""" author: deadc0de6 (https://github.com/deadc0de6) Copyright (c) 2017, deadc0de6 Class that process nodes in the catalog tree """ import os import shutil import time from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Any, Optional, Dict, cast import fnmatch import anytree from natsort import os_sort_keygen # local imports from catcli import nodes from catcli.nodes import NodeAny, NodeStorage, \ NodeTop, NodeFile, NodeArchived, NodeDir, NodeMeta, \ typcast_node from catcli.utils import md5sum, fix_badchars, has_attr from catcli.logger import Logger from catcli.printer_native import NativePrinter from catcli.printer_csv import CsvPrinter from catcli.decomp import Decomp from catcli.version import __version__ as VERSION from catcli.exceptions import CatcliException class Noder: """ handles node in the catalog tree There are 4 types of node: * "top" node representing the top node (generic node) * "storage" node representing a storage * "dir" node representing a directory * "file" node representing a file """ # pylint: disable=R0904 def __init__(self, debug: bool = False, sortsize: bool = False, arc: bool = False) -> None: """ @debug: debug mode @sortsize: sort nodes by size @arch: handle archive """ self.hash = True self.debug = debug self.sortsize = sortsize self.arc = arc if self.arc: self.decomp = Decomp() self.csv_printer = CsvPrinter() self.native_printer = NativePrinter() @staticmethod def get_storage_names(top: NodeTop) -> List[str]: """return a list of all storage names""" return [x.name for x in list(top.children)] def find_storage_node_by_name(self, top: NodeTop, name: str) -> Optional[NodeStorage]: """find a storage node by name""" for node in top.children: if node.type != nodes.TYPE_STORAGE: continue if node.name == name: return cast(NodeStorage, node) return None def update_storage_path(self, top: NodeTop, name: str, newpath: str) -> None: """find and update storage path on update""" storage = self.find_storage_node_by_name(top, name) if storage and newpath and os.path.exists(newpath): storage.free = shutil.disk_usage(newpath).free storage.total = shutil.disk_usage(newpath).total storage.ts = int(time.time()) @staticmethod def get_node(top: NodeTop, path: str, quiet: bool = False) -> Optional[NodeAny]: """get the node by internal tree path""" resolv = anytree.resolver.Resolver('name') bpath = '' try: bpath = os.path.basename(path) the_node = resolv.get(top, bpath) typcast_node(the_node) return cast(NodeAny, the_node) except anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: if not quiet: Logger.err(f'No node at path \"{bpath}\"') return None def get_node_if_changed(self, top: NodeTop, path: str, treepath: str) -> Tuple[Optional[NodeAny], bool]: """ return the node (if any) and if it has changed @top: top node (storage) @path: abs path to file @treepath: rel path from indexed directory """ treepath = treepath.lstrip(os.sep) node = self.get_node(top, treepath, quiet=True) # node does not exist if not node: self._debug('\tchange: node does not exist') return None, True if os.path.isdir(path): return node, False # force re-indexing if no maccess maccess = os.path.getmtime(path) if not has_attr(node, 'maccess') or \ not node.maccess: self._debug('\tchange: no maccess found') return node, True # maccess changed old_maccess = node.maccess if float(maccess) != float(old_maccess): self._debug(f'\tchange: maccess changed for \"{path}\"') return node, True # test hash if self.hash and node.md5: md5 = self._get_hash(path) if md5 and md5 != node.md5: msg = f'\tchange: checksum changed for \"{path}\"' self._debug(msg) return node, True self._debug(f'\tchange: no change for \"{path}\"') return node, False ############################################################### # public helpers ############################################################### @staticmethod def attrs_to_string(attr: Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], str]) -> str: """format the storage attr for saving""" if not attr: return '' if isinstance(attr, list): return ', '.join(attr) if isinstance(attr, dict): ret = [] for key, val in attr.items(): ret.append(f'{key}={val}') return ', '.join(ret) attr = attr.rstrip() return attr def do_hashing(self, val: bool) -> None: """hash files when indexing""" self.hash = val ############################################################### # node creation ############################################################### def new_top_node(self) -> NodeTop: """create a new top node""" top = NodeTop(nodes.NAME_TOP) self._debug(f'new top node: {top}') return top def new_file_node(self, name: str, path: str, parent: NodeAny) -> Optional[NodeFile]: """create a new node representing a file""" if not os.path.exists(path): Logger.err(f'File \"{path}\" does not exist') return None path = os.path.abspath(path) try: stat = os.lstat(path) except OSError as exc: Logger.err(f'OSError: {exc}') return None md5 = '' if self.hash: md5 = self._get_hash(path) maccess = os.path.getmtime(path) node = NodeFile(name, stat.st_size, md5, maccess, parent=parent) if self.arc: ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:] if ext.lower() in self.decomp.get_formats(): self._debug(f'{path} is an archive') names = self.decomp.get_names(path) self.list_to_tree(node, names) else: self._debug(f'{path} is NOT an archive') return node def new_dir_node(self, name: str, path: str, parent: NodeAny) -> NodeDir: """create a new node representing a directory""" path = os.path.abspath(path) maccess = os.path.getmtime(path) return NodeDir(name, 0, maccess, parent=parent) def new_storage_node(self, name: str, path: str, parent: str, attrs: Dict[str, Any]) \ -> NodeStorage: """create a new node representing a storage""" path = os.path.abspath(path) free = shutil.disk_usage(path).free total = shutil.disk_usage(path).total epoch = int(time.time()) return NodeStorage(name, free, total, 0, epoch, self.attrs_to_string(attrs), parent=parent) def new_archive_node(self, name: str, parent: str, archive: str) -> NodeArchived: """create a new node for archive data""" return NodeArchived(name=name, parent=parent, nodesize=0, md5='', archive=archive) ############################################################### # node management ############################################################### def update_metanode(self, top: NodeTop) -> NodeMeta: """create or update meta node information""" meta = self._get_meta_node(top) epoch = int(time.time()) if not meta: attrs: Dict[str, Any] = {} attrs['created'] = epoch attrs['created_version'] = VERSION meta = NodeMeta(name=nodes.NAME_META, attr=attrs) meta.attr['access'] = epoch meta.attr['access_version'] = VERSION return meta def _get_meta_node(self, top: NodeTop) -> Optional[NodeMeta]: """return the meta node if any""" try: found = next(filter(lambda x: x.type == nodes.TYPE_META, top.children)) return cast(NodeMeta, found) except StopIteration: return None def clean_not_flagged(self, top: NodeTop) -> int: """remove any node not flagged and clean flags""" cnt = 0 for node in anytree.PreOrderIter(top): typcast_node(node) if node.type not in [nodes.TYPE_DIR, nodes.TYPE_FILE]: continue if self._clean(node): cnt += 1 return cnt def _clean(self, node: NodeAny) -> bool: """remove node if not flagged""" if not node.flagged(): node.parent = None return True node.unflag() return False ############################################################### # printing ############################################################### def _print_node_csv(self, node: NodeAny, sep: str = ',', raw: bool = False) -> None: """ print a node to csv @node: the node to consider @sep: CSV separator character @raw: print raw size rather than human readable """ typcast_node(node) if not node: return if node.type == nodes.TYPE_TOP: return if node.type == nodes.TYPE_STORAGE: self.csv_printer.print_storage(node, sep=sep, raw=raw) else: self.csv_printer.print_node(node, sep=sep, raw=raw) def _print_node_du(self, node: NodeAny, raw: bool = False) -> None: """ print node du style """ typcast_node(node) thenodes = self._get_entire_tree(node, dironly=True) for thenode in thenodes: self.native_printer.print_du(thenode, raw=raw) def _print_node_native(self, node: NodeAny, pre: str = '', withpath: bool = False, withnbchildren: bool = False, withstorage: bool = False, raw: bool = False) -> None: """ print a node @node: the node to print @pre: string to print before node @withpath: print the node path @withnbchildren: print the node nb children @withstorage: print the node storage it belongs to @raw: print raw size rather than human readable """ typcast_node(node) if node.type == nodes.TYPE_TOP: # top node self.native_printer.print_top(pre, node.name) elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_FILE: # node of type file self.native_printer.print_file(pre, node, withpath=withpath, withstorage=withstorage, raw=raw) elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_DIR: # node of type directory self.native_printer.print_dir(pre, node, withpath=withpath, withstorage=withstorage, withnbchildren=withnbchildren, raw=raw) elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_STORAGE: # node of type storage self.native_printer.print_storage(pre, node, raw=raw) elif node.type == nodes.TYPE_ARCHIVED: # archive node if self.arc: self.native_printer.print_archive(pre, node.name, node.archive) else: Logger.err(f'bad node encountered: {node}') def print_tree(self, node: NodeAny, fmt: str = 'native', raw: bool = False) -> None: """ print the tree in different format @node: start node @style: when fmt=native, defines the tree style @fmt: output format @raw: print the raw size rather than human readable """ if fmt == 'native': # "tree" style rend = anytree.RenderTree(node, childiter=self._sort_tree) for pre, _, thenode in rend: self._print_node_native(thenode, pre=pre, withnbchildren=True, raw=raw) elif fmt == 'csv': # csv output self._print_nodes_csv(node, raw=raw) elif fmt == 'csv-with-header': # csv output self.csv_printer.print_header() self._print_nodes_csv(node, raw=raw) def _print_nodes_csv(self, node: NodeAny, raw: bool = False) -> None: """print the tree to csv""" rend = anytree.RenderTree(node, childiter=self._sort_tree) for _, _, item in rend: self._print_node_csv(item, raw=raw) @staticmethod def _fzf_prompt(strings: Any) -> Any: """prompt with fzf""" try: from pyfzf.pyfzf import FzfPrompt # pylint: disable=C0415 # noqa fzf = FzfPrompt() selected = fzf.prompt(strings) return selected except ModuleNotFoundError: Logger.err('install pyfzf to use fzf') return None def _to_fzf(self, node: NodeAny, fmt: str) -> None: """ fzf prompt with list and print selected node(s) @node: node to start with @fmt: output format for selected nodes """ rendered = anytree.RenderTree(node, childiter=self._sort_tree) the_nodes = {} # construct node names list for _, _, rend in rendered: if not rend: continue parents = rend.get_fullpath() storage = rend.get_storage_node() fullpath = os.path.join(storage.name, parents) the_nodes[fullpath] = rend # prompt with fzf paths = self._fzf_prompt(the_nodes.keys()) # print the resulting tree subfmt = fmt.replace('fzf-', '') for path in paths: if not path: continue if path not in the_nodes: continue rend = the_nodes[path] self.print_tree(rend, fmt=subfmt) @staticmethod def to_dot(top: NodeTop, path: str = 'tree.dot') -> str: """export to dot for graphing""" anytree.exporter.DotExporter(top).to_dotfile(path) Logger.info(f'dot file created under \"{path}\"') return f'dot {path} -T png -o /tmp/tree.png' ############################################################### # searching ############################################################### def find(self, top: NodeTop, key: str, script: bool = False, only_dir: bool = False, startnode: Optional[NodeAny] = None, fmt: str = 'native', raw: bool = False) -> List[NodeAny]: """ find files based on their names @top: top node @key: term to search for @script: output script @directory: only search for directories @startpath: node to start with @fmt: output format @raw: raw size output returns the found nodes """ self._debug(f'searching for \"{key}\"') # search for nodes based on path start: Optional[NodeAny] = top if startnode: start = self.get_node(top, startnode) filterfunc = self._callback_find_name(key, only_dir) found = anytree.findall(start, filter_=filterfunc) self._debug(f'found {len(found)} node(s)') # compile found nodes paths = {} for item in found: typcast_node(item) item.name = fix_badchars(item.name) key = item.get_fullpath() paths[key] = item # handle fzf mode if fmt.startswith('fzf'): selected = self._fzf_prompt(paths.keys()) newpaths = {} subfmt = fmt.replace('fzf-', '') for item in selected: if item not in paths: continue newpaths[item] = paths[item] self.print_tree(newpaths[item], fmt=subfmt) paths = newpaths else: if fmt == 'native': for _, item in paths.items(): self._print_node_native(item, withpath=True, withnbchildren=True, withstorage=True, raw=raw) elif fmt.startswith('csv'): if fmt == 'csv-with-header': self.csv_printer.print_header() for _, item in paths.items(): self._print_node_csv(item, raw=raw) # execute script if any if script: tmp = ['${source}/' + x for x in paths] tmpstr = ' '.join(tmp) cmd = f'op=file; source=/media/mnt; $op {tmpstr}' Logger.info(cmd) return list(paths.values()) def _callback_find_name(self, term: str, only_dir: bool) -> Any: """callback for finding files""" def find_name(node: NodeAny) -> bool: typcast_node(node) path = node.get_fullpath() if node.type == nodes.TYPE_STORAGE: # ignore storage nodes return False if node.type == nodes.TYPE_TOP: # ignore top nodes return False if node.type == nodes.TYPE_META: # ignore meta nodes return False if only_dir and node.type == nodes.TYPE_DIR: # ignore non directory return False # filter if not term: return True if term in path: return True if self.debug: Logger.debug(f'match \"{path}\" with \"{term}\"') if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, term): return True # ignore return False return find_name ############################################################### # fixsizes ############################################################### def fixsizes(self, top: NodeTop) -> None: """fix node sizes""" typcast_node(top) rend = anytree.RenderTree(top) for _, _, thenode in rend: typcast_node(thenode) thenode.nodesize = thenode.get_rec_size() ############################################################### # ls ############################################################### def list(self, top: NodeTop, path: str, rec: bool = False, fmt: str = 'native', raw: bool = False) -> List[NodeAny]: """ list nodes for "ls" @top: top node @path: path to search for @rec: recursive walk @fmt: output format @raw: print raw size """ self._debug(f'ls walking path: \"{path}\" from \"{top.name}\"') resolv = anytree.resolver.Resolver('name') found = [] try: if '*' in path or '?' in path: # we need to handle glob self._debug('glob ls...') found = resolv.glob(top, path) else: # we have a canonical path self._debug('get ls...') foundone = resolv.get(top, path) cast(NodeAny, foundone) typcast_node(foundone) if foundone and foundone.may_have_children(): # let's find its children as well modpath = os.path.join(path, '*') found = resolv.glob(top, modpath) else: found = [foundone] if len(found) < 1: # nothing found self._debug('nothing found') return [] if rec: # print the entire tree self.print_tree(found[0].parent, fmt=fmt, raw=raw) return found # sort found nodes found = sorted(found, key=os_sort_keygen(self._sort)) # print all found nodes if fmt == 'csv-with-header': self.csv_printer.print_header() for item in found: if fmt == 'native': self._print_node_native(item, withpath=True, withnbchildren=True, raw=raw) elif fmt.startswith('csv'): self._print_node_csv(item, raw=raw) elif fmt.startswith('fzf'): self._to_fzf(item, fmt) except anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: pass return found ############################################################### # du ############################################################### def diskusage(self, top: NodeTop, path: str, raw: bool = False) -> List[NodeAny]: """disk usage""" self._debug(f'du walking path: \"{path}\" from \"{top.name}\"') resolv = anytree.resolver.Resolver('name') found: NodeAny try: # we have a canonical path self._debug('get du...') found = resolv.get(top, path) if not found: # nothing found self._debug('nothing found') return [] self._debug(f'du found: {found}') self._print_node_du(found, raw=raw) except anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: pass return found ############################################################### # tree creation ############################################################### def _add_entry(self, name: str, top: NodeTop, resolv: Any) -> None: """add an entry to the tree""" entries = name.rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep) if len(entries) == 1: self.new_archive_node(name, top, top.name) return sub = os.sep.join(entries[:-1]) nodename = entries[-1] try: parent = resolv.get(top, sub) parent = self.new_archive_node(nodename, parent, top.name) except anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: self.new_archive_node(nodename, top, top.name) def list_to_tree(self, parent: NodeAny, names: List[str]) -> None: """convert list of files to a tree""" if not names: return resolv = anytree.resolver.Resolver('name') for name in names: name = name.rstrip(os.sep) self._add_entry(name, parent, resolv) ############################################################### # diverse ############################################################### def _get_entire_tree(self, start: NodeAny, dironly: bool = False) -> List[NodeAny]: """ get entire tree and sort it """ typcast_node(start) rend = anytree.RenderTree(start) thenodes = [] if dironly: for _, _, thenode in rend: typcast_node(thenode) if thenode.type == nodes.TYPE_DIR: thenodes.append(thenode) else: thenodes = [x for _, _, x in rend] return sorted(thenodes, key=os_sort_keygen(self._sort)) def _sort_tree(self, items: List[NodeAny]) -> List[NodeAny]: """sorting a list of items""" return sorted(items, key=self._sort, reverse=self.sortsize) def _sort(self, lst: NodeAny) -> Any: """sort a list""" if self.sortsize: return self._sort_size(lst) return self._sort_fs(lst) @staticmethod def _sort_fs(node: NodeAny) -> str: """sort by name""" # to sort by types then name return str(node.name) @staticmethod def _sort_size(node: NodeAny) -> float: """sorting nodes by size""" try: if not node.nodesize: return 0 return float(node.nodesize) except AttributeError: return 0 @staticmethod def _get_hash(path: str) -> str: """return md5 hash of node""" try: return md5sum(path) except CatcliException as exc: Logger.err(str(exc)) return '' def _debug(self, string: str) -> None: """print debug""" if not self.debug: return Logger.debug(string)