size attr fix for #36

deadc0de6 10 months ago
parent 3dbec74e96
commit 7e9a6806ee

@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ Class that represents the catcli catalog
import os
from typing import Optional
from anytree.exporter import JsonExporter # type: ignore
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any
from anytree.exporter import JsonExporter, DictExporter # type: ignore
from anytree.importer import JsonImporter # type: ignore
from anytree import AnyNode # type: ignore
# local imports
from catcli import nodes
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ class Catalog:
@debug: debug mode
@force: force overwrite if exists
self.path = path
self.path = os.path.expanduser(path)
self.debug = debug
self.force = force
self.metanode: Optional[NodeMeta] = None
@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ class Catalog:
def _save_json(self, top: NodeTop) -> bool:
"""export the catalog in json"""
self._debug(f'saving {top} to json...')
exp = JsonExporter(indent=2, sort_keys=True)
dexporter = DictExporter(attriter=attriter)
exp = JsonExporter(dictexporter=dexporter, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
with open(self.path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
exp.write(top, file)
self._debug(f'Catalog saved to json \"{self.path}\"')
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ class Catalog:
def _restore_json(self, string: str) -> Optional[NodeTop]:
"""restore the tree from json"""
imp = JsonImporter()
imp = JsonImporter(dictimporter=_DictImporter(debug=self.debug))
self._debug('import from string...')
root = imp.import_(string)
self._debug(f'Catalog imported from json \"{self.path}\"')
@ -103,3 +105,54 @@ class Catalog:
top = NodeTop(, children=root.children)
self._debug(f'top imported: {top}')
return top
class _DictImporter():
def __init__(self,
nodecls: AnyNode = AnyNode,
debug: bool = False):
self.nodecls = nodecls
self.debug = debug
def import_(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> AnyNode:
"""Import tree from `data`."""
return self.__import(data)
def __import(self, data: Union[str, Any],
parent: AnyNode = None) -> AnyNode:
"""overwrite parent imoprt"""
assert isinstance(data, dict)
assert "parent" not in data
attrs = dict(data)
# replace attr
attrs = back_attriter(attrs, debug=self.debug)
children: Union[str, Any] = attrs.pop("children", [])
node = self.nodecls(parent=parent, **attrs)
for child in children:
self.__import(child, parent=node)
return node
def back_attriter(adict: Dict[str, str],
debug: bool = False) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""replace attribute on json restore"""
attrs = {}
for k, val in adict.items():
if k == 'size':
if debug:
Logger.debug(f'changing {k}={val}')
k = 'nodesize'
attrs[k] = val
return attrs
def attriter(attrs: List[Tuple[str, Any]]) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
"""replace attribute on json save"""
newattr = []
for attr in attrs:
k, val = attr
if k == 'nodesize':
k = 'size'
newattr.append((k, val))
return newattr

@ -74,21 +74,21 @@ class CatcliFilesystem(fuse.LoggingMixIn, fuse.Operations): # type: ignore
maccess = time()
mode: Any = S_IFREG
size: int = 0
nodesize: int = 0
if entry.type == nodes.TYPE_ARCHIVED:
mode = S_IFREG
size = entry.size
nodesize = entry.nodesize
elif entry.type == nodes.TYPE_DIR:
mode = S_IFDIR
size = entry.size
nodesize = entry.nodesize
maccess = entry.maccess
elif entry.type == nodes.TYPE_FILE:
mode = S_IFREG
size = entry.size
nodesize = entry.nodesize
maccess = entry.maccess
elif entry.type == nodes.TYPE_STORAGE:
mode = S_IFDIR
size = entry.size
nodesize = entry.nodesize
maccess = entry.ts
elif entry.type == nodes.TYPE_META:
mode = S_IFREG
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class CatcliFilesystem(fuse.LoggingMixIn, fuse.Operations): # type: ignore
return {
'st_mode': (mode), # file type
'st_nlink': 1, # count hard link
'st_size': size,
'st_size': nodesize,
'st_ctime': maccess, # attr last modified
'st_mtime': maccess, # content last modified
'st_atime': maccess, # access time

@ -138,29 +138,31 @@ class Noder:
@store: store the size in the node
if node.type == nodes.TYPE_FILE:
self._debug(f'size of {node.type} \"{}\": {node.size}')
return node.size
node.__class__ = NodeFile
msg = f'size of {node.type} \"{}\": {node.nodesize}'
return node.nodesize
msg = f'getting node size recursively for \"{}\"'
size: int = 0
fullsize: int = 0
for i in node.children:
if node.type == nodes.TYPE_DIR:
sub_size = self.rec_size(i, store=store)
if store:
i.size = sub_size
size += sub_size
i.nodesize = sub_size
fullsize += sub_size
if node.type == nodes.TYPE_STORAGE:
sub_size = self.rec_size(i, store=store)
if store:
i.size = sub_size
size += sub_size
i.nodesize = sub_size
fullsize += sub_size
self._debug(f'skipping {}')
if store:
node.size = size
self._debug(f'size of {node.type} \"{}\": {size}')
return size
node.nodesize = fullsize
self._debug(f'size of {node.type} \"{}\": {fullsize}')
return fullsize
# public helpers
@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ class Noder:
parent: str, archive: str) -> NodeArchived:
"""create a new node for archive data"""
return NodeArchived(name=name, relpath=path,
parent=parent, size=0, md5='',
parent=parent, nodesize=0, md5='',
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ class Noder:
fullpath = os.path.join(, parents)
out.append(fullpath.replace('"', '""')) # full path
out.append(size_to_str(node.size, raw=raw)) # size
out.append(size_to_str(node.nodesize, raw=raw)) # size
out.append(epoch_to_str(storage.ts)) # indexed_at
if self._has_attr(node, 'maccess'):
out.append(epoch_to_str(node.maccess)) # maccess
@ -392,9 +394,11 @@ class Noder:
if node.type == nodes.TYPE_TOP:
# top node
node.__class__ = NodeTop
elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_FILE:
# node of type file
node.__class__ = NodeFile
name =
if withpath:
if recalcparent:
@ -407,7 +411,7 @@ class Noder:
attr_str = ''
if node.md5:
attr_str = f', md5:{node.md5}'
size = size_to_str(node.size, raw=raw)
size = size_to_str(node.nodesize, raw=raw)
compl = f'size:{size}{attr_str}'
if withstorage:
content = Logger.get_bold_text(
@ -415,6 +419,7 @@ class Noder:
NodePrinter.print_file_native(pre, name, compl)
elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_DIR:
# node of type directory
node.__class__ = NodeDir
name =
if withpath:
if recalcparent:
@ -428,13 +433,14 @@ class Noder:
if withstorage:
storage = self._get_storage(node)
attr: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
if node.size:
attr.append(('totsize', size_to_str(node.size, raw=raw)))
if node.nodesize:
attr.append(('totsize', size_to_str(node.nodesize, raw=raw)))
if withstorage:
attr.append(('storage', Logger.get_bold_text(
NodePrinter.print_dir_native(pre, name, depth=depth, attr=attr)
elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_STORAGE:
# node of type storage
node.__class__ = NodeStorage
sztotal = size_to_str(, raw=raw)
szused = size_to_str( -, raw=raw)
nbchildren = len(node.children)
@ -467,6 +473,7 @@ class Noder:
elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_ARCHIVED:
# archive node
node.__class__ = NodeArchived
if self.arc:
NodePrinter.print_archive_native(pre,, node.archive)
@ -775,9 +782,9 @@ class Noder:
def _sort_size(node: NodeAny) -> float:
"""sorting nodes by size"""
if not node.size:
if not node.nodesize:
return 0
return float(node.size)
return float(node.nodesize)
except AttributeError:
return 0

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class NodeFile(NodeAny):
def __init__(self, # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
name: str,
relpath: str,
size: int,
nodesize: int,
md5: str,
maccess: float,
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class NodeFile(NodeAny): = name
self.type = TYPE_FILE
self.relpath = relpath
self.size = size
self.nodesize = nodesize
self.md5 = md5
self.maccess = maccess
self.parent = parent
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class NodeDir(NodeAny):
def __init__(self, # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
name: str,
relpath: str,
size: int,
nodesize: int,
maccess: float,
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class NodeDir(NodeAny): = name
self.type = TYPE_DIR
self.relpath = relpath
self.size = size
self.nodesize = nodesize
self.maccess = maccess
self.parent = parent
if children:
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class NodeArchived(NodeAny):
def __init__(self, # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
name: str,
relpath: str,
size: int,
nodesize: int,
md5: str,
archive: str,
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class NodeArchived(NodeAny): = name
self.type = TYPE_ARCHIVED
self.relpath = relpath
self.size = size
self.nodesize = nodesize
self.md5 = md5
self.archive = archive
self.parent = parent
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class NodeStorage(NodeAny):
name: str,
free: int,
total: int,
size: int,
nodesize: int,
ts: float,
attr: str,
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class NodeStorage(NodeAny): = free = total
self.attr = attr
self.size = size
self.nodesize = nodesize
self.ts = ts # pylint: disable=C0103
self.parent = parent
if children:
