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## chantools vanitygen
Generate a seed with a custom lnd node identity public key that starts with the given prefix
### Synopsis
Try random lnd compatible seeds until one is found that
produces a node identity public key that starts with the given prefix.
Example output:
Running vanitygen on 8 threads. Prefix bit length is 17, expecting to approach
probability p=1.0 after 131,072 seeds.
Tested 185k seeds, p=1.41296, speed=14k/s, elapsed=13s
Looking for 022222, found pubkey: 022222f015540ddde9bdf7c95b24f1d44f7ea6ab69bec83d6fbe622296d64b51d6
with seed: [ability roast pear stomach wink cable tube trumpet shy caught hunt
someone border organ spoon only prepare calm silent million tobacco chaos normal
chantools vanitygen [flags]
### Examples
chantools vanitygen --prefix 022222 --threads 8
### Options
-h, --help help for vanitygen
--prefix string hex encoded prefix to find in node public key
--threads uint8 number of parallel threads (default 4)
### Options inherited from parent commands
-r, --regtest Indicates if regtest parameters should be used
-t, --testnet Indicates if testnet parameters should be used
* [chantools]( - Chantools helps recover funds from lightning channels