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## chantools rescuetweakedkey
Attempt to rescue funds locked in an address with a key that was affected by a specific bug in lnd
### Synopsis
There very likely is no reason to run this command
unless you exactly know why or were told by the author of this tool to use it.
chantools rescuetweakedkey [flags]
### Examples
chantools rescuetweakedkey \
--path "m/1017'/0'/5'/0/0'" \
--targetaddr bc1pxxxxxxx
### Options
--bip39 read a classic BIP39 seed and passphrase from the terminal instead of asking for lnd seed format or providing the --rootkey flag
-h, --help help for rescuetweakedkey
--numtries uint the number of mutations to try (default 10000000)
--path string BIP32 derivation path to derive the starting key from; must start with "m/"
--rootkey string BIP32 HD root key of the wallet to use for deriving starting key; leave empty to prompt for lnd 24 word aezeed
--targetaddr string address the funds are locked in
### Options inherited from parent commands
-r, --regtest Indicates if regtest parameters should be used
-s, --signet Indicates if the public signet parameters should be used
-t, --testnet Indicates if testnet parameters should be used
* [chantools]( - Chantools helps recover funds from lightning channels