package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) const deriveKeyFormat = ` Path: %s Network: %s Public key: %x Extended public key (xpub): %v Address: %v Legacy address: %v Taproot address: %v Private key (WIF): %s Extended private key (xprv): %s ` type deriveKeyCommand struct { Path string Neuter bool Identity bool rootKey *rootKey cmd *cobra.Command } func newDeriveKeyCommand() *cobra.Command { cc := &deriveKeyCommand{} cc.cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "derivekey", Short: "Derive a key with a specific derivation path", Long: `This command derives a single key with the given BIP32 derivation path from the root key and prints it to the console.`, Example: `chantools derivekey --path "m/1017'/0'/5'/0/0'" \ --neuter chantools derivekey --identity`, RunE: cc.Execute, } cc.cmd.Flags().StringVar( &cc.Path, "path", "", "BIP32 derivation path to derive; must "+ "start with \"m/\"", ) cc.cmd.Flags().BoolVar( &cc.Neuter, "neuter", false, "don't output private key(s), "+ "only public key(s)", ) cc.cmd.Flags().BoolVar( &cc.Identity, "identity", false, "derive the lnd "+ "identity_pubkey", ) cc.rootKey = newRootKey(cc.cmd, "decrypting the backup") return cc.cmd } func (c *deriveKeyCommand) Execute(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { extendedKey, err := if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error reading root key: %w", err) } if c.Identity { c.Path = lnd.IdentityPath(chainParams) c.Neuter = true } return deriveKey(extendedKey, c.Path, c.Neuter) } func deriveKey(extendedKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey, path string, neuter bool) error { child, pubKey, wif, err := lnd.DeriveKey(extendedKey, path, chainParams) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not derive keys: %w", err) } neutered, err := child.Neuter() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not neuter child key: %w", err) } // Print the address too. hash160 := btcutil.Hash160(pubKey.SerializeCompressed()) addrP2PKH, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(hash160, chainParams) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not create address: %w", err) } addrP2WKH, err := btcutil.NewAddressWitnessPubKeyHash( hash160, chainParams, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not create address: %w", err) } addrP2TR, err := lnd.P2TRAddr(pubKey, chainParams) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not create address: %w", err) } privKey, xPriv := na, na if !neuter { privKey, xPriv = wif.String(), child.String() } result := fmt.Sprintf( deriveKeyFormat, path, chainParams.Name, pubKey.SerializeCompressed(), neutered, addrP2WKH, addrP2PKH, addrP2TR, privKey, xPriv, ) fmt.Println(result) // For the tests, also log as trace level which is disabled by default. log.Tracef(result) return nil }