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package btc
import (
type Signer struct {
ExtendedKey *hdkeychain.ExtendedKey
ChainParams *chaincfg.Params
func (s *Signer) SignOutputRaw(tx *wire.MsgTx,
signDesc *input.SignDescriptor) ([]byte, error) {
witnessScript := signDesc.WitnessScript
// First attempt to fetch the private key which corresponds to the
// specified public key.
privKey, err := s.FetchPrivKey(&signDesc.KeyDesc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
privKey = maybeTweakPrivKey(signDesc, privKey)
amt := signDesc.Output.Value
sig, err := txscript.RawTxInWitnessSignature(
tx, signDesc.SigHashes, signDesc.InputIndex, amt,
witnessScript, signDesc.HashType, privKey,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Chop off the sighash flag at the end of the signature.
return sig[:len(sig)-1], nil
func (s *Signer) ComputeInputScript(_ *wire.MsgTx, _ *input.SignDescriptor) (
*input.Script, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented")
func (s *Signer) FetchPrivKey(descriptor *keychain.KeyDescriptor) (
*btcec.PrivateKey, error) {
key, err := DeriveChildren(s.ExtendedKey, []uint32{
HardenedKeyStart + uint32(keychain.BIP0043Purpose),
HardenedKeyStart + s.ChainParams.HDCoinType,
HardenedKeyStart + uint32(descriptor.Family),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return key.ECPrivKey()
// maybeTweakPrivKey examines the single tweak parameters on the passed sign
// descriptor and may perform a mapping on the passed private key in order to
// utilize the tweaks, if populated.
func maybeTweakPrivKey(signDesc *input.SignDescriptor,
privKey *btcec.PrivateKey) *btcec.PrivateKey {
if signDesc.SingleTweak != nil {
return input.TweakPrivKey(privKey, signDesc.SingleTweak)
return privKey