
Tomohisa Kusano 9 years ago
parent 8429913b84
commit dfc63ac8ac

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
- Screen size is currently hardcoded as 1024x768.
- [NEW] "update" command is available and automatically running hourly in "crdonly" mode. This upgrades google-chrome-stable, which gets into effect when you exit and relaunch Chrome.
Google Chrome via VNC
`docker run -p siomiz/chrome`
- Google Chrome, not Chromium, for the ease of Flash plugin management
- on Xvfb
- served by X11VNC (no password; assuming usage via SSH)
Must agree to [Google Chrome ToS][1] to use.
Google Chrome via Chrome Remote Desktop
... so you can use the full Google Chrome with Flash on iPad (with preliminary sound support)!
Much faster than VNC thanks to VP8!
No "desktop"; session goes straight to a maximized chrome.
Prerequisites: Create a Profile Volume
You need a VNC client for the initial setup.
1. `docker run -d --name chrome-profile siomiz/chrome` (NO password so DO NOT simply use -p 5900:5900 to expose it to the world!)
2. Connect to the container via VNC. Find the container's IP address by `docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' chrome-profile`
3. Install the "Chrome Remote Desktop" Chrome extension via VNC and activate it, authorize it, and My Computers > Enable Remote Connections, then set a PIN. (Google Account required)
4. `docker stop chrome-profile`
`docker run -d --volumes-from chrome-profile siomiz/chrome /crdonly` (no port needs to be exposed)
`/crdonly` command will run chrome-remote-desktop in foreground.
On first connection (and after an "unclean" container stop) you will get a "Profile Locked / owned by different process" dialog, which you can just select "Relaunch".
Docker ホスト(ヘッドレス可!)で走らせれば、「艦これ」等 Flash ブラウザゲームを iPad/iPhone/Android 等上の Chrome リモート デスクトップ アプリで一応プレイ可能になります。サウンド付き(遅延があります)。
Chrome は英語版ですが、Web ページ用の日本語フォントは含まれています。
Chrome Updates
It is recommended to `docker pull siomiz/chrome` and restart the container once in a while to update chrome & crd inside (they will not get automatically updated). Optionally you can run `docker exec <chrome-container> update` to upgrade only google-chrome-stable from outside the container (exit Chrome inside CRD after upgrading).