debugged speed errors

Calson Noah 7 years ago
parent 9af46a9cf5
commit b8f95b536f

Binary file not shown.

@ -353,16 +353,16 @@ void main_play(int argc_cmd,int *lesson_choice)
char linetype[150];//char array to hold the total number of characters to to read from file per line.
//fseek(noslac_lessonsp,25531L,SEEK_SET);//places the pointer to the position of the file to read.
unsigned int wrong_letters=0;//sums up the total number of wrong characters entered during program run.
int wrong_letters=0;//sums up the total number of wrong characters entered during program run.
srand((unsigned)time(NULL));//randomizing seed
FILE *noslac_lessonsp;//lesson pointer
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Fatal Error, Some files are missing");
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Fatal Error, Some files are missing");
unsigned short error_store[3000], j=0;//error_store: array of ints to note the index of a wrong character.
while(block_count<=(int)(length_to_read/((chars_to_read+1)*block_length)))//testing inorder to read the entire lesson chosen.
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ void main_play(int argc_cmd,int *lesson_choice)
puts(linetype);//using puts inorder to print the a line and move to the next for the user to follow
i=0;//setting i to 0 to begin new counting.
unsigned short error_store[3000], j=0;//error_store: array of ints to note the index of a wrong character.
while(i<=chars_to_read+1)//adding 1 for the extra enter key after the 77 letters are entered.
int u=0;//loop counter
@ -420,8 +421,8 @@ void main_play(int argc_cmd,int *lesson_choice)
if(time_checker==0)//Making sure time is initialized only once
start_time=(unsigned)time(NULL);//to start timing.
wrong_letters=0;//setting errors to 0 to start next typing session
start_time=(unsigned)time(NULL);//to start timing.
@ -440,15 +441,17 @@ void main_play(int argc_cmd,int *lesson_choice)
if((ch==127||ch==8)&&i==0)//not using '\b' since most terminals are 'cooked' (keys like backspace are handled by terminal driver) //checking for both delete and backspace.
else if(ch==127||ch==8)//testing for delete of backspace
else if((ch==127||ch==8)&&i>0)//testing for delete of backspace
i--;//decremting the number of characters entered when backspaced is pressed.
letter_clear(adapt_to_ver_read());//clearing the backspace printed and making sure it works with many terminal versions
while(u<=j)//counting from u to j, to find if there is a wrong character stored in the error_store array of ints.
if(error_store[u]==i&&wrong_letters>=0)//checking through the array for errased wrong charactes initially entered.
wrong_letters--;//accumulating the number of wrong letters typed
{ //also ensuring before any decrement, wrong_letters>0
wrong_letters--;//decrementing the number of wrong letters.
puts("finally got a case\n");*/
break;//Ensuring that immediately there is a match, the while loop is escaped for speed.
@ -519,3 +522,13 @@ void main_play(int argc_cmd,int *lesson_choice)
/*Wrong letters algorithm:
if a user is at the first position of the line and presses backspace, then, that backspace is simply cleared and i not incremented
the array error_store[] keeps track of the index(the i position of the wrong character) and increments a counter variable j, which which be used as
A stop point in a for loop when this stored inex is searched.
When ever backspace keyed in(i!=0), i is first decremented and a search is done through out the loop to see if the decremented i was stored in error store,
if so, then the user is erasing a wrong character, so the wrong_letters is decremented.*/
/*solving the case where wrong_letters shows a messy value
changing it's type to int and making sure it's always greater than 0