: apiKeys} = await storage.get('witSpeechApiKeys'); return apiKeys[language]; } } async function getWitSpeechApiResult(apiKey, audioContent) { const result = {}; const rsp = await fetch('', { mode: 'cors', method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + apiKey }, body: new Blob([audioContent], {type: 'audio/wav'}) }); if (rsp.status !== 200) { if (rsp.status === 429) { result.errorId = 'error_apiQuotaExceeded'; result.errorTimeout = 6000; } else { throw new Error(`API response: ${rsp.status}, ${await rsp.text()}`); } } else { const data = JSON.parse((await rsp.text()).split('\r\n').at(-1)).text; if (data) { result.text = data.trim(); } } return result; } async function getGoogleSpeechApiResult( apiKey, audioContent, language, detectAltLanguages ) { const data = { audio: { content: arrayBufferToBase64(audioContent) }, config: { encoding: 'LINEAR16', languageCode: language, model: 'video', sampleRateHertz: 16000 } }; if (!['en-US', 'en-GB'].includes(language) && detectAltLanguages) { data.config.model = 'default'; data.config.alternativeLanguageCodes = ['en-US']; } const rsp = await fetch( `${apiKey}`, { mode: 'cors', method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data) } ); if (rsp.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`API response: ${rsp.status}, ${await rsp.text()}`); } const results = (await rsp.json()).results; if (results) { return results[0].alternatives[0].transcript.trim(); } } async function getIbmSpeechApiResult(apiUrl, apiKey, audioContent, model) { const rsp = await fetch( `${apiUrl}/v1/recognize?model=${model}&profanity_filter=false`, { mode: 'cors', method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: 'Basic ' + window.btoa('apikey:' + apiKey), 'X-Watson-Learning-Opt-Out': 'true' }, body: new Blob([audioContent], {type: 'audio/wav'}) } ); if (rsp.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`API response: ${rsp.status}, ${await rsp.text()}`); } const results = (await rsp.json()).results; if (results && results.length) { return results[0].alternatives[0].transcript.trim(); } } async function getMicrosoftSpeechApiResult( apiLocation, apiKey, audioContent, language ) { const rsp = await fetch( `https://${apiLocation}${language}&format=detailed&profanity=raw`, { mode: 'cors', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': apiKey, 'Content-type': 'audio/wav; codec=audio/pcm; samplerate=16000' }, body: new Blob([audioContent], {type: 'audio/wav'}) } ); if (rsp.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`API response: ${rsp.status}, ${await rsp.text()}`); } const results = (await rsp.json()).NBest; if (results) { return results[0].Lexical.trim(); } } async function transcribeAudio(audioUrl, lang) { let solution; const audioRsp = await fetch(audioUrl); const audioContent = await prepareAudio(await audioRsp.arrayBuffer()); const {speechService, tryEnglishSpeechModel} = await storage.get([ 'speechService', 'tryEnglishSpeechModel' ]); if (['witSpeechApiDemo', 'witSpeechApi'].includes(speechService)) { const language = captchaWitSpeechApiLangCodes[lang] || 'english'; const apiKey = await getWitSpeechApiKey(speechService, language); if (!apiKey) { showNotification({messageId: 'error_missingApiKey'}); return; } const result = await getWitSpeechApiResult(apiKey, audioContent); if (result.errorId) { showNotification({ messageId: result.errorId, timeout: result.errorTimeout }); return; } solution = result.text; if (!solution && language !== 'english' && tryEnglishSpeechModel) { const apiKey = await getWitSpeechApiKey(speechService, 'english'); if (!apiKey) { showNotification({messageId: 'error_missingApiKey'}); return; } const result = await getWitSpeechApiResult(apiKey, audioContent); if (result.errorId) { showNotification({ messageId: result.errorId, timeout: result.errorTimeout }); return; } solution = result.text; } } else if (speechService === 'googleSpeechApi') { const {googleSpeechApiKey: apiKey} = await storage.get( 'googleSpeechApiKey' ); if (!apiKey) { showNotification({messageId: 'error_missingApiKey'}); return; } const language = captchaGoogleSpeechApiLangCodes[lang] || 'en-US'; solution = await getGoogleSpeechApiResult( apiKey, audioContent, language, tryEnglishSpeechModel ); } else if (speechService === 'ibmSpeechApi') { const {ibmSpeechApiUrl: apiUrl, ibmSpeechApiKey: apiKey} = await storage.get(['ibmSpeechApiUrl', 'ibmSpeechApiKey']); if (!apiUrl) { showNotification({messageId: 'error_missingApiUrl'}); return; } if (!apiKey) { showNotification({messageId: 'error_missingApiKey'}); return; } const model = captchaIbmSpeechApiLangCodes[lang] || 'en-US_Multimedia'; solution = await getIbmSpeechApiResult(apiUrl, apiKey, audioContent, model); if ( !solution && !['en-US_Multimedia', 'en-GB_Multimedia'].includes(model) && tryEnglishSpeechModel ) { solution = await getIbmSpeechApiResult( apiUrl, apiKey, audioContent, 'en-US_Multimedia' ); } } else if (speechService === 'microsoftSpeechApi') { const {microsoftSpeechApiLoc: apiLocaction, microsoftSpeechApiKey: apiKey} = await storage.get(['microsoftSpeechApiLoc', 'microsoftSpeechApiKey']); if (!apiKey) { showNotification({messageId: 'error_missingApiKey'}); return; } const language = captchaMicrosoftSpeechApiLangCodes[lang] || 'en-US'; solution = await getMicrosoftSpeechApiResult( apiLocaction, apiKey, audioContent, language ); if ( !solution && !['en-US', 'en-GB'].includes(language) && tryEnglishSpeechModel ) { solution = await getMicrosoftSpeechApiResult( apiLocaction, apiKey, audioContent, 'en-US' ); } } if (!solution) { if (['witSpeechApiDemo', 'witSpeechApi'].includes(speechService)) { showNotification({ messageId: 'error_captchaNotSolvedWitai', timeout: 60000 }); } else { showNotification({messageId: 'error_captchaNotSolved', timeout: 6000}); } } else { return solution; } } async function processMessage(request, sender) { if ( === 'notification') { showNotification({ message: request.message, messageId: request.messageId, title: request.title, type: request.type, timeout: request.timeout }); } else if ( === 'captchaSolved') { await processAppUse(); } else if ( === 'transcribeAudio') { addBackgroundRequestListener(); try { return await transcribeAudio(request.audioUrl, request.lang); } finally { removeBackgroundRequestListener(); } } else if ( === 'resetCaptcha') { await resetCaptcha(, sender.frameId, request.challengeUrl); } else if ( === 'getFramePos') { return getFramePos(, sender.frameId, request.frameIndex); } else if ( === 'getOsScale') { let zoom = await browser.tabs.getZoom(; const [[scale, windowWidth]] = await browser.tabs.executeScript(, { code: `[window.devicePixelRatio, window.innerWidth];`, runAt: 'document_start' } ); if (targetEnv === 'firefox') { // function getImageElement(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => { resolve(img); }; img.onerror = () => { resolve(); }; img.onabort = () => { resolve(); }; img.src = url; }); } const screenshotWidth = ( await getImageElement( await browser.tabs.captureVisibleTab({ format: 'jpeg', quality: 10 }) ) ).naturalWidth; if (Math.abs(screenshotWidth / windowWidth - scale * zoom) < 0.005) { zoom = 1; } } return scale / zoom; } else if ( === 'startClientApp') { nativePort = browser.runtime.connectNative('org.buster.client'); } else if ( === 'stopClientApp') { if (nativePort) { nativePort.disconnect(); } } else if ( === 'messageClientApp') { const message = { apiVersion: clientAppVersion, ...request.message }; return sendNativeMessage(nativePort, message); } else if ( === 'openOptions') { browser.runtime.openOptionsPage(); } else if ( === 'getPlatform') { return getPlatform({fallback: false}); } else if ( === 'getBrowser') { return getBrowser(); } else if ( === 'optionChange') { await onOptionChange(); } } function onMessage(request, sender, sendResponse) { const response = processMessage(request, sender); return processMessageResponse(response, sendResponse); } async function onOptionChange() { await setChallengeLocale(); } async function onActionButtonClick(tab) { await browser.runtime.openOptionsPage(); } async function onInstall(details) { if ( ['chrome', 'edge', 'opera'].includes(targetEnv) && ['install', 'update'].includes(details.reason) ) { const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ url: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], windowType: 'normal' }); for (const tab of tabs) { const tabId =; const frames = await browser.webNavigation.getAllFrames({tabId}); for (const frame of frames) { const frameId = frame.frameId; if (frameId && recaptchaChallengeUrlRx.test(frame.url)) { await browser.tabs.insertCSS(tabId, { frameId, runAt: 'document_idle', file: '/src/solve/style.css' }); await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { frameId, runAt: 'document_idle', file: '/src/solve/script.js' }); } } } const setupTabs = await browser.tabs.query({ url: '*', windowType: 'normal' }); for (const tab of setupTabs) { await browser.tabs.reload(; } } } function addBrowserActionListener() { browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(onActionButtonClick); } function addMessageListener() { browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onMessage); } function addInstallListener() { browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(onInstall); } async function setup() { if (!(await isStorageReady())) { await migrateLegacyStorage(); await initStorage(); } await setChallengeLocale(); } function init() { addBrowserActionListener(); addMessageListener(); addInstallListener(); setup(); } init();