package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) const ( MaxChannelLookup = 5000 ) type rescueFundingCommand struct { RootKey string `long:"rootkey" description:"BIP32 HD root (m/) key to derive the key for our node from."` OtherNodePub string `long:"othernodepub" description:"The extended public key (xpub) of the other node's multisig branch (m/1017'/'/0'/0)."` FundingAddr string `long:"fundingaddr" description:"The bech32 script address of the funding output where the coins to be spent are locked in."` FundingOutpoint string `long:"fundingoutpoint" description:"The funding transaction outpoint (:)."` FundingAmount int64 `long:"fundingamount" description:"The exact amount in satoshis that is locked in the funding output."` SweepAddr string `long:"sweepaddr" description:"The address to sweep the rescued funds to."` SatPerByte int64 `long:"satperbyte" description:"The fee rate to use in satoshis/vByte."` } func (c *rescueFundingCommand) Execute(_ []string) error { setupChainParams(cfg) var ( extendedKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey otherPub *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey err error ) // Check that root key is valid or fall back to console input. switch { case c.RootKey != "": extendedKey, err = hdkeychain.NewKeyFromString(c.RootKey) default: extendedKey, _, err = lnd.ReadAezeedFromTerminal(chainParams) } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error reading root key: %v", err) } // Read other node's xpub. otherPub, err = hdkeychain.NewKeyFromString(c.OtherNodePub) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing other node's xpub: %v", err) } // Decode target funding address. hash, isScript, err := lnd.DecodeAddressHash(c.FundingAddr, chainParams) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error decoding funding address: %v", err) } if !isScript { return fmt.Errorf("funding address must be a P2WSH address") } return rescueFunding(extendedKey, otherPub, hash) } func rescueFunding(localNodeKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey, otherNodekey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey, scriptHash []byte) error { // First, we need to derive the correct branch from the local root key. localMultisig, err := lnd.DeriveChildren(localNodeKey, []uint32{ lnd.HardenedKeyStart + uint32(keychain.BIP0043Purpose), lnd.HardenedKeyStart + chainParams.HDCoinType, lnd.HardenedKeyStart + uint32(keychain.KeyFamilyMultiSig), 0, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not derive local multisig key: %v", err) } log.Infof("Looking for matching multisig keys, this will take a while") localIndex, otherIndex, script, err := findMatchingIndices( localMultisig, otherNodekey, scriptHash, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not derive keys: %v", err) } log.Infof("Found local key with index %d and other key with index %d "+ "for witness script %x", localIndex, otherIndex, script) // TODO(guggero): // * craft PSBT with input, sweep output and partial signature // * do fee estimation based on full amount // * create `signpsbt` command for the other node operator return nil } func findMatchingIndices(localNodeKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey, otherNodekey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey, scriptHash []byte) (uint32, uint32, []byte, error) { // Loop through both the local and the remote indices of the branches up // to MaxChannelLookup. for local := uint32(0); local < MaxChannelLookup; local++ { for other := uint32(0); other < MaxChannelLookup; other++ { localKey, err := localNodeKey.Child(local) if err != nil { return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error "+ "deriving local key: %v", err) } localPub, err := localKey.ECPubKey() if err != nil { return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error "+ "deriving local pubkey: %v", err) } otherKey, err := otherNodekey.Child(other) if err != nil { return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error "+ "deriving other key: %v", err) } otherPub, err := otherKey.ECPubKey() if err != nil { return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error "+ "deriving other pubkey: %v", err) } script, out, err := input.GenFundingPkScript( localPub.SerializeCompressed(), otherPub.SerializeCompressed(), 123, ) if err != nil { return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("error "+ "generating funding script: %v", err) } if bytes.Contains(out.PkScript, scriptHash) { return local, other, script, nil } } if local > 0 && local%100 == 0 { log.Infof("Checked %d of %d local keys", local, MaxChannelLookup) } } return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("no matching pubkeys found") }